Catalogue 2015


Catalog excerpts

Catalogue 2015 - 1

Indice / index / indication / indication Design Collection Deluxe Collection Martino 8 Sg-Martino 10 Sd-Martino 12 Dubai-Rondo-Xal 26 Dubai-Xal 28 Puzzle 32 Puzzle-Basket 33 Puzzle-Rondo 36 Puzzle-Orlo 39 Tonic 44 Cuba 46 Bellagio 50 Silos 52 Jar 56 Web 58 Quentin 61 Meriggio 64 Morfeo 65 Bubble 70 Prime 74 Typha 80 Empire-Xal 112 Empire-Gold 113 Puzzle-rondo-Gold 113 Dubai 118 Martino-Gold 121 Dubai-Gold 125 Liberty-Gold 127 Industrial Collection Empire 86 Empire-Lis 90 Frankie 94 Hyde 96 Jekyll 98 Bapia-Lib 100 Quadrifoglio 103 Rounded-Lib 104 Slim-Lib 106 Basic Collection Gull 135 Twin 137 Alpes 140 Been 142 Graph 144 Sg-Bob-Fcr 146 Sg-Cup-Fcr 147 Sg-Luna-Fcr 148 Tv-Sun 149 Tv-Ics 149 Sd-Nordico 150 Sgab-Bellagio 153

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Catalogue 2015 - 2

VELA è una ditta 100% italiana, giovane e dinamica, che in pochi anni ha saputo affermarsi nel mercato contract a livello internazionale. VELA est une entreprise 100% italienne, jeune et dynamique qui en quelques années a réussi à s’établir dans le marché contract au niveau international. Grazie alla gestione diretta dell’intera filiera produttiva (dalla fase di progettazione allo sviluppo, dalla fusione del prodotto grezzo all'assistenza al cliente), VELA è in grado di offrire tavoli, sgabelli, complementi, ecc. che uniscono il massimo della funzionalità con il meglio del design italiano....

Open the catalog to page 2
Catalogue 2015 - 3

DESIGN collection

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Catalogue 2015 - 4

DESIGN collection martino design R&D VELA ARREDAMENTI 6

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Catalogue 2015 - 10


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Catalogue 2015 - 13

DESIGN collection dubai

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Catalogue 2015 - 16

DESIGN collection puzzle design R&D VELA ARREDAMENTI 30

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Catalogue 2015 - 22

DESIGN collection tonic cuba design R&D VELA ARREDAMENTI 42

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Catalogue 2015 - 25

DESIGN collection bellagio silos

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Catalogue 2015 - 28


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Catalogue 2015 - 31

DESIGN collection quentin

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Catalogue 2015 - 32

DESIGN collection meriggio morfeo

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Catalogue 2015 - 34

DESIGN collection typha bubble prime design FEDERICO ANGI 67

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Catalogue 2015 - 35

DESIGN collection bubble design FEDERICO ANGI 69

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Catalogue 2015 - 37

DESIGN collection prime design FEDERICO ANGI 73

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Catalogue 2015 - 40

DESIGN collection typha design FEDERICO ANGI 79

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Catalogue 2015 - 42

INDUSTRIAL collection

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Catalogue 2015 - 43


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Catalogue 2015 - 47

INDUSTRIAL collection frankie hyde jekyll design R&D VELA ARREDAMENTI 92

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Catalogue 2015 - 56

deluxe collection

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Catalogue 2015 - 58

FOTO SOLO AI FINI DI AMBIENTAZIONE deluxe collection dubai desig nn DDOM ARAVAL desig OM ARAVAL 114

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Catalogue 2015 - 59

deluxe collection dubai

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Catalogue 2015 - 61

deluxe collection martino

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Catalogue 2015 - 63

deluxe collection dubai

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Catalogue 2015 - 64

deluxe collection liberty martino

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Catalogue 2015 - 68

BASIC collection gull

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Catalogue 2015 - 69

BASIC collection twin

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Catalogue 2015 - 71

BASIC collection alpes

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Catalogue 2015 - 72

BASIC collection been

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Catalogue 2015 - 73

BASIC collection graph

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Catalogue 2015 - 78

Tubi e basi /Pipes and bases / Tubes et socles / Tubos y bases Vernici / Paint / Peintures / Pinturas Essenze per colonne in legno / Type of wood for wooden pipes / Essences pour colonnes en bois / Esencias para columnas de madera Bronzo Metallizzato Grigio Martellato Grigio Scuro Micaceo Marrone Goffrato Nero Bucciato Nero Canna di Fucile Nero Goffrato Nero Opaco Rame Martellato Noce chiaro / Light Walnut / Noyer clair Wengé chiaro / Light wengé / Wenge clair Faggio / Beech / Hêtre Ciliegio / Cherry / Cerisier Wengé scuro / Dark wengé / Wenge foncé Noce / Walnut / Noyer Rivestimenti /...

Open the catalog to page 78
Catalogue 2015 - 79

Colonne legno / Wooden pipes / Colonnes en bois / Columnas de madera Colonne legno / Wooden pipes / Colonnes en bois / Columnas de madera Inox Stainless Inoxydable Inox Stainless Inoxydable Inox Stainless Inoxydable Cromo Chrome Inox Stainless Inoxydable Inox Stainless Inoxydable Inox Stainless Inoxydable Cromo Chrome Colonna legno Wooden pipe Colonne en bois Quantità minima per ordine Minimum order quantity Quantité minimale à commander Tinta standard Standard color Couleur standard Tinta cliente Custom color Couleur client Cromo Chrome

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Catalogue 2015 - 80

Legenda / Legend / Légende / Leyenda TAVOLI / TABLES / TABLES / MESAS GRZ FER RAL BIC FAT FF GAN CR LIB Q OGI AL-CR DC CORTEN PE W GOLD PG L-W TEL XS XL XI XE XAL XAS Q80 Q60 T60 T76 T50 ITB ITS ITR GTS GTR WTB WTS WTR Grezzo / raw material / matière première / materia prima Ferro verniciato trasparente / raw iron with transparent painting / fer brut avec vernis transparent/ hierro barnizado transparente Altri colori / other colours / autres couleurs / otros colores Bicolore / bicolor / bicouleur / bicolor Con base interna / with internal base / avec base interne / con base interna Fast...

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Catalogue 2015 - 81

Caratteristiche tecniche: Caracteristiques techniques: Base in ghisa e in ferro: Fusioni in ghisa sabbiata e sbavata Base in ferro spessore 8 e/o 10 mm, tagliata a laser ad alta definizione. Le basi in ferro possono essere prodotte in forme e geometrie diverse, su specifica richiesta e disegno tecnico del cliente. Fusions en fonte sablé et ébarbé Embase en fer épaisseur 8 et/ou 10 mm, coupé au laser à haute définition. Les embases en fer peuvent être produites en formes et géométries différentes, sur demande spécifique du client accompagné d’un dessin technique Ferro cromato e dorato (24...

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Catalogue 2015 - 83

Fotografie Photos Concept & progetto grafico Concept & graphic design Conception et design graphique Daniele Locati DESIGN STUDIO Immagini Images Anno Year Année Stampa Print Impression Vela Arredamenti s.r.l. si riserva il diritto di apportare modifiche e migliorie tecniche a tutti i prodotti e di annullare articoli di fine serie, in qualsiasi momento e senza alcun preavviso. Le finiture e i colori rappresentati sono da ritenersi puramente indicativi. Vela Arredamenti s.r.l. reserves the right to make modifications and technical improvements to its products and to cancel end-of-line items,...

Open the catalog to page 83

All Vela Arredamenti catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Catalogue 2016

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