Valchromat 2017
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Catalog excerpts

Valchromat 2017 - 1

valchromat by Investwood A Forest of Colour colour your world. use your imagination.

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Valchromat 2017 - 2

A unique combination between the natural features of wood and the beauty of colours. colour your world. use your imagination. © Constanze Tillman Valchromat® Stand Nicolas Laden

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Valchromat 2017 - 3

Valchromat ® Conceito | Concept | Concept Valchromat ® é um painel de fibras de madeira com cor em toda a espessura, ideal para fresar e explorar a tridimensionalidade. PT Valchromat is a wood fibre panel coloured throughout, ideal for machining and 3D routing.. ® Valchromat ® est un panneau de fibres de bois teinté dans la masse, idéal pour l’usinage. FR © Diogo Frias Red, Violet, Yellow, Light Grey, Orange and Green Valchromat® skates Milf Skateboard Tailors | Diogo Frias |

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Valchromat 2017 - 4

Valchromat® Objectos Lúdicos | Playful Objects | Objets Ludiques Yellow, Light Grey, Black, Grey, Blue and Violet Valchromat® game The Grid Game | Mexico

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Valchromat 2017 - 5

Valchromat® Características | Features | Caractéristiques ÚNICO | UNIQUE | UNIQUE NATURAL | NATURAL | NATUREL VERSÁTIL | VERSATILE | POLYVALENT O seu modo único de fabrico permite atribuir-lhe características físicas e mecânicas exclusivas. O tipo de corantes utilizado e as fibras de madeira visíveis à superfície conferem-lhe uma aparência natural e não homogénea. Disponível em diferentes cores, dimensões e expessuras, aceita diversos acabamentos e pode ser utilizado em inúmeras aplicações. Its unique method of manufacture gives it unique physical and mechanical characteristics. The type of...

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Valchromat 2017 - 6

© MCA Estúdio Black, Grey, Light Grey, Yellow, Orange, Violet and Blue Valchromat® furniture and shopfitting Studio dLux | Brazil

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Valchromat 2017 - 7

Valchromat® Vantagens | Advantages | Avantages Colorido em toda a espessura Coloured throughout Teinté dans la masse Fácil de Mecanizar Easy to Machine Facile à Usiner Não tóxico Non toxic Non toxique Resistente a Cargas Load Resistant Résistant au Poids Pouco abrasivo Tool friendly Peu abrasif Hidrófugo Moisture resistant Hydrofuge Por pedido | On request | Sur demande Ignífugo Fire Retardant Ig

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Valchromat 2017 - 8

Valchromat® Aplicações | Applications | Applications © Camille Baudelaire Black Valchromat® exhibition components Meet My Project | Bold Design and Camille Baudelaire | Fran

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Valchromat 2017 - 9

Valchromat® Aplicagoes | Applications | Applications Revestimento de Paredes Mobiliario Paineis Decorativos Decoragao de Lojas Paineis Acusticos Stands Exposigoes e Museus Brinquedos Pavimentos Hoteis & Restaurantes Portas Cozinhas Quartos de Banho EN Wall Cladding Furniture Decorative Panels Shopfitting Acoustic Panels Exhibitions Stands Exhibitions & Museums Toys Flooring Hotels & Restaurants Doors Kitchens Bathrooms Revfitement Murat Meubles Panneaux Decoratifs Agencement Panneaux Acoustiques Stands Expositions & Musees Jouets Parquet Hotels & Restaurants Portes Cuisines Salles de Bains...

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Valchromat 2017 - 10

Valchromat® Mobiliário | Furniture | Mobilier © Denis Fuzii Black, Orange, Yellow and Chocolate Brown Valchromat® chair Kuka Chais | Denis Fuzii | Brazi

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Valchromat® Mobiliário | Furniture | Mobilier Black and Blue Valchromat® chair Portuguese Chair | Francisco Fanucci | Brazil

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Valchromat 2017 - 12

Valchromat® Mobiliário | Furniture | Mobilier Black Valchromat® furniture and lightning Dami Collection | Seung Yong Song | South Korea

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Valchromat® Decoração de Lojas | Shopfitting | Agencement de Magasins Black Valchromat® shopfitting Cooking and Nature Emotional Hotel | Iznogud | Portuga

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Valchromat 2017 - 14

Valchromat® Objectos Lúdicos | Playful Objects | Objets Ludiques Black, Grey and Violet Valchromal® spinning top Cuco Toys | Mariana Costa e Silva | Portugal

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Valchromat® Objectos Lúdicos | Playful Objects | Objets Ludiques Black and Red Valchromat ® cradle and rocking horse Gommini | Germany

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Valchromat ® Cozinhas | Kitchens | Cuisines Light Grey Valchromat® wall cladding and cupboards Sifferlin | France

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Valchromat 2017 - 17

Valchromat® Cozinhas | Kitchens | Cuisines Light Grey Valchromat ® wall cladding and cupboards Sifferlin | France

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Valchromat 2017 - 18

Valchromat ® Revestimentos | Walls Cladding | Revêtements Black Valchromat ® walls and doors Brighton Implant Clinic & Advanced Dentistry | Pedra Silva Arquitectos | United Kingdom

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Valchromat 2017 - 19

Valchromat® Decoração de Lojas | Shopfitting | Agencement de Magasins Light Grey Valchromat® shopfitting Choupana Caffe | Portuga

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Valchromat 2017 - 20

Valchromat® Decoração de Interiores | Interior Design | Design d’intérieur Black Valchromat® counter, shelving and furniture Arquitecto Alberto Souza Oliveira | Teatro do Bairro | Lisbon, Port

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Valchromat® Decoração de Lojas | Shopfitting | Agencement de Magasins Orange Valchromat® wall Vikus’s Restaurant | Decustik | Pere Vilaseca | Sp

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Valchromat® Stands | Exhibition Stands | Stands Red Valchromat® stand Swissartis Stand | François Coussement, Swissartis | Morocco

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Valchromat 2017 - 23

Valchromat® Stands | Exhibition Stands | Stands © Joel Knight Valchromat® stand Unik Design & Mollibois and Studio 47

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Valchromat® Exposições | Exhibitions | Expositions Green, Yellow and Red Valchromat® exhibition displays “La Vache qui Rit” 90 years exhibition | STIA | Plano Geométrico |

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Valchromat 2017 - 25

Valchromat ® Exposições | Exhibitions | Expositions Black Valchromat® exhibition displays Espaço Casa Vogue | Mostra Black | AR Arquitetos | Braz

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Valchromat 2017 - 26

Valchromat® Painéis Decorativos | Decorative Panels | Panneaux Décoratifs Black, Green and Yellow Valchromat® 3D routed panel IAAC Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia | Inder Shergill, Gonzalo Garriga and Seifeldin Shawky | Catalonia, Spai

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