

Catalog excerpts

Uebu - 2

UEB U Imagine the elements and the sun and how they mesh, how they embody themselves within each other and how they make us feel knowing that the web of strings, transparency and dreams is woven right above us in a dream-like structure that is unique to our understanding of those elements, the sun and light. Uebu is not just a source of light, rather a piece of art that will illuminate your home in style. DESIGNERS Asobi is a design studio established by Gorazd Malačič in 1999. The studio made its international debut in 2005 at the London Design Festival with their prototype of the...

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Uebu - 5

COMP OSITIONS * Some examples. Other patterns possible. Infinite custom and unique sizes/configurations available. UEBU ICHI

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Uebu - 6

COMP OSITIONS * Some examples. Other patterns possible. Infinite custom and unique sizes/configurations available. UEBU ROKU UEBU NANA UEBU HACHI

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Uebu - 7

a s obi, t eh nolo š k i pa rk 24 , 1 000 lj u b lja n a , slov en ia T: + 1 6 4 6 5 8 3 0312 , T: +386 1 4 30 46 38, E: tok io@tok iotok io.com al l r ig hts r es er v ed © a s ob i 202 3

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All Tokio furniture & lighting catalogs and technical brochures


    13 Pages

  2. MORI

    2 Pages


    4 Pages

  4. Totem Table

    2 Pages

  5. Totem

    2 Pages

Archived catalogs