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Excertos do catálogo

Matouche - 6

There are places that are just more than a place where to dwell. There are places which can talk not only to our eyes, but to all our senses. Areas where body and soul are gratified. Objects created to be looked at. Touched. Experienced. Worlds created to please us. To pamper us. To feed us. Surfaces reflecting a new-hedonistic vision of life, like a mirror in front of which we can discover new things and find ourselves again, as well as the countless ranges of harmonious correspondences between us and the places we have chosen. Rex collections find their inspiration not only from pleasure...

Abrir o catálogo na página 6
Matouche - 7

Esistono luoghi che sono molto di piu di un posto dove abitare. Esistono ambienti capaci di parlare non solo alio sguardo, ma a tutti i nostri sensi. Territori di gratificazione del corpo e dell'anima. Oggetti creati per essere guardati. Toccati. Vissuti. Mondi fatti perviziarci. Coccolarci. Nutrirci. Superfici che riflettono una visione neo-edonista della vita, in cui rispecchiarci per scoprire il nuovo ma ritrovare noi stessi, e I'infinita gamma di corrispondenze armoniche tra noi e i luoghi che abbiamo scelto. Al piacere e al lusso, ma anche alia bellezza di entrare in sintonia con...

Abrir o catálogo na página 7
Matouche - 11

II existe des lieux qui sont bien plus qu'un endroit ou habiter II existe des espaces capables de parler non seulement au regard, mais a tous nos sens. Des territoires qui gratifient le corps et I'esprit. Des objets crees pour etre regardes. Touches, Vecus. Des mondes faits pour nous gater, Nous choyer. Nous nourrir, Des surfaces qui refletent une vision neo- hedoniste de la vie, ou nous mirer pour decouvrir la nouveaute mais nous retrouver nous-memes, et la gamme infinie de correspondances harmonieuses entre nous et les lieux que nous avons choisis. Les collections Rex s'inspirent du...

Abrir o catálogo na página 11
Matouche - 14

Matouche evoca la sensual ita e I'awolgente bellezzadei pellami. Una materia esclusiva, morbida e compatta, in un unico grande formato: 60x60 cm. Declinato in 3 colon - ivoire, tabac, charbon - Matouche trasforma gli spazi in ambienti ricchissimi, custodi di sensazioni uniche, Con le texture peau, eleph e croco reinterpreta il lusso e il raro piacere di materie naturali calde ed eleganti. Matouche brings to mind the sensual feel and warm beauty of leather An exclusive, soft and compact material in one single large size: 60x60 cm. Available in 3 colours - ivoire, tabac, charbon - Matouche...

Abrir o catálogo na página 14
Matouche - 19

Matouche erinnert an die Sinnlichkeit und die umschmeichelnde Ein exHusives, weiches und kompaktes Material, in einem einzigen groBen Format: 60x60 cm, In 3 Farbtonen dekliniert - ivoire, tabac, charbon - verwandelt Matouche den Raum in ein wertvolles Ambiente, das einzigartige Gefuhle in sich birgt. eleph und croco wird Luxus und das seltene Vergnugen von warmen und eleganten MaTouche evoca la sensualidad y la acogedora belleza de la piel. Una materia exclusiva, suave y com pacta, en un unico gran formato: 60x60 cm. Graduado en 3 colores - ivoire, tabac y charbon MaTouche transforma los...

Abrir o catálogo na página 19
Matouche - 35

717949 - peau charbon 717952 - eleph charbon 717955 - croco charbon 717959 - peau ivoire 717962 - eleph ivoire 717960 - peau tabac 717963 - eleph tabac 717961 - peau charbon 717964 - eleph charbon

Abrir o catálogo na página 35
Matouche - 36

Squadrato - Squared - Equarri - Rektifiziert - Escuadrado - oSTecaHHbifi peau eleph croco peau eleph croco peau eleph pezz\ tpeda I - apodel trims - pl&cea ap6claJ( tormatQckB-plezoa eopoclaJoa - CnofiE GRES FINE PORCELLANATO (Peau - Eleph) GRES PORCELLANATO COLORATO IN MASSA (Croco) FINE PORCELAIN STONEWARE (Peau - Eleph) COLOURED BODY PORCELAIN STONEWARE (Croco) (Peau - Eleph) GRES CERAME COLORE DANS LA MASSE (Croco) tipologia produttiva Gres porcellanato tecnico non smaltato Bordo squadrato Matouche viene proposto nel formato unico 60x60 al quale vengono abbinati il mosaico atozzetti...

Abrir o catálogo na página 36
Matouche - 38

41042 Fiorano Modenese Mo Italy

Abrir o catálogo na página 38

Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos da Luxury Design

  1. Ardoise

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Catálogos arquivados

  1. étoile de rex

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  3. cat_les_origines

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  4. I Marmi di Rex

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  7. Prexious of Rex

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  8. Selection Oak

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  9. matières de rex

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  10. Visions by Rex

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  11. Extra Light

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  12. planches de rex

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  15. Taiga

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  16. I Preziosi di Rex

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  17. GOLD

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  19. UNIQUE

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  23. LOGICA

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  24. LEAVES

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  27. HORN

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  29. ABISKO

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  31. LOGICA

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  35. Slate Solutions

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  36. abisko catalogue

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  37. ma maison

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  38. ma touche

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  39. ma terre

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