Webertec EP pourable grout
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Webertec EP pourable grout - 1

About this product webertec EP pourable grout is specially formulated from epoxy resin and graded aggregates producing a specialist grout with exceptional toughness, chemical resistance, excellent flow characteristics and negligible shrinkage. Complies with BS EN 1504-3 and -6. webertec EP pourable grout T'weberSAINT-GOBAIN High-strength, better flowing chemically-resistant grout CI/SfB || Yr4 | Uniclass L6421 August 2016 webertec EP pourable grout finds a wide application in the grouting-in of: • Bearings • Starter bars • Dowels • Balustrading • Crane rails • Machine baseplates • Setting-in bolts • Fixing runway lights • Situations where tight clearances add to the difficulties of obtaining secure fixings ▲ Capable of withstanding high dynamic loads ▲ High compressive and tensile strength ▲ Very good chemical resistance ▲ Cure within the temperature range 5°C to 35°C ▲ Negligible shrinkage factor allows use for underplate or rail grouting. Grout remains in contact with the underside ▲ Can be placed in much thinner sections than cementitious grouts resulting in cost savings ▲ Suitable for gap sizes 5 - 75 mm webertec EP pourable grout is shown to be unaffected by a wide range of acids, alkalis and industrial chemicals. The results of immersion at 20 C to a typical range of chemical solutions and solvents are: Caustic Soda Hydrochloric Acid Sulphuric Acid Detergent Petrol and Oil

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Webertec EP pourable grout - 2

webertec EP pourable grout Preparation Concrete surface Concrete must be suitably prepared by scabbling, needle gunning or grit blasting to remove all cement laitance, grease, oil and other contaminants. The surface should be roughened to provide a bond and have a minimum surface texture of ± 1 mm. Wet surfaces should be dried by using a hot, compressed-air lance. The advantages of this are: it dries the surfaces of both the concrete and the steel, it warms up the surfaces of concrete and steel, allowing the grout to flow better in colder conditions. It also ensures better drying under the...

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