

Catalog excerpts

Contract - 4

VALCUCINE'S APPROACH & PHILOSOPHY Valcucine's vision is to be an ethical company whose production reflects deep care for Its users, Its employees, the environment and the world community. Ecological and ethical responsibility extends throughout every stage of Valcucine's manufacturing, starting with our green and comfortable work environment, which Inspires the Invention of safe processes with no toxic Industrial waste recycling. Valcucine Is committed to producing 100% recyclable kitchens made of 100% recycled materials. The continuous search for technological and aesthetic solutions, to...

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Contract - 8

World Presence with Successful Involvement Presencia en el mundo participando en el sector contract Pràsenz in der ganzen Welt und erfolgreiches Engagement im Objekt - Bereich Une Présence Mondiale et un Succès grandissant dans les Projets Immobiliers

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Contract - 9

Una sección crucial de los Ein Kurzüberblick über die Quelques exemples proyectos de Valcucine Projekte von Valcucine de projets immobiliers World réalisés 160 Wooster Street, New York, NY, USA 166 West 18th Street, New York, NY, USA 85 West Broadway, New York, NY, USA 1 York Street, New York, NY, USA Garden Street Lofts, Hoboken, NJ, USA Soho Mews, 311 West Broadway, New York, NY, USA 8 Union Square South, New York, NY, USA 129 Lafayette Street, New York, NY, USA The Orion Building, 350 West 42nd Street, New York, NY, USA Altair 20, 15 West 20th Street, New York, NY, USA Altair 18, 32 West...

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Contract - 10

ADVANTAGES OF WORKING WITH VALCUCINE Valcucine can produce over 50 kitchens per day without compromising standards. 2. Guaranteed Highest Quality Valcucine stands behind its products with Design Flexibility Designers can specify different finishes for the same project at no additional cost. By storing components ln-house, Valcucine can coordinate fabrication and shipping of kitchens to synchronize perfectly with construction and delivery 8. A Fully Assembled Product Valcucine cabinetry arrives fully assembled; all cabinet hardware (including handles and interior fittings) is...

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Contract - 11

MIT VALCUCINEIM OBJEKT - BEREICH Valcucine kann über 50 Küchen pro Tag bei gleichbleibend höchster Qualitat 2. Garantiert höchste Qualitat Valcucine garantiert für die Qualitat seiner Produkte mit einer 5-Jahres- Garantie und gibt eine 7-Jahres-Garantie Ànderungen oder Erwelterungen. Valcucine bletet die Mogiichkeit, die einzelnen Ausführungen der Küchen ohne zusatzliche Kosten zu variieren und so Valcucines hochentwlckelte Herstellungsmethoden garantleren eine gleichbleibend höchstem wettbewerbsfahigen Preisen. z.B. SpezielIe Label und Markennamen auf den Küchen, prazise Beschrlftung der...

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Contract - 12

The Orion Building, 350 West 42nd Street (New York) Altair 18, 32 West 18th street (New York)

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Contract - 13

147 Waverly Place (New York) 100 11*h Avenue - Jean Nouvel (New York)

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8 Union Square South (New York) Soho Mews - 311 West Broadway (New York) Butlers Wharf

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Beacon Court Residential Buildings (Dublin) Doosan Residential Buildings (Seoul) South Korea Ritz Residential Building (Taipei)

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Daelim Residential Buildings (Seoul) South Korea Woodlands Residential Building (Cardiff) Golf Club Resort (Mallorca)

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Pian dei Giullari Resort (Florence) Giuseppe Verdi Theatre (Pordenone) Golf Club Lignano (Lignano)

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Contract - 18

VALCUCINE: THE COMPANY AND ITS PRODUCTS LA EMPRESA Y EL PRODUCTO VALCUCINE Valcucine Is the only Italian kitchen manufacturer which subjects Its products to rigorous German industry testing (GS). Cabinet carcasses are constructed of F4 Star chipboard (low friendly production has earned Independent, not-for-profit organi- zation devoted to environmental protection in the Amazon basin, programs around the world. Through the reforestation supported by Bloforest, Valcuclne achieved to balance Its C02 yearly output. Quality and function through technological Innovation translates into the use of...

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Contract - 19

VALCUCINE - UNTERNEHMEN UND PRODUKT L'ENTREPRISE ET LE PRODUIT VALCUCINE Valcuclne ist der einzige Küchenhersteller Italiens, der seine Produkte deutschen Güteslegels GS unterwirft. Die geringer Formaldehydemlsslon (F4 Star). Valcuclne wurde auBerdem mit dem aufgrund seiner umweltfreundlichen Produktionsweise ausgezelchnet. Valcuclne hat Bioforest gegründet, elne unabhanglge, Non-Profit-Organisation, ganzen Weltwldmet. Durch das Engagement von Bioforest bel gelungen, das Gleichgewicht zwischen zusatzl ich angepflanzten Wald technische Innovationen flnden ihre Umsetzung In einem stab i I e n...

Open the catalog to page 19

All VALCUCINE catalogs and technical brochures


    81 Pages


    20 Pages

  3. Genius Loci

    84 Pages

  4. Antologia

    200 Pages


    51 Pages

  6. Invitrum

    20 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Contract

    12 Pages