Catalog excerpts

Explanation of symbols used in this catalogue accessibility integrated play dimension cm impact absorbing surfacing m2 free fall height cm surface area for rubber tiles recommended age supervised play area unsupervised play area
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2 TLF TLF is based in Casentino, a pleasant area in Tuscany with a long cultural tradition (Michelangelo was born here), known and renowned for the high quality of it’s handicraft production of wood. Founded as a family owned company, it has become a strong industrial and entrepreneurial reality in the course of a few years. This rapid development has transformed TLF from a family company, run by the family, to a firm that employs to over 60 people. TLF
Open the catalog to page 4
3 TLF © Copyright Andrea Barghi
Open the catalog to page 5
4 TLF TLF produces a complete range of items for the furnishing of public outdoor leisure spaces such as parks, play areas, walking and fitness pathways and sports areas. We develop our product concepts in co-operation with internationally renown designers and experts in the areas of modern leisure, childhood and play. Thanks to this open approach, combined with our qualified organization, TLF has established its firm as a leading national producer with the competence to also service the market on a more international level. We offer the international leisure market the assurance of meeting...
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5 TLF TLF and the environment A central element in TLF's philosophy has always been respect for the natural environment. The awareness of the need to take care of the natural surrounding and a love of nature is part of the cultural heritage of people living and working at the heart of a great natural area like the Casentino valley which owes its reputation and attractiveness to its large areas of forests. The presence of the forests resulted in TLF focussing on the use of wood in its production-and we continue to focus on wood in the awareness that wood is the best choice for a sustainable...
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TLF © Copyright Andrea Barghi
Open the catalog to page 10
playful information Playful Information Explanations and definition of ideas expressed in this catalogue. Helpful advice on playgrounds. Elastico Play settings for vigorous and active movement and social play for children 8 to 12 years. Public unsupervised spaces. Modulo Più A wide range of play possibilities: movement, materials, social, role and fantasy play. For specific development stages of children from 1 year to 12/14 years. Public unsupervised spaces. Sporti Furniture, equipment and spaces for games with rules and informal sports. Ages 8 and up. Public unsupervised spaces. Gardenia...
Open the catalog to page 11
About recommended age of user In this catalogue we suggest a recommended age of user - however we know that children develop differently - not all have acquired the same skills and knowledge at exactly the same age and have different experiences and environments that have also influenced their development. Therefore these suggested ages should be taken only as suggestions keeping in mind the range of skills and abilities of the known population of children who will play in the play yard. The lowest age is the one that should be given the most careful consideration. For example if there is a...
Open the catalog to page 13
Explanation of symbols used in this catalogue 12 TLF TLF playing outdoors The symbol for accessibility is used, where in our evaluation, it is possible for a child using a wheelchair can come into or adjacent to the play item at the ground level while in the wheelchair, providing the ground surfacing is appropriate. To access raised play events the child will be out of the wheelchair and wide stairs or platforms are provided for the child to crawl or bump up. To assist in the transfer from wheelchair to playing station we have a transfer platform/table - item no 1.750.It is possible to...
Open the catalog to page 14
13 TLF playful information Materials Play items in this catalogue are of varying materials, depending on design characteristics and target user group. In general we select materials that are appropriate for outdoor public space use where we know the play items will be well used. Therefore we select and specify use of materials that are able to endure being outdoors all year round and withstand usage typical of a public park. Production and Quality Control All play items in this catalogue section have been produced under quality control systems certified by ISO 9001. This is your assurance...
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14 TLF Inspection and Maintenance A practise of regular maintenance routines and safety checks for the playground resulting in a well kept playground will increase the children's pleasure in playing there, will maintain levels of safety and will extend the life of the play items. While TLF chooses materials and finishes that require minimal maintenance - it is always necessary to check the playground frequently and to follow the regular maintenance recommendations for the particular play item. If you have any specific concerns about maintenance in your area our TLF advisors are ready to...
Open the catalog to page 16
Children in the Environment Children love to be outdoors -especially in well maintained garden-like settings with friendly adults. They do not like barren and dusty spaces in poor repair but prefer clean and well landscaped spaces where they can also play with and in the plantings. They are fascinated with the physical world and with nature - and find interest in things like their shadows and the shiny colours of pavement after a rain. Play environments for children should be good examples of design and reflect the ability of the culture to provide well for their citizens. Children are...
Open the catalog to page 17
16 TLF At TLF we know that play spaces for children today must be more than just safe as defined by the safety regulations - they must also offer children a sufficient level of play excitement and challenge. A good playground is one which offers a wide variety of ways to play in an attractive, well maintained setting. While the selection of play items is an important consideration - even more important is the location of the item. For example play items for young children to manipulate or for social/dramatic play should be near where the adults gather, while active play opportunities for...
Open the catalog to page 18Archived catalogs
Sabaudo Collection: Benches
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Sabaudo Collection: Bollards
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Sabaudo Collection: Litter Bins
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Sabaudo Collection
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Gardenia Seasons
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