

Catalog excerpts


ROBGRTO INNOC€NTI ii nuovo sistema doccia cioidesi Qfl aclerente ultrasottile con Flyfall Rain System the new shouuer system with an ultra-thin design that clings to the wall featuring the innovative Flufall Rain System

Open the catalog to page 6

Col on na docci a termos ta ti ca s of fi one incl in a to Semi -i ncass o con LE D Th erm osta ti c sh ower col umn s l opi ng s howerh ead Partial b uil t in with LED Th erm osta t Dus chs äu le sch iefer Kopfb rau se Hal bei ng ebaute mi t LED Col u mn a de du cha termosta ti ca p la to duch a in cli nado Semi-empotrad a con LED Col u mn e d e dou che th ermosta tiqu e pomme de douche i ncl iné Semi encastrée a vec LE D

Open the catalog to page 8

Acci aio Inox l ucid o - CR CR

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Col onna docci a term osta tica sof fione inclina to Sem i -i ncas s o con LED Therm os ta ti c s hower colum n sloping showerhead Parti al bui l t i n wi th LED Therm os ta t Dus chsäule schiefer Kopfbrause Hal bei ngebaute m it LED Col um na de ducha term osta tica pla to ducha inclinado Sem i -em potrada con LED Col um ne de douche therm osta tique pom m e de douche incl i né Sem i encas trée a vec LED Acci aio Inox l ucid o - CR CR

Open the catalog to page 11

Colon na docci a term osta ti ca s of fi one i ncl in a to - Sem i -in cas so con T h erm osta ti c sh ower col u m n sl opi n g sh owerh ead - Parti al b ui l t i n with T h erm os ta t D u schs äul e s chi efer Kopfbraus e - Hal bein g eb aute m i t Colu m n a d e d u ch a term os ta ti ca pl a to du cha i ncl in ado - Sem i -em potrada con Colu m ne d e d ouch e th erm os ta ti qu e p om m e d e douche i ncl in é - Sem i encastrée a vec

Open the catalog to page 12

Colonna doccia termostatica soffione inclinato Thermostatic shower column sloping showerhead Partial built in with LED Thermostat Duschsaule schiefer Kopfbrause Columna de ducha termostatica plato ducha inclinado Columne de douche thermostatique pomme de douche incline Semi encastree avec LED

Open the catalog to page 16

Colon na doccia termos ta tica sof fi one in clin a to - In cas s o T hermosta ti c shower colu mn s lop in g s h owerh ead - B u ilt in versi on T hermosta t Dus chs äul e s ch i efer Kop fb rau s e - U P-Vers ion Colum na de ducha termos ta tica p l a to d u ch a in clin ad o - E m p otrada Colum ne de douche thermosta ti q u e p om m e d e d ou ch e in clin é - E ncastrée

Open the catalog to page 18

Acci aio Inox s pazzola to - ASAS

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OBLIQUA stupisce e appaga per il suggestivo e confortevole sgorgare dell'acqua che avviene attraverso l'innovativo sistema direzionale Flyfall Rain System che permette di contenere in spazi ridotti l'impronta dell'acqua a terra. OBLIQUA’s sensational, comforting, water flow will both astound and satisfy the user. It is achieved through the innovative directional Flyfall Rain System that makes it possible to reduce the area of water fall on the floor.

Open the catalog to page 20

Col on na doccia termos ta tica sof fi one pi an o Semi -incas so con LED Th erm osta ti c s hower col umn pl a te s howerh ead Parti al bui lt i n wi th LED Therm osta t Dus chs äu le f l acher Kopfbraus e Hal being eb au te mi t LED Col u mn a de duch a termos ta ti ca pl a to d ucha pi s o Semi-empotrad a con LED Col um ne de d ouch e thermosta ti que pomme de d ou che pl a te Semi en cas trée a vec LED

Open the catalog to page 22

Acci aio Inox l ucid o - CR CR

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Un orientamento progettuale che indaga il sottile confine tra forma e funzione. Dotata di spessore molto sottile OBLIQUA aderisce con innata eleganza alle pareti integrandosi in modo naturale e raffinato all'ambiente. Purezza e semplicità oltre ad elevata efficienza e funzionalità. Spazio che comunica armonia e bellezza ed invita con naturalezza a momenti di relax e meditazione. With a design that emphasizes the subtle barrier between form and function, OBLIQUA’s ultra-thin structure clings exquisitely to the wall, naturally and elegantly blending in with the environment. Purity and...

