Excertos do catálogo

Uru Wide lounge ch air A wide com-Fort ... A grandeur lounge chair Suitable for home, office and hospitality segment Comfortable wide seating showcasing combination and fabric Available with different colors and upholstery Product Code: URU-GFG Dimensions: 660 W x 7 15 D x 770 H
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Dining Chairs Two part dec;i:jn ... All (teak/ oak) wood dining chair Comfortable seating with leatherette Two part upholstered and wooden design Available in different woods, finishes and upholstery Product code: IKK-MGBR Dimensions: ----lkkita: Uzbek meaning Two Product code: IKK-YLBRW Product code: IKK-BRWSB Product code: IKK-SBBRW
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Dining Chairs Product code : IKK-TKYL Product Code : IKK-WOPL Dimensions : 620 W x 550 D x 700 H ----lkkita: Uzbek meaning Two Product code : IKK-SBMAG Product code: IKK-ROT
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Dining Chairs Product Code: IKK-BLUF Dimensions: 570Wx470 D x 750 H Product Code: IKK-TYDG Dimensions: 570Wx 570 D x 750 H lkkita: Uzbek meaning Two
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Avara Low back woode n ch air Well-chiseled style ... A low back chair for living room, office or hospitality segment Full teakwood structure showcasing beautiful grains and curves Wide comfortable seating Options available for upholstery fabric Also available in non-teakwood Product Code : LBC-TCR Dimensions: _____ Jb~~~==~~= ~b~~=~~~~~~ L 50~53~BH ~~~ - :4W~D:4 ---------:~ x 0 x :5 ~~~~ A vara,Sanskrit meaning Low
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Vinil Office/Dining u-n)ce~ul l?lue ... Chairs designed for office use that can be used as dining chair Frame made in teakwood High quality colorful soft fabric Comfortable seating Product Code : VN-TSB -----------Vinil,Sanskrit meaning Deep Blue
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Vinil Office/Dining chair Product Code : VN-SB-LBD Product Code : VN-SB-BC ·····-----------------------Product Code : VN-SB-LBC Product Code : VN-SB-
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Vinil Office/Din ing chair Product Code : VN-TK-GSLG Product Code: VN-TK-GS Product Code: VN-TK-GY \ Product Code: VN-TK-MG
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Asandi Weaved teakwood chair Product Code : WWC-WNC All teakwood chairs A sleek, delicate looking yet strong chair Ergonomically designed, comfortable Can be used for dining or living room A wide range of color options for wood as well as weaving material -------------------------------------------------------------------Asandi, Sanskrit meaning Chair Product Code : WWC-TG Product Code : WWC-TP
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Asandi Weaved woode n ch air A sleek, delicate looking yet strong chair Ergonomically designed, comfortable Can be used for dining, living room or waiting lounge A wide range of color options for wood as well as weaving material Asandi, Sanskrit meaning Chair Produc t Code : WWC-BC Product Code : WWC-LC Product Code : WWC-OC
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Mruduk A three seated velvety sofa An ultra comfortable stylish sofa Soft and comfortable velvety fabric High quality durable underlying foam Elegant quilting design Product Code: MRU-BR Dimensions: 1910 W x 775 D x 940 H Mruduk, Sanskrit meaning Velvety
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Nisadya Wooden sofa The com-For-table elegance ... A two seated low height sofa High level of comfort with thick soft foam High quality soft fabric Product Code: NS-BT Dimensions: 1660 W x 712 D x 730 H --------------------------------------------------------Nisadya, Sanskrit meaning Sofa
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Nisadya Three seated sofa The com-For-table elegance .. . A three seated low height sofa High level of comfort with thick soft foam High quality soft fabric Code: NS-GY Dimensions: Nisadya, Sanskrit meaning Sofa
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Nisadya Wooden Sofa Set The com-For-table ele9ance ... A combinatino of three and single seated low height sofa High level of comfort w ith thick soft foam High quality soft fabric Product Code: NS-GG ----- -------Nisadya Sanskrit meaning Sofa ,
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Araal Des ign er woode n sofa Ma9ic o-F curves ... Beautiful curves in handles and back enhacing the beauty of wood A two seated low height sofa High level of comfort with thick soft foam with soft fabric Can be used along with single seater chairs w ith similar design
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Araal Designer wooden chair Ma9ic o-F curves ... Beautiful curves in handles and back enhacing the beauty of wood A single seated low height chair High level of comfort with thick soft foam with soft fabric Can be used along with two seater sofa with similar design Product Code: CV-BFl Dimensions: 720 W x 830 D x 790 H Araal, Sanskrit meaning Curvy
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Palash Three seated fabric sofa Color-~ul and com~or-table ... A three seated low height sofa High level of comfort with thick soft foam and soft fabric Customisable with a large number of fabric options Product Code : PL-GS Dimensions : 1690 W x 935 D x 860 H ------------------------------------------------~ Pa/ash,Sanskrit meaning Green
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Living room furniture Penkki Side bench Traditional style, modern -Finishes ... A bench for living room, lobby area or bedroom A traditional design but with modern finishes Decorative upholstery and cushion Also available with drawer options and different colors Product Code: PEN-BRSP Dimensions: 1400 W x 465 D x 500 H ---------------------Penkki:Finnishmeaning Bench
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Living room furniture Penkki Side bench Traditional style, modern -Finishes ... A bench for living room, lobby area or bedroom A traditional design but with modern finishes Decorative upholstery and cushion Available in different patterns and sizes Product Code: PEN-VRSP Product Code: PEN-CRSM ----- --------Penkki:Finnishmeaning Bench
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Dining table Prthu Eight seated dining set Elaborate design ... An eight seated dining table set With detailed design on the table support leg High back royal chairs add to the eleg~nce of the set Quality upholstery material on the chairs Product Code: PU-TBR Dimensions: Prthu,Sanskrit meaning Detailed
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Pranshu Tall back din in g ch a ir Towering style ... A tall high back stylish chair for dining table Available with and without handle Offers comfortable supporti ve seating Designer upholstery fabric Product Code: PR-TBR Dimensions: 610 W x 610 D x 1190 H Code : PU-TBR Dimensions : 1100Dx760H -------------~ ~ ---------------------~ ~----------------------Pranshu, Sanskrit meaning Tall
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Complete Catalog - 2020
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Sofa and Seatings
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Cabinets and Storages
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