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chelsea textiles chelsea editions e m b ro i d e r e d fa b r i c s by kit kemp for chelsea textiles
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e m b ro i d e r e d fa b r i c s by kit kemp for chelsea textiles a hand embroidered fabric collection has been created by kit kemp, design director of firmdale hotels, in collaboration with chelsea textiles’ head designer, jenny simpson. influenced by a sense of the whimsical and the lyrical, as well as a love of animals, the collection features a series of characters and patterns that have a primitive, folkloric feel. the narratives unfold playfully on the fabric, from a star gazing dog and a sailor’s farewell to mythical creatures and a modern take on a suzani. the art of...
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i’ve always cherished embroidery, as an art form as well as a constant source of inspiration for the fabrics i use to decorate rooms. kit kemp
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this particular collection reflects my love of the whimsical and lyrical, and also of my love for animals, both real and imaginary. kit kemp
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there is something timeless and precious about embroidery, it demands to be treasured. kit kemp
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there should always be an element of surprise and a heavy dose of charm guaranteed to make you smile. kit kemp
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this is how i feel most comfortable when dealing with embroidery – exquisitely handcrafted but interwoven with my firm belief that interiors should never be too serious. kit kemp
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photography: dominic blackmore and simon brown. designed by evolve. printed by the colourhouse. all copyright and other intellectual property rights in the fabric designs and the brochure itself are and remain the property of chelsea textiles ltd. chelsea textiles ltd © 2012
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cushions & furniture 232 east 59th street new york, ny 10022 usa tel: +1 908 233 5645 fax: +1 908 233 0644 email: phils @ chelseatextilesusa.com fabrics showroom 232 east 59th street new york, ny 10022 usa tel: +1 212 758 0005 fax: +1 212 758 0006 email: russell @ chelseaeditions.com c h e l s e a t e x t i l e s pa r i s fabrics, cushions & furniture 15 rue du mail 75002 paris, france tel: +33 ( 0 ) 1 40 26 50 11 tel: +33 ( 0 ) 1 40 26 66 43 email: nadineb3 @ wanadoo.fr
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