Duct Type electrical Heaters


Catalog excerpts

Duct Type electrical Heaters - 1


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Duct Type electrical Heaters - 2

truly ventilation VENCO kanal tipi elektrikli isiticilar, klima sisteminde son isitici olarak veya taze hava sistemlerinde di§ havayi isitmak ign kullamlirlar. Ayrica Isi Geri Kazanmn Cihazlarinda Have isitma ihtiyacim karglamak igin taze hava ufleme gkigna takilabilirler. Turn elektrikli isiticilar, CE ijaretine ve GOST-R sertifikasina sahiptir. VENCO duct type electrical heaters are used to heat the fresh air or to reheat the supply air in ventilation systems. Moreover, it is used to increase the supply air temperature with heat recovery units. All electrical Heaters have GOST-R...

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Duct Type electrical Heaters - 3

trulg ventilation "truly ventilation" VENCO VTL tipi elektrikli isiticilar, klima santrali ureticileri igin dizayn edilmij, klima santrali igerisine kolayca montaj edilebilen elektrikli isiticilardir. Klima Santralindeki isitmayi saglamak veya gok dujuk di§ ortam kojullarinda taze hava emij sicakligim artirmak ign kullamlirlar. VENCO VTL type electrical heaters, are designed for air handling units and they can be installed easily inside the air handling unit. They are used to heat the outdoor air or reheat the supply air in the air handling units. \ Baglanti flang, elektrik baglanti kutusu...

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Duct Type electrical Heaters - 4

“truly ventilation" truly ventilation VCE - Yuvarlak Kanal Tipi Elektrikli Isitici / VCE - Circular Duct Type Electrical Heater 0d: Min. 100 mm Max. 450 mm Kontrol ekipmam var ise With control equipment C :75 mm Standart , nomm Standard Kontrol ekipmam var ise With control equipment VRE - Dikdortgen Kanal Tipi Elektrikli Isitici / VRE - Rectangular Duct Type Electrical Heater A : Min: 200 mm/Max: 2000 mm Standart Standard Kontrol ekipmam var ise With control equipment VTL - Santral Tipi Elektrikli Isitici / VTL - Air Handling Unit Type Electrical Heater Standart Standard Kontrol ekipmam var...

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Duct Type electrical Heaters - 5

trulg ventilation "truly ventilation" Elektrik isitici yatay ve dikey olarak kanal sistemine montaja uygundur. Kanal igerisinde olujabilecekdrenaj veya yogujmanin elektrik baglantilarina ula§masim engellemek ign; montaj sirasinda elektrik baglanti kutusunun on yuzunun (servis kapaginm) ajagi bakmamasi gerekmektedir. Electrical heater can be installed in a horizontal or vertical duct. The electrical connection box must be installed facing upwards or within an angle of rotation of 90° to the sides. Isiticinm kanal sistemine baglantisinda (girij ve gki§), dirsek, fan, damper, v.b. ekipmanlar...

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Duct Type electrical Heaters - 6

“truly ventilation" truly ventilation Not: 1 — Verilen degerler metre olarak maksimum kablo uzunlugudur. 2- Kademe kontaktoru cihaz iperisinde ise toplam gup, kademe kontaktoru elektrik panosunda ise kademe bajina guce gore her kademe ipin kablo kesiti tayin ediniz. Note: 1 - Values are maximum cable lenght in meters. 2- Find the cable cross section by regarding the total power. If the stage contactors are inside the electrical heater, find the cable cross section by regarding the power for each step individually.

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Duct Type electrical Heaters - 7

P :Toplam Gut; / Total power [kW] Q: Hava debisi /Air flow [mVh] AT: Sicaklik Degijimi / Temperature Difference TC] Elektrikli isitici kesitinde minimum 1,5 m/s hava hizi olmalidir. Daha dujuk hava hizlarinda, isitici elemanlar uzerinde yeterli sogutma saglanamayacagindan isiticida hasar olujacaktir. Standart olarak elektrikli isiticilar maksimum 40°C giki§ sicakligina gore dizayn edilmelidir. Airspeed must be at least 1,5 m/s over the heating elements. If the air speed is lower than 1,5 m/s, the heater will be damaged due to overheating. Electrical heaters must be designed at a maximum...

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Duct Type electrical Heaters - 8

“truly ventilation" truly ventilation VENCO marka turn elektrikli isiticilarda, iki adet a§iri sicaklik (emniyet) kesici devre bulunmaktadir. Standart isiticilarda baglanti klemensinde baglanti igin 2 ug birakilmijtir. Bu noktalarin kademe kontaktor bobin uglarina seri olarak baglanmasi gerekir. Sicaklik kontrol paneli ile verilen isiticilarda ise sicaklik kesici devre ile kontaktor bobin baglantisi yapilmi§tir. 70°C otomatik reset: Isitici ig sicakligi 70°C ve uzerinde isitici devre diji kalir. Sicaklik 50°C altina dujtugunde otomatik olarak devreye girer. 110°C manuel reset: 70°C otomatik...

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Duct Type electrical Heaters - 9

truly ventilation “truly ventilation" VENCO marka turn elektrikli isiticilar, uretim sonrasi galijtirilarak fonksiyonellikve elektriksel guvenliktestlerine tabi tutulurlar. 2004/108/EC EMC direktifine uygun, EN 55014-1 EN 61000-3-2/3 3 standartlarina gore EMC testleri yapilmijtir. EN 60335-1 ve standartinda belirtilen temel jartlari yerine getirmektedir. VENCO electric heaters are tested and controlled in function and safety after the production. The technical specifications of products meets the essential requirements in the directives 2004/108/EC EMC and are tested according to the...

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Duct Type electrical Heaters - 10

“truly ventilation" truly ventilation VENCO elektrikli isiticilarda, kapasite kontrolu igin tek, gift veya daha fazla kademe yapilabilir. istege bagli olarak kapasite kontrol panelleri cihaz uzerine montaj edilebilir. VENCO duct type electrical heaters can be produced one stage, two stage or more. Capacity regulators can be installed over the electrical heater, upon request. Du§ukguglu elektrikli isiticilarda, kolay montaj ve ekonomik bir gozum olan Pulser kontrol paneli kullamlabilir. Oransal kontrol yapabilen Pulser, ihtiyaca uygun kapasiteyi ayarladigi igin enerji tasarrufu saglar....

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Duct Type electrical Heaters - 11

trulg ventilation VENCO elektrikli isiticilarda, oransal kontrol yapilabilecegi gibi kademe kontrol imkanlari da vardir. 1,2,4 ve 6 kademe sayisina gore kontrol panelleri ajagida verilmijtir. Bunun yaninda; herhangi bir kademe kontrol cihazinm 1. kademesineTTC serisi oransal kontrol cihazi baglanarakgokyuksek kapasiteli elektrikli isiticilarda da oransal kontrol saglanmij olur. VENCO electrical heaters can be regulated in stages as well as modulated. 1,2,4 or 6 stages regulation can be achieved by using the following panels. Moreover, it is possible to have modulated regulation for big...

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