Brochure Caparol Capacoustic
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Brochure Caparol Capacoustic - 1

Systems for optimum room acoustics Experience Quality.

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Brochure Caparol Capacoustic - 2

CapaCoustic: Feel-good room acoustic Scientific investigations confirm again and again that the gen- hairdressers and beauty salons, halls and exhibition rooms, eral performance, receptivity and power of concentration is hotels, open-plan offices, call centres, foyers, corridors, noticeably increased when the room ambience facilitates easy stairways and other commercial or private working and living conversion and comprehension. Optimum acoustics impro- areas are affected. American studies have found that even in ve the individual sense of well-being and the subjectively clinics there is a...

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Brochure Caparol Capacoustic - 3

cs um Opt im t ic s acous room an attractive visual appearance. The three CapaCoustic systems of Fine, Structure and Melapor are here particularly characterised by application and performance features – here you can be certain: for each application you have the most suitable system available. Please turn over. Subtle acoustics, subtle ceiling: No acoustic ceiling can be more attractive and less conspicuous – CapaCoustic Fine, here in the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich. 2|3

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CapaCoustic Fine um Opt im t ic s cous oom a r CapaCoustic Fine: The finest choice – elegance with style With CapaCoustic Fine you have a high quality, high-end – not even under closer surface examination. This system product available, which is mainly used in the sophisticated offers excellent application possibilities, particularly for exact- interior finishing of private, commercial and public premises, ing challenges in architecture. The excellent acoustic prop- but also in building structures with special architecture. Prom- erties are always ensured by very good absorption values....

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CapaCoustic Fine: University library, Cottbus 4|5

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Brochure Caparol Capacoustic - 6

CapaCoustic Fine - System description System description The CapaCoustic Fine system mainly consists of an acousti- cally effective, pre-coated acoustic plaster PasePoard which is coated with an open-pored plaster. Depending on the ap- plication techniques used for the plaster coating, seamlessly plastered, sound aPsorPing surfaces can Pe produced. Product Description The product properties of the acoustically effective plasters facilitate the creation of very fine structured surfaces, which do not permit the open-pored inner structure to Pe discern- ed. The acoustic system is primarily...

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CapaCoustic Fine: Pinakothek der Moderne, art museum, Munich Sound absorptio CapaCoustic Fine, suspended CapaCoustic Fine, directly bonded

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Brochure Caparol Capacoustic - 8

CapaCoustic Structure um Opt im t ic s acous room Demanding room acoustics – including high light reflection CapaCoustic Structure is the variable favourite for the com- The balanced price/performance ratio is also retained when mercial sector – and at the same time a real trendsetter for additional requirements are placed on the system: Whether all private applications. With its fine surface structure Capa- with integral illumination, public address system or air-hand- Coustic Structure opens up a multitude of possible applicati- ling ceiling – CapaCoustic Structure is an adaptable...

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CapaCoustic Structure: Restaurant at Wacker factory, Darmstadt 8|9

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CapaCoustic Structure - System descr System description The CapaCoustic Structure system consists of a substructu- re of CD profiles, a perforated plaster board mounted accord- ing to the manufacturer's specification, a special full-cover- age acoustic fleece to be applied by the customer and a fine, open-pored spray-plaster coating. The system, Capa- Coustic Structure, is suitable for producing seamless acous- tically effective surfaces in interior areas. The acoustic sys- tem is primarily employed in the ceiling area. On interior walls the application usually only occurs above the heavily...

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iption and planning details CapaCoustic Structure: Cafeteria Caparol, Ober-Ramstadt System structure

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CapaCoustic Melapor um Opt im t ic s acous room Optimum acoustics – fast, individual, colourful CapaCoustic Melapor is a new sound absorbing system. the sustainable improvement of the room acoustics – easy This system consists of a high-tech plastic with very high to apply and always in the customer's desired colour. sound absorption and is ideally suited to all areas in which an existing noise stress is to be reduced sustainably and The system can be integrated easily, quickly and cleanly in without constructional refurbishment measures. the existing environment. A more severe impairment...

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CapaCoustic Melapor: Cafeteria Aeropump, Hochheim 12 | 13

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CapaCoustic Melapor-System descrip Material description CapaCoustic Melapor elements consist of a thermosetting, plasticised soft foam Pased on melamine resin with a filigree, open-celled structure. System description The CapaCoustic Melapor panels can Pe directly adhesively mounted as wall and ceiling linings on a sound suPstrate or suspended as a baffle freely in the room using standard T- rails. Due to the fast mounting and simple application, Capa- Coustic Melapor elements are ideally suited to subsequent System components CapaCoustic Melapor-Kleber, adhesive Flexible and filled...

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Won, planning details, product range Elements for direct adhesive mounting: CapaCoustic Melapor-Panel: Elements for suspension: CapaCoustic Melapor-Baffle Elements for suspension: Accessories for CapaCoustic Melapor Baffles Elements for suspension: CapaCoustic Melapor-Deckensegel, canopy Wall absorber: CapaCoustic Melapor picture Other formats on request, maximum 1200 x 2400.

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CAPAROL Farben Lacke Bautenschutz GmbH Rossdorfer Strasse 50 • D-64372 Ober-Ramstadt Berlin office Production Sites Deutsche Amphibolin-Werke LACUFA GmbH Werk Furstenwalde LACUFA GmbH Werk Kothen LACUFA GmbH Werk Nerchau Meldorfer Flachverblender Caparol Italiana Synthesa Chemie Baustoffindustrie GmbH Mures-Jud. Mures. Geschaftsbereich Lithodecor Caparol Georgia GmbH IChP „Diskom" Zaklad Produkcyjny wZ-lobnicy CAPAROL DNIPRO GmbH Sales Offices Glemadur Farben und Lacke Vert riebsges.m.b.H. DAW BENTA BULGARIA Eood LACUFA GmbH Reprasentanz Belarus BETEK Boya ve Kimya Pars Alvan Paint & Resin...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos da Caparol

  1. CapaSilan

    3 Páginas

  2. ThermoSan

    4 Páginas

  3. Dupa-Haftgrund

    2 Páginas

  4. OptiGrund E.L.F.

    2 Páginas

  5. CapaCoustic

    36 Páginas

  6. CapaDATA

    16 Páginas