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Sustainability - 1

Hansgrohe Sustainability Report 2013/2014

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Sustainability - 3

1.1 Declaration by the Management Board 7 1.2 Effects of Business Activity and Risks and Opportunities 9 2.2 Most important Brands, Products and Services 10 2.5 Countries with Business Activity 11 2.6 Ownership Structure and Legal Structure 11 2.9 Fundamental Changes to the Size, Structure and Ownership Structure 12 2.10 Awards received during the Reporting Period 12 3.2 Publication of the previous Report 13 3.4 Point of Contact for Questions on the Report and its Content 13 3.5 Procedure when determining the Report's Contents 13 3.7 Limitations to the Scope of the Report 13 3.8 Basis for...

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Sustainability - 4

EC 1 Direct economic value generated and distributed 20 EC 2 Financial implications of climate change 20 EC 3 Coverage of the organization's defined benefit plan obligations 21 EC 4 Financial government assistance 22 EC 5 Entry level wage compared to local minimum wage 22 EC 6 Business policy, practices and proportion of expenditure for local suppliers 22 EC 7 Procedures of local hiring and proportion in management positions 22 EC 8 Development and impact of investments in welfare 22 EC 9 Indirect economic impacts 23 EN 2 Percentage of materials used that are recycled 25 EN 3 Direct energy...

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LA 4 Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements 35 LA 5 Notice periods regarding significant operational changes 36 LA 6 Percentage of workforce represented in health and safety committees 36 LA 7 Injuries, occupational diseases, absences and total work-related deaths 36 LA 8 Health care and counselling 36 LA 9 Health and safety agreements with trade unions 37 LA 10 Further training and education measures 37 LA 11 Skills management and lifelong learning 37 LA 12 Employee performance and career development reviews 37 LA 13 Diversity in the workforce and governance...

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Sustainability - 7

Declaration by the Management Board For decades, Hansgrohe has considered itself to be an “advocate of water”. A sustainable business policy is paired with the passion for this vital, sensitive and precious element. Long-term thinking and action are a traditional part of our company‘s philosophy. This can be seen from our commitment to environmental protection and our various commitments to society and our workforce. The Hansgrohe Group does not consider sustainability to be an obligation. It sees it far more as a driver for innovations in all business sectors, as well as a factor to...

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Production put to the Test Hansgrohe also focuses on sustainability during production. Procedures are continually examined and improved. Hansgrohe is establishing an integrated management system in the company headquarters and in all production sites. On one hand, this ensures the high quality of products and service, while also guaranteeing sustainable handling of resources and energy, occupational safety and health protection for our employees. Hansgrohe is continually improving this management system, ensuring customer satisfaction, improving our environmental sustainability in order to...

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Effects of Business Activity and Risks and Opportunities The highest levels of water and energy consumption arise during the usage of fittings and shower heads. For this reason, Hansgrohe is developing technology to improve water and energy efficiency during use, such as EcoSmart and CoolStart technology. However, the understanding of sustainable action goes far beyond product development. The consistent focussing on sustainability aims raises lots of forward-looking questions on which Hansgrohe concentrates intensively: How can water and energy be used more efficiently in the bathroom to...

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2.2 Most important Brands, Products and Services Hansgrohe is a manufacturer of fittings (bathroom and kitchen), shower heads, complete shower systems, tubs and grey water recycling systems. The products are distributed under four brands. Within the international network of the Hansgrohe Group, Hansgrohe is the brand which has made a name for itself worldwide as a result of product innovations, quality and functionality in the fields of shower heads and bathroom and kitchen fittings. Axor is the designer brand of Hansgrohe SE. In line with its motto – “Designer Visions for Your Bathroom” –...

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Members of the Hansgrohe supervisory board in the 2013 financial year: Klaus Grohe (Chairman) Lau Frandsen (Deputy Chairman) Keith Allman (Group President, Masco Corporation) Gerald Volas (Group President, Masco Corporation) Barbara Scholl (elected employee representative) Stefan Krischak (elected employee representative) Members of the Hansgrohe executive board (as of November 2015): Thorsten Klapproth (Chairman) (since 1st October 2014) Richard Grohe (Deputy Chairman) Frank Schnatz (since 1st Mai 2015) Frank Semling Members of the Hansgrohe executive board in the 2013/2014 reporting...

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In the 2014 reporting period, the import and export turnover of the Hansgrohe Group amounted to over € 874.1 million (2013: € 841.4 million). As of 31st December 2014, the company had 3,650 employees worldwide –149 more than on the previous year’s reporting date. 2.9 Fundamental Changes to the Size, Structure and Ownership Structure There were no fundamental changes to the size, structure or ownership structure in the reporting period. 2.10 Awards received during the Reporting Period The news magazine Focus, XING network and employer ratings platform Kununu awarded Hansgrohe the prize for...

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Reporting Period The reporting period is 2013/2014. For certain indicators, additional information from previous years is also provided to show a better overview of development. 3.2 Publication of the previous Report The last Sustainability Report by Hansgrohe SE for 2011/2012 was published in 2013. The report has been compiled as per the GRI G3 guidelines for Application Level A. 3.3 Report Cycle The report was compiled in accordance with the GRI-Index again for 2014. On this basis, the report is to be updated every two years. 3.4 Point of Contact for Questions on the Report and its...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos da Hansgrohe

  1. Xelu Q

    2 Páginas

  2. EluPura S

    2 Páginas

  3. Novelties 2023

    116 Páginas

  4. Bathroom

    108 Páginas

  5. Kitchen

    72 Páginas

  6. Jocolino 28788570

    1 Páginas

  7. Jocolino

    1 Páginas

  8. Pulsify S

    1 Páginas

  9. Pulsify Select S

    3 Páginas

  10. Vernis Blend

    3 Páginas

  11. Raindance E

    3 Páginas

  12. C71

    2 Páginas

  13. Metris Select M71

    2 Páginas

  14. ShowerSelect S

    1 Páginas

  15. hrgh1042

    40 Páginas

  16. hrgh1057

    36 Páginas

  17. hrgh0664

    12 Páginas

  18. hrgh1609

    40 Páginas

  19. Novus 230

    12 Páginas

  20. Croma

    1 Páginas

  21. Ecostat S

    1 Páginas

  22. Focus

    1 Páginas

  23. Novus

    1 Páginas

  24. AXOR ShowerSelect

    1 Páginas

  25. ShowerSelect

    1 Páginas

  26. 27413340

    1 Páginas

  27. 27409990

    1 Páginas

  28. News 2017

    68 Páginas

  29. Ideas for water.

    106 Páginas


    56 Páginas


    28 Páginas

  32. factsfigures_en

    54 Páginas


    40 Páginas

Catálogos arquivados

  1. 27112000

    1 Páginas

  2. Kitchen mixers

    56 Páginas

  3. EcoSmart

    28 Páginas

  4. NEWS 2015

    88 Páginas

  5. compact hansgrohe

    80 Páginas

  6. News 2013

    60 Páginas

  7. Ideas for water

    58 Páginas


    220 Páginas


    38 Páginas

  10. STARCK X

    26 Páginas


    134 Páginas

  12. AXOR

    196 Páginas

  13. Hansgrohe

    39 Páginas