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Catalog excerpts

Valchromat_Catalogo_2013 - 1

engineered coloured wood colour your world, use your imagination

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Valchromat_Catalogo_2013 - 2

A unique combination between the natural features of wood and the beauty of colours. Use your imagination. Colour Your World. Valchromat ® Conceito | Concepto | Concept | Concept | Koncept | Concetto engineered coloured wood Valchromat® é um painel de bras de madeira com cor em toda a espessura, extremamente maleável e resistente. PT Valchromat® es un tablero de bras de madera con color en todo su espesor, muy maleable y resistente. ES Valchromat® is a wood bre panel coloured throughout, extremely malleable and resistant. EN Valchromat® est un panneau de bres de bois teinté dans la masse,...

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Valchromat_Catalogo_2013 - 3

A unique combination between the natural features of wood and the beauty of colours. Use your imagination. Colour Your World. Valchromat ® Características | Características | Features | Caractéristiques | Merkmale | Caratteristiche NATURAL | NATURAL | NATURAL NATUREL | NATÜRLICH | NATURALE ÚNICO | ÚNICO | UNIQUE UNIQUE | EINZIGARTIG | UNICO No seu fabrico é adicionada uma resina especial que lhe atribui características físicas e mecânicas exclusivas. Os corantes utilizados são orgânicos. Na superfície são visíveis pequenas bras de madeira no seu estado puro, particularidade que lhe confere...

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Valchromat ® Vantagens | Ventajas | Advantages | Avantages | Vorteile | Vantaggi Colorido em toda a espessura Color en todo el espesor Coloured throughout Teinté dans la masse Vollst ändig durchgef ärbt Colorat o in tutto il suo spessore Fácil de Mecanizar Fácil de Mecanizar Easy to Machine Facile à Usiner Leicht für Bearbeitung Facile da Lavorare Não tóxico No toxico Non toxi Non toxi Ungiftig Non tossico Resistente a Cargas Resistente a Cargas Load Resistant Résistant au Poids Widerstand gegenüber lasten Resistenza ai Carichi Pouco abrasivo Poco abrasivo Tool friendly Peu abrasif...

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Valchromat ® Aplicações | Aplicaciones | Applications | Applications | Anwendungsbereiche | Applicazioni Verkleidungen Möbel Dekorplatten Ladeneinrichtungen Akustikplatten Messestände Ausstellugen & Museen Spielzeug Bodenbeläge Hotels & Restaurants Türen Küchen Badezimmer Revestimientos Muebles Paneles Decorativos Montaje de Tiendas Paneles Acústicos Stands Exposiciones & Museos Juguetes Suelos Hoteles & Restaurantes Puertas Cocinas Cuartos de Baño Brown Valchromat® chandelier Leo Xavier | Portugal Wall Cladding Furniture Decorative Panels Shoptting Acoustic Panels Exhibitions Stands...

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Valchromat ® Mobiliário | Mobiliario | Furniture | Mobilier | Möbel | Mobile © Danilo Olim Light Grey Valchromat® lounge chair Danilo Olim | Portugal Valchromat ® Design de Interiores | Diseño de Interiores | Interior Designs | Design d'Intérieur | Innenarchitektur | Design degli Interni © Hofer Robert Yellow Valchromat® walls and ceilling Le Grand Raccard | Martigny Design Group | Switzerland

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Valchromat ® Mobiliário | Mobiliario | Furniture | Mobilier | Möbel | Mobile Black Valchromat® furniture and lighting Dami Collection | Seung Yong Song | South Korea Valchromat ® Hoteis & Restaurantes | Hoteles & Restaurantes | Hotels & Restaurants | Hotels & Restaurants | Hotels & Restaurants | Hotels & Ristoranti Black Valchromat® racks and counter Cooking and Nature Emotional Hotel | Iznogud | Portugal

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Valchromat ® Objectos Lúdicos | Objetos Lúdicos | Playful Objects | Objets Ludiques | Spielerisch Objekte | Oggetti Ludico Black, Grey and Violet Valchromat® spinning top Cuco Toys | Mariana Costa e Silva | Portugal Valchromat ® Objectos Lúdicos | Objetos Lúdicos | Playful Objects | Objets Ludiques | Spielerisch Objekte | Oggetti Ludico Black and Red Valchromat® rocking horses Gommini | Germany

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Valchromat ® Salas de Banho | Cuartos de Banho | Bathrooms | Salles de Bains | Bäder | Bagni Black Valchromat® sink cabinet and walls Tivoli Theatre | Lidija Kolovrat | Portugal Valchromat ® Cozinhas | Cocinas | Kitchens | Cuisines | Küchen | Cucine Red Valchromat® countertop, walls and shelf Loft at Barcelona | Ecograma Disseny | Spain

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Valchromat ® Revestimentos | Revestimientos | Walls Cladding | Revêtements | Verkleidungen | Rivestimenti Black Valchromat® walls and doors Brighton Implant Clinic & Advanced Dentistry | Pedra Silva Arquitectos | United Kingdom Valchromat ® Decoração de Lojas | Montaje de Tiendas | Shoptting | Agencement de Magasins | Ladenbau | Scaffalature Orange, Yellow, Red and Black Valchromat® shelves and cupboards Optique Croix Souris | Alvera Concept and Friedel Ébéniste et Agenceur | France

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Valchromat ® Restauração | Restauración | Restaurants | Restauration | Restaurants | Ristorazione Valchromat ® Restauração | Restauración | Restaurants | Restauration | Restaurants | Ristorazione © Pedro Cavaco Leitão Black Valchromat® walls Zsa Zsa Restaurant | Pedro Cavaco Leitão | Portugal Orange Valchromat® wall Vikus's Restaurant | Decustik | Pere Vilaseca | Spain

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Valchromat ® Stands | Stands de Ferias | Exhibition Stands | Stands | Messestände | Stand Espositivi Valchromat ® Stands | Stands de Ferias | Exhibition Stands | Stands | Messestände | Stand Espositivi © Joel Knight Red Valchromat® stand Swissartis Stand | François Coussement, Swissartis | Morocco Valchromat® Stand Unik Design & Mollibois and Studio 47

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Valchromat ® Exposições | Exposiciones | Exhibitions | Expositions | Ausstellungen | Esposizionis Red and Grey Valchromat® exhibition displays "La Vache qui Rit" 90 years exhibition | STIA | Plano Geométrico | France Valchromat ® Exposições | Exposiciones | Exhibitions | Expositions | Ausstellungen | Esposizionis Black Valchromat® exhibition displays Espaço Casa Vogue | Mostra Black | AR Arquitetos | Brazil

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All Valchromat catalogs and technical brochures

Archived catalogs