Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1DESIGN FABRIZIO BATON! 1QQ Miscelatore lavabo Single-lever washbasin mixer Waschtisch-Einhebebatterie Monomando para lavabo Mitigeur lavabo
Open the catalog to page 2Cromo - CRCR
Open the catalog to page 3Mis cela tore la va bo Si ngl e-l ever wash bas i n mixer Was chti sch -E inh eb eba tteri e Mon omando para l a va bo Mi tig eur l a va b o
Open the catalog to page 6Mi scel a tore la va bo Si ng le-l ever washbas i n mi xer Waschti sch-Ei nhebeba tteri e Mon omando para l a va bo Mi tig eur l a va bo
Open the catalog to page 8Mi scel a tore l a va b o Sin gle-lever was hbas in mi xer Wasch ti sch-Ei nhebeba tterie Monomando para la va b o Mi ti geur l a va b o 100
Open the catalog to page 9M i scel a tore l a va bo Si n gl e-l ever washb asi n mi xer Wasch ti sch-E i nh ebeb a tteri e M onom an do para l a va bo M i ti geu r l a va bo
Open the catalog to page 10Fini tura Acci aio Spazzola to - ASAS
Open the catalog to page 11Ba tteri a l a va b o a i ncas so Bui lt-i n was hbas in s et Waschti s chba tterie UP-Mont B a terí a l a va bo de empotrar Mélangeur l a va bo à encastrer
Open the catalog to page 13Miscelatore bidet Single-lever bidet mixer Bidet-Einhebebatterie Monomando bide Mitigeur bidet
Open the catalog to page 14Mi scel a tore vas ca a i ncas so Bu ilt-i n ba thtub s et Wan nenba tteri e UP-Mon t. Ba teri a bañera em potrar Mélangeur bain à encastrer
Open the catalog to page 16Miscel a tore vasca es terno Wall m td ba thtub s et Wannen b a tteri e Wandmonta g e Ba téria b anera a pared Mélan g eur bain/douche mural
Open the catalog to page 17Al l es timento vas ca da in cas s o B uil t-in ba thtub eq ui pmen t A u fb erei tung up-montierte Wann en ba tterie Comp os ici ón bañ era de empotrar E qui pement miti geur baig noi re à encastrer
Open the catalog to page 18Sof fion e pri sm a tico Showerh ead pri sm a ti c Pri sm a tis ch kopfbraus e Alcach ofa pri sm a ti co Pom m e d ouche pri s ma ti que Gru p po termosta ti co da i ncas s o d u e u s cite 2-wa y concealed thermos ta ti c mi xer 2-Weg e Therm osta tmi s cher Gru p o term osta ti co empotrad os 2 s alid as Mitigeu r therm osta ti que encas tré à 2 voies Set doccia Shower s et Du sch g arnitur Ju eg o de ducha Garn itu re de douche Coman do a incas so Bu il t-i n control set UP-B ed ienun g Commande à encastrer Mand o de empotrar
Open the catalog to page 23B raccio doccia con s of fi one Sh ower head, compl ete Kopfbraus e, kompl ett Al cach ofa d e duch a, completo Douch e de tete, comp let Comando a in cas s o B uil t-in control s et U P-B edi en ung Commande à en cas trer Mando de empotrar Set doccia Shower s et Dus chg arn itur Juego de duch a Garn iture de d ou che
Open the catalog to page 24Bracci o docci a con sof fi one Shower head , compl ete Kopfbraus e, kompl ett A lcachofa de ducha, comp leto Douch e de tete, complet
Open the catalog to page 25A sta d occi a con s of fi on e anti cal care Sl i di n g bar wi th an ti -l i m es cal e hand sh ower G l ei tstan ge mi t A nti kal kdus chg arn i tu re B arre cou l i ss ante a vec garn i tu re douch e anti cal care B arra corredera con du ch a anti sarro Com an do a i ncass o B u i l t-i n control set UP-B ed i enu n g Com m and e à en cas trer M an do de em p otrar
