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Sabaudo Collection: Advertising Signs
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Sabaudo Collection: Advertising Signs - 1

A uepjoqeuiepey / ue)se>|neips / SNDIS DNISI1H3ACIV V VERS. 01/05/10 This brochure is printed on Matt plus Fedrigoni Symbol FSC certifed paper, madeof pure cologie ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free) cellulose, with an elevate content of selected recycled material. Brosch啕re gedruckt auf FSC-zertifziertem Fedrigoni-Papier «Symbol plus Matt», hergestellt aus reinem kologischen ECF-Zellstoff (Elemental Chlorine Free), mit hohem Gehalt an Recyclingpapier. Brochure geprint op Fedrigoni symbol Matt plus FSC gecertifﴯceerd papier dat geproduceerd is van pure ecologische cellulose ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free) met een groot percentage gerecycled materiaal. ITALIAN URBAN DESIGN TLF s.r.l. Via del Molino, 42 - 52010 CORSALONE (AR) ITALY el (+39) 0575.53171 - Fax (+39) 0575.5317200 - The dimensions of the equipment in this catalogue can vary by +/-5% with regards to what is indicated. TLF reserves the right to modify any of it's products where necessary for better quality, both dimensional and structural. Die angegebenen Mapeder Produkte dises Katalogs knnen um +/-5% variieren. beh贠lt sich das Recht vor, inhaltliche und maplichenderungen von Ger ten aufgrund technischer oder qualitativerWeiterentwicklung sowienderungen im Design vorzunehmen. De afmetingen van de voorwerpen die in dezecatalogus beschreven worden, kunnen +/- 5% vari+ren ten opzichte van de aangegeven afmetingen. TLF behoudt zich het recht elk product te wijzigen als dit noodzakelijk blijkt om de kwaliteit wat betreft de afmetingen en de structuur ervan te verbeteren.

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Sabaudo Collection: Advertising Signs - 2

Colors / Farben / Kleuren > v All the range of the advertising signs is available in the following colours. Alle Schaukasten sind in den folgenden Farben erhaltlich. De serie reclameborden is in de volgende kleuren verkrijgbaar. RAL 6009 RAL 3005 RAL 7024 RAL7039 RAL 9006 +/- TLF 701 2 ADVERTISING SIGN > with shutters 200 x140 v il-u \ 1 1 ART.900212 > ADVERTISING SIGN WITH SHUTTERS 200x140h support posts designed by "GIUGIARO' shutters in methacrylate, aluminium bases. dimensions (mm): 2390x230x2630h L 2000 . 1400 ART.900213 ADVERTISING SIGN WITH SHUTTERS 200x140h support posts designed by...

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Sabaudo Collection: Advertising Signs - 3

ADVERTISING SIGN > 200x140 2000 ART.900312 > ADVERTISING SIGN 200x140h support posts designed by "GIUGIARO'; aluminium bases dimensions (mm): 2390x230x2630h 2240 ART.900313 > ADVERTISING SIGN 200x140h support posts designed by "GIUGIARO'; without bases dimensions (mm): 2240x80x2630h L 2000 1400 t ,1 I I.I2M ART.900312 SCHAUKASTEN 200x140h Design "GIUGIARO'; aluminiumstandfBe MaBe (mm): 2390x230x2630h ART.900313 SCHAUKASTEN 200x140h Design "GIUGIARO'; ohne StandfBe MaBe (mm): 2240x80x2630h 2160 ART.900312 RECLAMEBORD 200x140h paal "GIUGIARO' design; aluminium onderkant afmetingen (mm):...

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Sabaudo Collection: Advertising Signs - 4

ADVERTISING SIGN > with shutters 140x200 > ART.900413 ADVERTISING SIGN WITH SHUTTERS 140x200h support posts designed by "GIUGIARO" shutters in methacrylate, without bases dimensions (mm): 1640x80x3280h ART.900413 SCHAUKASTEN MIT SCHUTZSCHEIBE 140x200h Design "GIUGIARO" Schutzscheibe aus PMMA, ohne StandfBe MaBe (mm): 1640x80x3280h ART.900413 RECLAMEBORD MET DEUREN 140x200h paal "GIUGIARO" design, methacrylaat deuren zonder onderkant afmetingen (mm): 1640x80x3280h 6 > ADVERTISING SIGN > with shutters 140x200 > > ART.900512 ADVERTISING SIGN WITH SHUTTERS 140x200h support posts designed by...

