OPERA - NA10110A
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OPERA - NA10110A - 2

OPERA is a comprehensive range of advanced dry coolers and air‑cooled condensers. Developed using CIAT's recognised expertise in heat exchange, air handling and electronics, they deliver more for less. Each unit and its options are optimised by CIAT's thermal selection software to suit all situations and best match your requirements . The possibilities are multiplied thanks to the extensive choice of fans. OPERA is equipped with the best fans on the market and a high-efficiency tube bundle to guarantee sustainable energy efficiency. The Aerofresh spray cooling system increases OPERA's...

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OPERA - NA10110A - 3

SUSTAINABL E DEVELO PMENT Today, every one is concerned with saving time. Our options tailored to the specific needs of your market have been designed to keep your equipment running smoothly and to save time, during maintenance and normal operation periods. Sizing to your exact specifications is the key to optimising your projects. CIAT's thermal engineers will help you to find the best configuration that will reduce your running costs. OPERA adapts harmoniously to the constraints of its surroundings. Its control system is engineered to keep the sound level low ensuring peace and quiet for...

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OPERA - NA10110A - 4

an elegant, natural choice for your industrial facilities

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OPERA - NA10110A - 5

The fan motor assemblies equipped with high energy efficiency motors and airfoil blades directly cut your energy bills by an average of 15. ENERGY EFFICIENCY The high-efficiency finned bundles and high-tech fan motor assembly disperse large amounts of heat while minimising energy consumption. HIGH TECHNOLOGY

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OPERA - NA10110A - 6

rence range QUALITY & RELIABILITY • Galvanised steel casing coated with polyester paint on both sides • Copper manifolds • Hydraulic connections via stainless steel lap-joint flanges • Shear-resistant tube bundles • Heat exchanger with low refrigerant charge Effects on sound level level On/Off on sound 0 Effects control On/Off control 0 -3 Sound levels are kept low by combining different propeller diametres to the rotation speeds, reinforced by airfoil‑shaped collars and aerodynamic dual‑construction propellers. 25Δ Flow rate 25Δ Flow rate Energy savings Energy savings On/Off control On/Off...

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OPERA - NA10110A - 7

RANGE An e x tensive RANGE The OPERA range is suitable for most applications requiring the use of dry coolers or air-cooled condensers. Its modularity and the options available allow you to choose from very low sound level or high capacity configurations. From 1 to 14 fans. Three housing lengths for optimised capacities and electricity consumption. Capacities of up to 1100 kW. Choice of several propeller diameters. Rotation speeds of 300 to 900 rpm. OPERA is destined to become a centrepiece of CIAT's system offer and a leading reference in its field. P O W E R G E N E R ATO R COOLING •...

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OPERA - NA10110A - 8

CIAT has created the energy ecosystem A machine is not truly efficient unless it is completely integrated with all the elements that interact with the surrounding environment. The resulting installation forms an ecosystem that is both stable and able CIAT's engineers and technicians, experts in heat exchange, acoustics, air handling and electronics, work with a host of research centres and continuously monitor and anticipate changes in our environment. As a result, CIAT is able to combine a remarkable product offer with networked systems in order to provide you with coherent and extremely...

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