Open the catalog to page 26B raccio doccia con sof fione Shower head, com plete Kopfbrause, kom plett A lcachofa de ducha, com pleto D ouche de tete, com pl et Gruppo term osta tico COM PA CT da incasso due usci te 2-wa y concealed therm osta tic m ixer COM PA CT 2-Wege Therm osta tm ischer COM PA CT Grupo term osta tico COM PA CT em potrados 2 salidas M i ti geur therm osta tique COM PA CT encastré à 2 voi es Set docci a Shower set D uschgarnitur Juego de ducha G arniture de douche
Open the catalog to page 27DESIGN ROBERTO INNOCENTI M i scel a tore la va bo Si ng l e-l ever wash basi n mixer Waschti sch -Ei n heb eb a tterie M onom an do para l a va bo M i ti g eur l a va bo 028
Open the catalog to page 28Mis cela tore la va bo Si ngl e-l ever wash bas i n mixer Was chti sch -E inh eb eba tteri e Mon omando para l a va bo Mi tig eur l a va b o
Open the catalog to page 32M i scel a tore l a va bo Si n gl e-l ever washb asi n mi xer Wasch ti sch-E i nh ebeb a tteri e M onom an do para l a va bo M i ti geu r l a va bo
Open the catalog to page 34B a tteri a l a va b o a i n cas so B ui l t-i n was hb asi n set Was chti sch b a tteri e U P-Mont B a terí a l a va bo d e emp otrar Mél an geu r l a va bo à encastrer
Open the catalog to page 36Mis cela tore bi det Si ngl e-l ever bidet mixer B idet-Ein heb eba tteri e Mon omando b id é Miti geu r bid et 038
Open the catalog to page 38Cromo - CRCR
Open the catalog to page 39M i scel a tore vas ca esterno Wal l m td b a thtub s et Wan nen ba tteri e Wand monta ge B a téri a banera a pared M él an geu r b ai n/d ouch e mural
Open the catalog to page 40Mi s cel a tore vas ca a incas so B uil t-in ba thtub s et Wan nenba tteri e UP-Mont. Ba teri a bañera empotrar Mél angeur bai n à encas trer
Open the catalog to page 43B racci o d occi a con s of fi one Sh ower head , com p l ete Kopfbrau se, kom p l ett A l cach ofa d e duch a, com pleto D ou che de tete, com pl et Sof fi onci ni rettang ol ari R ectang ul ar sh owerh ead s Rech tecki ge B rau sen Peq ueñ os roci ad ores rectangu lares Peti tes pom m es rectang ul ai res Com an di i nd i pend enti e termos ta tico I n depen den t control s and thermosta ti c unit U na b hän g i ge Schal ter und Thermos ta tba tterie M and os i n dep en di en tes y termos tático Com m an des i n dép en dan tes et thermos ta tiqu e Set docci a Sh ower s et D usch garn i...
Open the catalog to page 46B racci o con sof fi on e i n ottone anti calcare Sh ower arm wi th brass anti l i m escal e s howerhead D ouch e d e tete a vec p om me d e d ou che en l ai ton anti calcaire B raus earm m i t A n ti kal k-M ess i ngkopfbraus e B raz o du cha com pl eto con p l a to i n la tòn antical
Open the catalog to page 48Braccio con s of fion e i n ox l ig h t an ti calcare Shower arm with antili mes cal e l i gh t in ox sh owerh ead Douch e de tete a vec p om m e d e dou ch e an ti cal cai re en l i gh t i n ox Braus earm m it A n tikal kkop fb rau s e au s leicht Edels tah l Brazo d u ch a comp leto con pl a to in in ox lig ht anti cal
Open the catalog to page 49A sta d occi a con s of fi one an ti cal care Slid i ng b ar wi th an ti -l i m escal e hands hower G leits tan g e m i t A nti kal kd u sch garni tu re B arre cou l i s san te a vec g arn i tu re d ouch e an ti cal care B arra corred era con d u cha anti s arro Com ando a incasso B ui l t-i n control set U P-B ed ienu ng Com m ande à en castrer M ando de empotrar
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