Open the catalog to page 25

OBLIQUA > Acciaio Inox lucido - CRCR Colonn a d occia term os ta tica sof fi one pi ano - I n cas s o T h erm os ta ti c s h ower colu mn p la te s howerhead - Bu i l t i n versi on T h erm os ta t D u s ch säu le f l acher Kop fb rau se - U P-Versi on Colu m n a d e d uch a term os ta ti ca p la to duch a pi so - Em p otrad a Colu m n e d e d ou ch e th ermosta ti q u e pom m e de d ouch e pl a te - E ncastrée

Open the catalog to page 26

QCCjUQ strumento cli scansione e clella percorrenzo clello SpQZiO water, an instrument for marking time and passing through space

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Col on na docci a term osta ti ca d ue pez z i s of fi on e pi an o - Sem i -i n cass o con LE D Two-p i eces therm osta ti c s hower col um n p l a te s howerhead - Parti al bu i l t i n wi th LE D Therm os ta t D us chs äu l e z wei Tei l en f l acher Kopfb raus e - Hal bei ng eb aute m it LE D Col um na de d uch a term os ta ti ca dos pi ez as pl a to d uch a p i s o - Sem i -em potrada con LED Col um ne de d ou che th ermosta ti q u e d eux p iéces p om m e d e douche p l a te - Sem i encastrée a vec LED

Open the catalog to page 28

Colonn a d occia term os ta tica due pezzi s of fion e p ian o - In cass o Two-pi eces therm os ta tic s h ower col u m n pla te showerh ead - B ui lt i n vers ion Thermos ta t D us ch s äu le zwei Teil en f l acher Kop fb rau s e - UP-Vers ion Columna de du cha termos ta tica dos pi ezas pl a to d u cha p is o - E mp otrad a Columne de d ou ch e therm os ta tiq u e d eu x piéces pom me de douch e p la te - En cas trée Acci aio Inox l ucid o - CR CR

Open the catalog to page 29

Colon na doccia con term os ta ti co e s of fi on e an ti cal care Sh ower colu mn with therm osta ti c uni t an d anti-l im es cal e s h owerh ead Brau se Z yl in d ermon ta g e m i t th erm osta ti sch em M is cher u n d An ti kal ksch wen kKopfbrau se Col on n e d e dou ch e a vec mi ti g eu r th erm osta ti qu e et p omm e an ticalcai re B raz o d e d uch a con g rup o term os ta tico y p la to an tis arro

Open the catalog to page 33

Col onna docci a con termos ta tico e s of fi on e anticalcare Shower col umn with thermos ta ti c u nit an d an ti -li mes cale sh owerhead Braus e Z yl i nd ermonta ge mi t thermosta ti s chem Mi scher un d An ti kalks chwen kKopfbraus e Col on n e d e douche a vec mitig eu r th ermos ta tiq ue et pomme anticalcai re Braz o de ducha con g rupo termosta ti co y pla to antis arro

Open the catalog to page 35

All ZAZZERI catalogs and technical brochures

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  2. BRASS

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  3. Mille

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  4. Z316

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  5. 900

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  6. tango

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  7. POP

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  8. QQUADRO 2016

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  9. Thermo

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  10. DA-DA

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  11. 800 catalogue

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  12. MODO

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  13. Z - POINT

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  14. K E N T

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  15. M O O N

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  16. N O O X

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  17. rem

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  18. toscano

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  19. trend

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  20. showers

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  22. 100 catalogue

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Archived catalogs

  1. MOON

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