Catalog excerpts

8.0 S100 System furniture Inhalt Contents Explanation of system 8.0 Compositions Depth 43 cm, System furniture Storage unit height 2H 32cm Storage unit height 3H 46cm Storage unit height 4H 61cm Storage unit height 5H 75cm Storage unit height 6H 90cm Depth 51,6 cm, System furniture Storage unit height 2H 32cm Storage unit height 3H 46cm Storage unit height 4H 61cm Storage unit height 5H 75cm Storage unit height 6H 90cm Depth 51,6 cm, Roomdivider, System furniture Storage unit height 2H 32cm Storage unit height 3H 46cm Storage unit height 4H 61cm Storage unit height 5H 75cm Storage unit height 6H 90cm Cabinets/Wall hanging elements 8.5 S100 Desk, Dining table, Coffee table 8.6 Equipment 8.0.1 | Yomei GmbH | Errors and misprints excepted! 12/2018
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Base of this system S100 is a variable system based on squares of 14.4 x 14.4 cm. Width and storage unit heights can easily be planed by the addition/multiplication of this size. Even the sizes of the interior drawers, flaps and doors are based on the same square size. You will find a planning guide at the end of this pricelist. The five different carcass-heights of the S100 furniture system provide the right furniture for any use. You can select from the following heights: 2H (32 cm), 3H (46 cm), 4H (61 cm), 5H (72 cm) or 6H (90 cm). 8.0.2 | Yomei GmbH | Errors and misprints excepted!...
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The S100 basic carcass is available in depths of 43 cm and 51.6 cm for standing against a wall, or a depth of 51.6 cm for use as a room divider. The wall-mounted elements have a depth of 32 cm. depth 51.6 cm | room divider depth 32 cm | special depth wall hanging element The S100 furniture system is available with a base, with a stainless steel frame in 4 different heights, or wall hanging. 8.0.3 | Yomei GmbH | Errors and misprints excepted! 12/2018
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Basic unit: - 5 different heights: 2H (32 cm), 3H (46 cm), 4H (61 cm), 5H (72 cm) or 6H (90 cm) - 11 different widths available, starting with 8R (unit height 115.2 cm) up to 36R (unit height 522 cm) - 2 different depths: 43 cm and 51.6 cm - As a room divider with 51.6 cm depth and slim edge design on the front and on the back - Back panel has the same surface as the front, rigid and without vertical separation - Available in - solid walnut, - solid maple, - Pantex - Solid walnut with knots and natural features. Solid maple, plain and nearly without knots, lightened - Pantex is a new type...
Open the catalog to page 4
1. Select the basic carcass: a. Select depth (43 cm/51.6 cm) and function (wall standing/room dividing) b. Define height (2H (32 cm), 3H (46 cm), 4H (61 cm), 5H (72 cm) und 6H (90 cm)) c. State the carcass width 8R (115.2 cm) bis 36R (522 cm) d. Select a leg frame version (-00, -05, -14,- 29, -40, -69) e. Select carcass surface (walnut, maple, Pantex) 2. Select the front design: a. Work from left to right when defining planning packages. b. Select surface 3. Add optional accessories to each planning package 8.0.5 | Yomei GmbH | Errors and misprints excepted! 12/2018
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8.0.6 | Yomei GmbH | Errors and misprints excepted! 12/2018
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Planning examples depth 43 cm Width 8R - 10R 118 - 147 cm 8.1.4 Planning examples depth 51,6 cm Width 8R - 12R 176 - 205 cm 8.1.13 8.1.1 | Yomei GmbH | Errors and misprints excepted! 12/2018
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Planning examples depth 43 cm 8.1.2 | Yomei GmbH | Errors and misprints excepted! 12/2018
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Planning examples depth 43 cm 8.1.3 | Yomei GmbH | Errors and misprints excepted! 12/2018
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Planning examples depth 43 cm | Width 118 cm - 8R Description Sideboard 2H 8R width, 43 depth, wall hanging -00 wall hanging Price in € Front pantex carcass walnut carcass maple carcass pantex Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure 250,- Sideboard 3H 8R width, 43 depth, wall hanging -00 carcass walnut carcass maple carcass pantex Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure 250,- Sideboard 4H 8R width, 43 depth, frame -29 carcass walnut carcass maple Sideboard 4H 8R width, 43 depth, frame -29 carcass maple carcass pantex Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ......
Open the catalog to page 10
Planning examples depth 43 cm | Width 147 cm - 10R Sideboard 2H 10R width, 43 depth, wall hanging -00 Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure carcass walnut Sideboard 3H 10R width, 43 depth, wall hanging -00 Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure 2 carcass walnut 8.1.5 | Yomei GmbH | Errors and misprints excepted! 12/2018
Open the catalog to page 11
Planning examples depth 43 cm | Width 176 cm 12R Sideboard 2H 12R width, 43 depth, wall hanging -00 Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure carcass walnut Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure 1 x 105 004-... cable duct through leg frame Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure , 1 x 105 004-... cable duct through leg frame 2 Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure 2 Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure 1 X 105 088 000 LED Light niche 8R: Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure 2 Recommended...
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108 214 51 1/2/9 r i rj Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure 108 314 51 1/2/9 Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure 1 x 105 004-... cable duct through leg frame 108 314 52 1/2/9 Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure 1 x 105 004-... cable duct through leg frame 108 414 51 1/2/9 Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure 1 x 105 004-... cable duct through leg frame 8.1.7 | Yomei GmbH | Errors and misprints excepted! 12/2018
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Planning examples depth 43 cm | Width 234 cm 16R Sideboard 2H 16R width, 43 depth, wall hanging -00 Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure carcass walnut Sideboard 3H 16R width, 43 depth, frame -40 =P Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure , 1 x 105 004-... cable duct through leg frame carcass walnut 8.1.8 | Yomei GmbH | Errors and misprints excepted! 12/2018
Open the catalog to page 14
108 418 51 1/2/9 Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure , 1 x 105 004-... cable duct through leg frame 108 418 52 1/2/9 Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure , 1 x 105 004-... cable duct through leg frame 2 Recommended accessories: 1 x 105 00. ... Utensilio Pure Sideboard 2H 18R width, 43 depth, wall hanging -00 carcass walnut Sideboard 3H 18R width, 43 depth, wall hanging -00 carcass walnut 8.1.9 | Yomei GmbH | Errors and misprints excepted! 12/2018
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