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Sabaudo Collection: Advertising Signs - 5

ADVERTISING SIGN with shutters 140x100 ART.900612 ADVERTISING SIGN WITH SHUTTERS 140x100h support posts designed by "GIUGIARO'; shutters in methacrylate, aluminium bases dimensions (mm): 1790x230x2500h ART.900613 > ADVERTISING SIGN WITH SHUTTERS 140x100h support posts designed by "GIUGIARO', shutters in methacrylate, without dimensions (mm): 1640x80x2500h ART.900612 SCHAUKASTEN MIT SCHUTZSCHEIBE 140x100h Design "GIUGIARO'' Schutzscheibe aus PMMA, AluminiumstandfuBe MaBe (mm): 1790x230x2500h ART.900613 SCHAUKASTEN MIT SCHUTZSCHEIBE 140x100h Design "GIUGIARO'' Schutzscheibe aus PMMA, ohne...

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Sabaudo Collection: Advertising Signs - 6

ADVERTISING SIGN with shutters 100x140 V 1240 ART.900812 ADVERTISING SIGN WITH SHUTTERS 100x140h support posts designed by "GIUGIARO'; shutters in methacrylate, aluminium bases dimensions (mm): 1390x230x2630h IIL1Q00 - I 1400 ART.900812 SCHAUKASTEN MIT SCHUTZSCHEIBE 100x140h Design "GIUGIARO'; Schutzscheibe aus PMMA, AluminiumstandfuBe MaBe (mm): 1390x230x2630h 10 ART.900812 RECLAMEBORD MET DEUREN 100x140h paal "GIUGIARO' design, methacrylaat deuren, aluminium onderkant afmetingen (mm): 1390x230x2630h ADVERTISING SIGN > with shutters 100x140 v ART.900813 < ADVERTISING SIGN WITH SHUTTERS...

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Sabaudo Collection: Advertising Signs - 7

ADVERTISING SIGN 100x140 ,11100 , 2630 , fi I.B230 '." 1160 . , 1390 ART.900912 ADVERTISING SIGN 100x140h support posts designed by "GIUGIARO" aluminium bases dimensions (mm): 1390x230x2630h IILiooo . 1400 - ART.900913 > ADVERTISING SIGN 100x140h support posts designed by "GIUGIARO", without bases dimensions (mm): 1240x80x2630h ART.900912 SCHAUKASTEN 100x140h Design "GIUGIARO" AluminiumstandfuBe MaBe (mm): 1390x230x2630h ART.900913 SCHAUKASTEN 100x140h Design "GIUGIARO", ohne StandfuBe MaBe (mm): 1240x80x2630h u_IISL ART.900912 RECLAMEBORD 100x140h paal "GIUGIARO" design, aluminium...

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Sabaudo Collection: Advertising Signs - 8

ADVERTISING SIGN with shutters 70x100 v i; m hr ] lll 1000 1 sg ART.901013 > ADVERTISING SIGN WITH SHUTTERS 70x100h support posts designed by "GIUGIARO'; shutters in methacrylate, without bases dimensions (mm): 940x80x2230h ART.901013 SCHAUKASTEN MIT SCHUTZSCHEIBE 70x100h Design "GIUGIARO'' Schutzscheibe aus PMMA, ohne StandfuBe MaBe (mm): 940x80x2230h ART.901013 RECLAMEBORD MET DEUREN 70x100h paal "GIUGIARO' design, methacrylaat deuren zonder onderkant afmetingen (mm): 940x80x2230h 14 A ADVERTISING SIGN > 70x100 v > ART.901112 ADVERTISING SIGN 70x100h support posts designed by "GIUGIARO',...

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  1. Sabaudo Collection

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  3. Sabaudo

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  4. Gardenia Seasons

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