Wall & Decò 2010 Catalog


Catalog excerpts

Wall & Decò 2010 Catalog - 1

visual solution for interior decoration collection 2010

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index life! 4 big brand 112 giò pagani 152 haute couture 178 print on demand 184

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Con life! fotografia e design si uniscono e si fondono in un unico progetto finalizzato alla ricerca di soluzioni uniche per l’arte decorativa murale. L’iperrealismo fotografico è qui strumento coerente e flessibile che coglie dettagli e ne ricrea le forme. Tutti i soggetti della collezione life! hanno infatti come caratteristica comune l’ingrandimento considerevole delle loro dimensioni naturali che li fa divenire macro-soggetti imponenti e dal forte impatto visivo. Un elemento che merita particolare attenzione è la grande flessibilità del prodotto che permette di personalizzare le...

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WDNP0901 6 life! new pollution subjects new pollution WDNP0902

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8 life! opium subjects WDOP0901 opium WDOP0902

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10 life! armonic entropy subjects WDAE0902 WDAE0901 armonic entropy

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12 life! kanji subjects WDKA0901 kanji WDKA0902

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geisha 14 life! geisha subjects WDGE0901 WDGE0902

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high mountain 16 life! high mountain subjects WDHM0901 WDHM0902

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18 life! baloon subjects WDOO0901 baloon WDOO0902

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glimpse 20 life! glimpse subjects WDGL0901 WDGL0902

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22 life! true colours subjects WDTC0901 true colours WDTC0902

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24 life! renaissance subjects WDRE0901 renaissance WDRE0902

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26 life! nordic taste subjects nordic taste WDNT0901 WDNT0902

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balalaika 28 life! balalaika subjects WDBK0901 WDBK0902

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30 life! real identity subjects real identity WDRI0901 WDRI0902

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32 life! yurta subjects WDYU0901 yurta WDYU0902

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34 life! typology subjects WDTY0901 typology WDTY0902

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36 life! whispers subjects WDWH0901 whispers WDWH0902

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old school 38 life! old school subjects WDOS0901 WDOS0902

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40 life! origami subjects WDOR0901 origami WDOR0902

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42 life! graphite subjects WDGR0901 graphite WDGR0902

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44 life! gypsum subjects gypsum WDGY0901 WDGY0902

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46 life! modernista subjects modernista WDMO0901 WDMO0902

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WDAI0803 48 subjects WDAI0802 WDAI0801 aires life! aires

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WDFL0803 50 subjects WDFL0801 WDFL0802 flflos life! flos

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arabesques WDAR0803 52 subjects WDAR0802 WDAR0801 life! arabesques

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WDMI0803 54 subjects WDMI0801 WDMI0802 life! microcosmos microcosmos

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WDBA0803 56 subjects WDBA0801 WDBA0802 life! baobab baobab

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WDLL0706 60 WDLL0704 WDLL0705 lolita life! lolita subjects

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WDLL0702 62 WDLL0701 WDLL0703 lolita life! lolita subjects

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WDBL0702 64 WDBL0701 WDBL0703 bloom life! bloom subjects

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WDBL0603 66 WDBL0601 WDBL0602 bloom life! bloom subjects

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WDJ0501 68 WDJ0505 WDJ0502 jungle life! jungle subjects

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WDJ0503 70 WDJ0506 WDJ0504 life! jungle jungle subjects

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WDJ0603 72 WDJ0601 WDJ0602 jungle life! jungle subjects

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WDG0601 74 WDG0603 WDG0602 gothica life! gothica subjects

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WDG0606 76 WDG0604 WDG0605 gothica life! gothica subjects

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WDO0701 78 WDO0703 WDO0702 optical life! optical subjects

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WDO0502 80 WDO0501 WDO0503 optical life! optical subjects

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WDNB0501 84 WDNB0603 WDNB0502 neo baroque life! neo baroque subjects

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WDTR0603 86 WDTR0601 WDTR0602 tropics life! tropics subjects

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WDCH0603 88 WDCH0601 WDCH0602 chill life! chill subjects

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WDOF0601 90 WDOF0603 WDOF0602 office life! office subjects

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I mono-soggetti wall&decò sono un altro esempio di come il classico concetto di carta da parati sia stato ormai definitivamente superato da uno studio specifico di design and concept in grado di dar vita a soluzioni assolutamente innovative e uniche. Anche per i mono-soggetti l’attenta riproduzione fotografica garantisce un’altissima fedeltà dell’immagine nonostante il considerevole ingrandimento delle dimensioni naturali degli elementi ritratti. La caratteristica peculiare di questi articoli sta tuttavia nella concreta singolarità dei soggetti scelti e nel formato in cui vengono proposti:...

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groove 94 300x300 cm 200x300 cm life! groove size

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96 tatoo 200x300 cm life! tatoo size

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98 life! monsoon monsoon 300x300 cm 200x300 cm size

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100 300x300 cm 200x300 cm life! pills pills size

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102 poppy 300x300 cm 200x300 cm life! poppy size

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104 calle 600x300 cm 300x300 cm life! calle size

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106 nautilus 200x300 cm 100x200 cm life! nautilus size

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108 world 300x300 cm 200x300 cm 100x200 cm life! world size

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110 cherry tree 300x300 cm 200x300 cm 100x200 cm life! cherry tree size

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Big brand rappresenta un ulteriore passo avanti nella ricerca dello stile distintivo che è l’essenza della filosofia creativa wall&decò. Una collezione grafica che si distacca visibilmente dal sapore della precedente linea brand new e diviene una vera e propria alternativa grafica alla collezione fotografica life!. Anche per big brand, infatti, la caratteristica fondamentale consiste nell’ingrandimento considerevole delle dimensioni naturali dei soggetti rappresentati, una scelta consapevole che vuole dare un’impronta di unicità e forte impatto estetico a tutta la collezione. Ancora una...

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114 big brand dream town subjects dream town BBDT0901 BBDT0902

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116 big brand flowerized subjects flowerized BBFW0901 BBFW0902

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118 big brand elliptical forest subjects elliptical forest BBEF0901 BBEF0902

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120 big brand moholy subjects moholy BBMO0901 BBMO0902

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122 big brand funny parrots subjects funny parrots BBFP0901 BBFP0902

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124 big brand amazon subjects amazon BBAM0901 BBAM0902

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126 big brand undressed avenue subjects undressed avenue BBUA0901 BBUA0902

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128 big brand flamingo dada subjects BBFD0901 BBFD0902 flamingo dada

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130 big brand wild giraffe subjects wild giraffe BBWG0901 BBWG0902

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BBLO0801 132 big brand lotus subjects lotus BBLO0802

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134 big brand lily subjects BBLL0801 lily BBLL0802

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136 big brand undergorund exotic subjects BBEU0801 underground exotic BBEU0802

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138 big brand fuji subjects BBFU0801 fuji BBFU0802

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delicate 140 big brand delicate subjects BBDE0801 delicate BBDE0802

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142 big brand hula coconut size hula coconut 400x300 cm 200x300 cm

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144 big brand mooncats size mooncats 580x300 cm 300x300 cm

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146 big brand desert spirit size desert spirit 300x300 cm 150x300 cm

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148 big brand spring blossom size spring blossom 300x300 cm 200x300 cm

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