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Legend COLOURS FOR ROOFING, WALLING, gu tters , fascia & down pipes † also available in COLORBOND® Stainless steel for Severe Coastal & Industrial environments. ** also available in COLORBOND® Ultra steel for Coastal & Industrial areas. To determine the most suitable material for your project please contact your supplier or refer to www.colorbond.com Paperbark® Classic Cream™ Manor Red® Headland® Sandbank® Shale Grey™ Loft™ ** Jasper® Pale Eucalypt® Evening Haze™ Cottage Green® Wilderness® Surfmist® † ** Windspray® † ** Ironstone® Deep Ocean® † ** Bushland® Dune® † ** Woodland Grey® ** Monument™ Please note that if you are printing this page the colours will not be accurate using most printers and should not be used for colour m atching purposes.
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9 3 2 0 0 7 5 0 5 4 4 0 3 CCI/A NUMBER FOR technical su ppor t & infor mation con tac t 1800 022 999 or visi t www .color bon d.co m RESIDE NTIALCOLORBOND® , ZINCALUME® , BlueScope and ® colour names are registered trade marks of BlueScope Steel Limited. ™ colour names are trade marks of BlueScope Steel Limited. © 2008 by BlueScope Steel Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this leaflet may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of BlueScope Steel...
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panl - line ? building system
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