Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 125-09-2009 20:14 Pagina 1 “ “ “ les_botanics_01_18_no_disegni:Layout 1 JACQUES GARCIA interprète la lumière interprets light interpreta la luce
Open the catalog to page 3les_botanics_01_18_no_disegni:Layout 1 25-09-2009 20:14 Pagina 2 Passion pour la lumière Depuis plus d’un siècle, la famille Zonca fabrique des luminaires, développant toujours avec imagination l’étendue de sa gamme, des lampes les plus stylées aux lampes les plus high-tech. Aujourd’hui, Zonca est heureux de lancer « Les Botanics », une nouvelle collection créée par le célèbre architecte et décorateur Jacques Garcia qui, par une démarche toute personnelle, a su créer un univers particulièrement sensuel, vivant et joyeux. Cette nouvelle collection, par son esthétisme, s’inscrit parfaitement...
Open the catalog to page 4les_botanics_01_18_no_disegni:Layout 1 25-09-2009 20:14 Pagina 3 A passion for light Passione per la luce For over a century, ZONCA has been interpreting style and design and, today, it is pleased to present “Les Botanics”: a collection of creations with which the famous architect and internal designer Jacques Garcia has interpreted and translated light into a sensual element, lively and carefree with personalised shapes and forms. A design project developed by Garcia and that ts perfectly with ZONCA's philosophy, offering new creative life to contemporary interiors. Da oltre un secolo...
Open the catalog to page 5les_botanics_01_18_no_disegni:Layout 1 25-09-2009 20:14 Pagina 4 JACQUES GARCIA “Quand je crée un décor, pour moi il y a trois choses importantes: en premier la lumière, en second la lumière, en troisième la lumière!“ Jacques Garcia 4
Open the catalog to page 6les_botanics_01_18_no_disegni:Layout 1 25-09-2009 20:14 Pagina 5 Jacques Garcia: un univers audacieux et joyeux “La tentation est forte de s’accommoder de cadres de vie ordinaires” s’amuse à répéter Jacques Garcia. La phrase fait sourire quand on jette un œil sur l’énormité de son travail de décorateur. Et quand Zonca lui demande de créer une nouvelle ligne de lampes, une chose est sure, elles ne seront pas “ordinaires”. D’emblée, il pense jardins, eurs, couleurs, pétales... Ce n’est pas un hasard! Depuis près de 20 ans, il s’investit sans relâche dans sa somptueuse demeure de Champ de...
Open the catalog to page 7les_botanics_01_18_no_disegni:Layout 1 25-09-2009 20:15 Pagina 6 Jacques Garcia: an audacious and exciting universe “The temptation to satisfy ourselves with a mundane lifestyle is strong” Jacques Garcia enjoys repeating. This statement makes us laugh when a look at his immense work as an interior designer. When Zonca asked him to create a new line of lighting xtures, one thing was certain it certainly was not going to be “ordinary and mundane”. He immediately thought of and focused on gardens, owers, colours, petals… And this is by no means a coincidence! For more than 20 years Jacques has...
Open the catalog to page 8les_botanics_01_18:Layout 1 28-09-2009 10:18 Pagina 7 Jacques Garcia: un universo audace e allegro “La tentazione di accontentarsi di quadri di vita ordinaria è forte” si diverte a ripetere Jacques Garcia. La frase fa sorridere quando si da un’occhiata all’immensità del suo lavoro di arredatore. E quando Zonca gli chiede di creare una nuova linea di lampade, una cosa è certa, non saranno “ordinarie”. Immediatamente pensa a giardini, fiori, colori, petali… Questo non è un caso! Da più di 20 anni si dedica senza tregua alla sua sontuosa dimora di “Champs de Bataille” dove dopo avere espresso...
Open the catalog to page 9les_botanics_01_18:Layout 1 28-09-2009 10:18 Pagina 8 “ “ Les Botanics UNE DIVERSITE DE FORMES A L’ I M A G E D E L A R I C H E S S E D E L A N AT U R E A VA R I E T Y O F F O R M S T H AT E X P R E S S E S T H E R I C H N E S S O F N AT U R E U N A D I V E R S I TÀ D I F O R M E A L L’ I M M A G I N E D E L L A R I C C H E Z Z A D E L L A N AT U R A 8
Open the catalog to page 10les_botanics_01_18_no_disegni:Layout 1 VENUS 25-09-2009 LEDA 20:15 Pagina 9 ISIS HATHOR ARIANE 9
Open the catalog to page 11les_botanics_19_34:Layout 1 28-09-2009 10:20 Pagina 20 “ “ Les Botanics TOUTES LES LAMPES SONT DISPONIBLES DANS LES 5 C O U L E U R S C H O I S I E S PA R JACQUES GARCIA A L L L I G H T I N G F I X T U R E S A R E AVA I L A B L E IN THE 5 COLOURS CHOSEN BY JACQUES GARCIA T U T T E L E L A M PA D E S O N O D I S P O N I B I L I NEI 5 COLORI SCELTI DA JACQUES GARCIA 20
Open the catalog to page 22les_botanics_19_34_no_disegni:Layout 1 25-09-2009 20:19 Pagina 21 VRS Rouge Red Rosso VAR Orange Orange Arancio VGL Jaune Yellow Giallo VFM Fumé Smoked Fumè VBC Opale Opal Opale 21
Open the catalog to page 23Wall lamps Table lamps Floor lamps Ceiling lamps Pendant lamps Special solutions Applicazioni speciali Fiches techniques Technical specifications Schede tecniche
Open the catalog to page 25les_botanics_19_34_no_disegni:Layout 1 25-09-2009 20:20 Pagina 25 tanics APPLIQUES WA L L L A M P S L A M PA D E D A PA R E T E “ 25
Open the catalog to page 27Appliques / Wall lamps / Lampade da parete Petites appliques Small wall lamps Finition: chrome brillant Finish: polished chrome Finitura: cromo brillante Grandes appliques Large wall lamps parete grande Finition: chrome brillant Finish: polished chrome Finitura: cromo brillante
Open the catalog to page 29les_botanics_19_34:Layout 1 28-09-2009 10:20 Pagina 28 LEDA Art. 31291 VRS LEDA Art. 31291 Grandes appliques Large wall lamps Lampada da parete grande 28 Appliques / Wall lamps / Lampade da parete Art. 31291 VAR W 55,88” / 22 cm H 157,48” / 62 cm D 83,82” / 33 cm Finition: chrome brillant Finish: polished chrome Finitura: cromo brillante Art. 31291 VGL Art. 31291 VFM Art. 31291 VBC
Open the catalog to page 30les_botanics_19_34_no_disegni:Layout 1 25-09-2009 20:20 Pagina 31 ISIS Appliques / Wall lamps / Lampade da parete Art. 31292 VRS ISIS Art. 31292 Grandes appliques Large wall lamps Lampada da parete grande Art. 31292 VAR Art. 31292 VGL Art. 31292 VFM Art. 31292 VBC W 81,28” / 32 cm H 152,40” / 60 cm D 99,06” / 39 cm Finition: chrome brillant Finish: polished chrome Finitura: cromo brillante 31
Open the catalog to page 33All ZONCA SPA catalogs and technical brochures
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