Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors
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Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors - 1

Isolan® Insulated Balcony Connectors for Concrete to Concrete Applications

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Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors - 3

Ancon designs and manufactures high integrity steel products for the construction industry. Through continuous programmes of new product development, inward investment and employee advancement, the company is committed to maintaining the highest level of customer service within a dynamic and challenging industry. Masonry Support Systems Masonry Reinforcement Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings Channel and Bolt Fixings Tension Systems Stainless Steel Fabrications Flooring and Formed Sections Shear Load Connectors Reinforcement Continuity Systems Punching Shear Reinforcement Insulated Balcony...

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Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors - 4

Isolan Load Connectors Shear ® Insulated Balcony Connectors Rail Shear Reinforcement Ancon Isolan MV System ANCON ISOLAN INSULATED CONNECTORS In applications such as balconies, where concrete slabs pass through the building envelope, a cold bridge is created that can result in significant heat loss. Cold Bridge The Ancon Isolan system is a structural component used to join external concrete balconies to internal concrete floor slabs. It provides continuity to both the reinforcement and the thermal insulation of the wall protecting the building against the effects of cold bridging. Standard...

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Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors - 5

ISOLAN SYSTEMS Standard Isolan systems are available in five heights to suit different depths of balcony i.e. 160, 180, 200, 220 and 240mm, and are supplied complete with stainless steel shear reinforcement. Tension and compression reinforcement to be supplied by others. Notes: For clarity, main reinforcement (supplied by others) has been omitted from these drawings. The Isolan system should always be orientated so the stainless steel shear reinforcing bars are at the bottom of the slab on the side of the load (the balcony side). MV System The Ancon Isolan MV system is used for the transfer...

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Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors - 6

IsolarT Insulated Balcony Connectors Ancon Isolan V System with Compression Reinforcement Supplied by Others The Ancon Isolan system is suitable for straight runs and both internal and external corners. The following drawings show example applications in plan view. Simply Supported Balcony Supported Slab Recessed Balcony 6 Cantilever Balcony with 90° External Corner Obtuse Angle Corner Cantilever Balcony

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Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors - 7

SYSTEM COMPONENTS ISO-Element The ISO-Element is 60mm thick, CFC-free, rigid white polystyrene insulation in a standard length of 750mm. It is available in five heights (160, 180, 200, 220 and 240mm) to suit different depths of balcony. Shear Reinforcement The shear reinforcement is duplex stainless steel grade 1.4462 and is available in three diameters (6, 8 and 10mm) as standard. In addition to the standard systems, this reinforcement can be bent into other required shapes outside the polystyrene insulation element. Tubes Polypropylene tubes with a 27mm internal diameter are located at...

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Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors - 8

Isolan® Insulated Balcony Connectors How to Use The Graphs MV Elements 1. The graph for the height of the Isolan element that corresponds to balcony slab thickness is selected. SPECIFICATION GUIDANCE Design Information The graphs on pages 10 to 14 are used to select the most appropriate Isolan element, and the diameters of the shear, tension and compression reinforcement. Example calculations are provided on the following page. Consideration should be given to horizontal forces on parapets and local concentrated load checks, these are not included in the examples. The graphs provide the...

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Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors - 9

DESIGN EXAMPLES 1. MV Element Depth 180mm = 4.5kN/m2 Dead load slab gk From graph for MV180 select 4Ø6 shear bars, Ø12/16 (tension/compression bars). Product reference 4MV6-180-5Ø12T/5Ø16C. 2. MV Element Depth 220mm = 5.5kN/m2 Dead load slab gk Dead load (point) Gk From graph for MV220 select 4Ø8 shear bars, Ø16/20 (tension/compression bars). Product reference 4MV8-220-5Ø16T/5Ø20C. Dead load finishes gk From V graph select 200mm 4V8/5Ø12C, (4Ø8 shear bars with 5Nr. Ø12 compression bars). Product reference 4V8-200-5Ø12C. 4. FD Element Depth 200mm = 15kN/m Dead load wall Gk Imposed load wall...

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Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors - 10

IsoLan® Insulated Balcony Connectors ■| Q Note: See guidance and design examples on pages 8 and i

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Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors - 11

Isolan MV Element - 180mm Height 70 Shear VRd (kN/m) Note: See guidance and design examples on pages 8 and 9 Isolan MV Element - 200mm Height 80 Shear VRd (kN/m) Note: See guidance and design examples on pages 8 and 9

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Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors - 12

Isolan® Insulated Balcony Connectors Isolan MV Element - 220mm Height 90 Shear VRd (kN/m) Note: See guidance and design examples on pages 8 and 9 Isolan MV Element - 240mm Height 100 Note: See guidance and design examples on pages 8 and 9

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Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors - 13

2 Shear Bars 6mm Diameter - Supplied 4 Compression Bars - To be supplied by others 4 Shear Bars 6mm Diameter - Supplied 5 Compression Bars - To be supplied by others 4 Shear Bars 8mm Diameter - Supplied 5 Compression Bars - To be supplied by others 4 Shear Bars 10mm Diameter - Supplied 5 Compression Bars - To be supplied by others Isolan V Element - Sizes 160,180,200, 220 and 240mm Note: See guidance and design examples on pages 8 and 9 BUILDING PRODUCTS

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Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors - 14

Isolan® Insulated Balcony Connectors Isolan FD Element - Compression Reinforcement Sizes 160, 180, 200, 220 and 240mm 800 Direct Compression FDRd (kN/m) Concrete Thickness (mm) Note: See guidance and design examples on pages 8 and 9 Isolan FZ Element - Tension Reinforcement Sizes 160, 180, 200, 220 and 240mm 1200 1166 kN/m 1100 Direct Tension FZRd (kN/m) 14 Note: See guidance and design examples on pages 8 and 9

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Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors - 15

ANCON ISOLAN ENQUIRY / ORDER FORM Copy, complete and fax to +44 (0) 114 238 1240 Isolan System System Type & Length (standard unit length 750mm) 2 MV 6 FD/FZ System Sketch of intended application Special Configurations Diameter of Shear Reinforcement Delivery Date Delivery Address Address Town Town Post Code Post Code Project Name

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Isolan Insulated Balcony Connectors - 16

Isolan® Insulated Balcony Connectors CORNER DETAILS At balcony corner configurations, if the diameters of the tensile and compressive reinforcement add up to or are greater than 27mm, attention to the local reinforcement detail is required. This is necessary because the inner diameter of the polypropylene tube is 27mm and if the tubes are maintained in the same horizontal plane, the reinforcement would clash. 3rd layer Top of cantilever slab 4th layer In the main load bearing direction the Isolan element is selected to suit the height of the slab, so that the compression reinforcement which...

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