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VELFAC Panels - 2

TitlePage VELFAC panelsOverview114Sandwich panelfor VELFAC 100, 200, 500 and 600116 Ventilated panel for VELFAC 200 (including fire panel)118 Non-ventilated panelfor VELFAC 200120 Louvre panelfor VELFAC 200 and 500122 VELFAC 280 rainscreen panelfor VELFAC 200124 VELFAC 290 facade panelfor VELFAC 200126 VELFAC PanelsContents > VELFAC LTD 08.07 113 size="-1">

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VELFAC Panels - 4

Laminated board A compact resin laminated board, specially designed for external use. Resistant to most common chemicals, kicks, ball dents and vandalismPP1040 Board informationMaterialsColours Thickness of boardWeightAluminium plate Powder coated or anodised aluminium. Same colour and finish range as VELFAC window sashes. (See page 19)Sandwich: 1.5 mmVentilated: 2 mm Rainscreen: 2 mm Facade panel: 3 mm1.5 mm: 4 kg/m2 mm: 5.4 kg/mҲ 3 mm: 8.1 kg/m N.B. Medium resistance to kicks or ball dents etc. Louvre panel Sandwich: 2 mmVentilted: 6 mm Facade panel: 6 mm2 mm: 2.8 kg/mҲ 6 mm: 8.4 kg/m >...

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VELFAC Panels - 5

Also available as VELFAC 200 Plus. See page 13. > VELFAC 200 VELFAC 200 VELFAC 200 sandwich panelWeb no.: PA200-S-V-01 (VELFAC 100: PA100-S-V-01)(VELFAC 500: PA541-S-V-01) (VELFAC 600: PA642-S-V-01) U > panel -value (centre value) VELFAC 100 VELFAC 200 VELFAC 500VELFAC 600 Panel 32 mm24 mm 36 mm 24 mm32 mmAluminium plate0.880.99 0.67 0.990.75Laminated board1.02 0.68 > VELFAC LTD 08.07 116 >

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VELFAC Panels - 7

Also available as VELFAC 200 Plus. See page 13. VELFAC 200 ventilated panelwithout backboard (1 + 2) Web no.: PA200-V-V-04 VELFAC 200 Shadow-box without backboard (3) Web no.: PA200-V-V-02 VELFAC 200 ventilated panelwith backboard (1 + 2) VELFAC 200 Shadow-box with backboard (3) Web no.: PA200-V-V-03 Web no.: PA200-V-V-01 > VELFAC 200 U > panel -value (centre value)Panel with insulation ( λ =0.037) and backboard 90 mm frame115 mm frameEnamel glass (24 mm glazing)0.400.32Enamel glass (36 mm glazing)0.400.31 Aluminium plate0.400.32 Laminated plate0.40 0.32Shadow-box0.510.38 > VELFAC LTD 08.07...

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VELFAC Panels - 9

VELFAC 200 with cedar panel VELFAC 200 with rockpanel Web no.: PA200-C-V-01 Web no.: PA200-NV-V-01 U > panel -value (centre value) VELFAC 200 Panel with insulation ( λ =0.037) and backboard 90 mm frame115 mm frame24 mm cedar panel0.340.2824 mm rockpanel 0.35 0.29 > VELFAC LTD 08.07 120 >

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VELFAC Panels - 11

VELFAC 200 (VELFAC 500: PA541-L-V-01) VELFAC 200 louvre panel with fly mesh only (1) Web no.: PA200-L-V-01 Web no.: PA200-L-V-03 VELFAC 200 louvre panel with intermediate board and backboard (3) VELFAC 200 louvre panel with intermediate board (2) Web no.: PA200-L-V-02 > VELFAC 200 U > panel -value (centre value) VELFAC 200 Louvre panel 90 mm frame115 mm framewith intermediate board, insulation ( > VELFAC LTD 08.07 Ɏ =0.037) and backboard0.630.44 122 >

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VELFAC Panels - 13

Also available as VELFAC 200 Plus. See page 13. > Weather tight structureWeather tight structure With frame Without frame Web no.: PA280-F-V-01 Web no.: PA280-W-V-01 U > panel -value (centre value)Panel 90 mm frame115 mm frameVELFAC 280 with frame, insulation ( λ =0.037) and backboard0.340.27 > VELFAC LTD 08.07 124 >

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VELFAC Panels - 15

Weather tight structure Web no.: PA290-V-01Web no.: 52.111Web no.: 52.110Web no.: 52.850Web no.: 52.114 > VELFAC LTD 08.07 126 >

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  1. VELFAC Glazing

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