Series - Tribute to Wildlife
1 / 45Pages

Catalog excerpts

Series - Tribute to Wildlife - 2

You are never alone in the forest even when there is no one in sight. Seems scary? Not at all! The wildlife around us is wonderful - birds and animals live in harmony with nature. When you walk in the forest open minded, ready to see and hear, then you can experience the world exactly as it really is. Everything is real and absolutely inspiring! This catalogue with our latest product lines is our Tribute to Wildlife. The birds and animals we hear and see when we take time to look and notice. In Estonia sometimes you don’t even need to go to the forest to meet deer, foxes, rabbits, or...

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Series - Tribute to Wildlife - 3

Description Slope slide FOX is a 1.5 metre high slide with a platform, suitable for slopes. Shaped like a fox looking into the sky. Material Product frame, support beams and metal details are made of hot-dipped galvanized steel, all fixing accessories from stainless steel. All side panels are made of 15 mm HDPE. The slide has got a stainless-steel sliding surface, which can be replaced by HDPE in case requested. Product’s ground fixings are made of hot-dip galvanized metal and as standard solution it is concreted into the ground. that foxes are solitary creatures that tend to fight less...

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Series - Tribute to Wildlife - 4

Climbing frame FOXHOLE 2 Description Climbing frame FOXHOLE 2 is designed to help develop gross motor skills and promote active play. The tube is suitable for both smaller and bigger crawlers. Kids can safely crawl through the tunnel or use it to hide from rain, sun, or to play hide and seek. Climbing ropes on both sides of the tunnel allow kids to climb also onto the tunnel. The tail can be used for sitting and relaxing or balancing. Material The side panels and tunnel are made of HDPE. The balancing platform/seat is made of painted timber boards. Fixing accessories are made of stainless...

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Series - Tribute to Wildlife - 5

Slope slide CASTOR Description Slope slide CASTOR with a platform provides engaging activities and joy with a 0.95 metres high slide. Material Product frame, support beams and metal details are made of hot-dipped galvanized steel, all fixing accessories from stainless steel. All side panels are made of 15 mm HDPE. The slide has got a stainless-steel sliding surface, which can be replaced by HDPE in case requested. Product’s ground fixings are made of hot-dip galvanized metal and as standard solution it is concreted into the ground. that beavers can remain underwater for 15 minutes without...

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Series - Tribute to Wildlife - 6

Description Slope slide RAT with a platform provides engaging activities and joy with a 0.95 metres high slide. Did you know ... Material Product frame, support beams and metal details are made of hot-dipped galvanized steel, all fixing accessories from stainless steel. All side panels are made of 15 mm HDPE. The slide has got a stainless-steel sliding surface, which can be replaced by HDPE in case requested. Product’s ground fixings are made of hot-dip galvanized metal and as standard solution it is concreted into the ground. that rat burrows have a main entrance and boltholes for quick...

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Series - Tribute to Wildlife - 7

See-saw SEAL Description Fun and unique see-saw SEAL is designed so that if one end goes up, the other goes down. Thanks to the springs fitted near the pivot point, kids can also use it on their own. The realistic-looking seal shape forms a seat and it is equipped with handles and leg supports. Did you know ... Material The beam of see-saw is made of 2 painted laminated timber beams. Mechanism and springs are made from galvanized and powder coated steel. Seals are made of 15 mm HDPE. Product’s ground fixings are made of hot-dip galvanized metal and as standard solution it is concreted into...

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Series - Tribute to Wildlife - 9

that as superb diggers, badgers will sometimes cache food for later use. Spring swing BADGER Description BADGER is a 1-seat spring swing shaped like a badger. Swinging helps kids develop balance, improves their fitness and lets them have fun. Kids can swing either backwards-forwards or the other way around. The swing is equipped with handles and leg supports. Material The springs are made from galvanized and powder coated steel. Animal shape is made of 15 and 19 mm HDPE. Product’s ground fixings are made of hot-dip galvanized metal and as standard solution it is concreted into the ground.

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Series - Tribute to Wildlife - 10

Spring swing RACCOON Description RACCOON is a 1-seat spring swing shaped like a raccoon. Swinging helps kids develop balance, improves their fitness and lets them have fun. Kids can swing either backwardsforwards or the other way around. The swing is equipped with handles and leg supports. Did you know ... Material The springs are made from galvanized and powder coated steel. Animal shape is made of 15 and 19 mm HDPE. Product’s ground fixings are made of hot-dip galvanized metal and as standard solution it is concreted into the ground. that there are up to 100x more raccoons in cities than...

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Series - Tribute to Wildlife - 12

Spring swing RABBIT Description RABBIT is a 1-seat spring swing shaped like a rabbit. Swinging helps kids develop balance, improves their fitness and lets them have fun. Kids can swing either backwards-forwards or the other way around. The swing is equipped with handles and leg supports. Material The springs are made from galvanized and powder coated steel. Animal shape is made of 19mm HDPE. Product’s ground fixings are made of hot-dip galvanized metal and as standard solution it is concreted into the ground. that cottontail rabbits can reach speeds of up to 18 miles an hour.

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Series - Tribute to Wildlife - 13

Balancing surface SCIURUS Description SCIURUS is a balancing surface and a park bench in one shaped like a running squirrel. It helps kids develop balance while also serves as a seating and resting area. Maximum sitting height 0.46 metres. Material The seat of the bench is made of painted timber boards. The sides are made of 15 mm HDPE. Product’s ground fixings are made of hot-dip galvanized metal and as standard solution it is concreted into the ground. that squirrels have four front teeth that never stop growing.

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Series - Tribute to Wildlife - 14

Activity track DEER TRAIL Description Balance and activity track DEER TRAIL includes a balance net, balancing steps shaped like leaves, a slackline, and a balancing beam with handrails. There are 8 different deer with activity boards on them like tic-tac-toe, four-in-row, illuminator window, and geometric shapes. The first two deer are surrounded by metal poles in different heights that makes an impression like they are in a forest. There are also talk tubes on either side of the forest. that white-tailed deer are herbivores, leisurely grazing plant foods. Material Product frame, support...

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All Tiptiptap catalogs and technical brochures

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