Catalog excerpts
Jedef Ofen wurde Remote control pekl £Nph,i bate di aualia direraa esiatono Unaero ProduMe muaeen ncht nacfi dor konMNn we'den. PeeV-Qualitat vamert ToatendrucJi dorauf Incur addrUonal coil* peSpl fufJofkrwc' oporatan program* necoisflenl d'aucuna ENdua oualan opereeon opcjonaie* Aachoauflang aoww Garltaa hoeh garatan porta make mamte-tance tetter &rnp|e periodic nofloyago pratique* lime* fieri, lenlic! on. au pfeaj haul niveau. Aucune surpnao durant tentreten perlocaquo catVia yuna Thermorossi -1 perche di una scelta Syilama, Oanaa Tna varttcal pipaa naal ThormocorB* lyilom. vortical otaoa...
Open the catalog to page 2does stufe ■ poeal ma foriaU. Thermorosai convejione naturale wunachon. bariel Thermorossi ifeM verschiodonen Ofon For those wtio want the convecton stoves commodtte flea pocks foreae. Thermorossi convocton naturoke astute* de peiets. pero Thomxxoav ofteco IWtMlung sow»e wHMd iadVdh He-rientung IroVdem duuSar dans la plus grand laeoco •«ntiac«Vi ( potenoa Etio pormrte poner al Sistema & ftVagga dola pohwro foceo merit messegg) grafici flmttl Ode*M!" oWachan Symbolan control panel haa been updated w<ti IHBI| •iiual meuagoi propose doti messages uUIUando menMiea gio!<co» s*nc**e Warmarttau...
Open the catalog to page 3dcll'.in.i canalituta I metn i> onaliuarDne uUbiando 2 usoie ■ mell *t*ukrUIOn» LtSlURM 1 mOt» I metvn o< ducOnc wvi I oudx S me(n A aruAuanone uUluando J usate lOmMmo'dixllnc mini I oulM II rmn a (jrjiiiMJor* tiiUJjiOo 1 ino'j 6 mttn <* anafcuarnne uAimoo I \at*r 12 iwtm of tefeV mine 1 MM IS mrbi a iir#Jur<iw ublmndo 1 iea"j IS riwn of di*wti«ngl outlet 8 metrt dl canakranone utAuando 2 mole posterior* sinlstrI Duet vent rear led Ustltai canalluaiione posterior* destra Duct vent rear right Scambiatore a fastio tublero THERMOCORE' THERMOCORE" pipe heat exchanger ITA II '.•>:. tutxero vert...
Open the catalog to page 4L'amplo veuo panoramko permette di ammirare il (uo<o The large panoramic glass charm ol flee In complete silence SILENT® system ITA I modelli Silent, appou;amenlc itudiati per gjunnre II mnuno comfort acuttico. wno idcjli per color o che wffrono di alWrgie alia potvere o lempfeemente per it caie a SJMO coniumo energetico the nchitdono poterue termiche inferior! Lo tcambto termco awtene per un roovimento naturale drtfaria. ©ilia per <r*iv»f«on« natural All'elevaio livello di lienjionta u aggiune* U ridurone d» coniumo Dtu Dei geschiet uber die naturlche KonveWlon ohne ruiaukhes Geblase o.e...
Open the catalog to page 5itOtl U c - i Jl'ui auiSi Oinmador patxrMOa • I resldul della combustione vengono rimossi al latl • Com bull Ion residues are moved to the sides • II slslema di pulizia funzlona di conlinuo senia dover spegnere II generalore • The cleaning system works continuously and there is no need to switch the unit off • ftendlmento supcriore c costante, I'ammortamcnto del goneratore awiene in tempi piu brcvi ■ Higher ana stable burning rfticiency; the startup period is shortened PELLETPOWER® system ITA I residui delta combustione vengono timossi dal dispontrro automatico mantenendo liberi I tori di...
Open the catalog to page 6Accumulo (puffer Puffer tank Reservoir d'accumulation (puffer) Eslanque (puffer) BMWJ P*Hel JW>"J!O J pjnndl. sobri caccumuli L'impianto termoidraulico deve essere realm* to secondo normal va locale e dotato di tutti gli accessor* dt scuref fa e controflo («ggf 46/90 • Ispels. Unt ecc.) Petleiwarmeerzeuger mti Solar- und SpeicheranscHim r>e Heltanlage muss die gelteivden Bestimmungen bclolgcn urd mil alien lokalcn Sicherheitt- und Kontrollelemcnt c n wrsehefi sein. Pellet Ooile* paired to solar heating system. All installations must be reafared following local current normative* and must be...
Open the catalog to page 7Piano Igienko, In crlstallo* con (undone dl scalda vtvande" Optional: Dinner" with food warming (unction" Optional: Dinner" PIANO IGIENICO SCALDA VIVANDE l*'"' Di .(•* r. Li (c-n^ :J Ori no'.tfipj"-wjldavivaf«Jt" in crlitalto', Igicnib efacili da polite. Posulonato sopra al fotoljre permettedi assaporare squisite pieianje, mantenendo i tuoiaoi semprc caldi DHponibile per i mode". Moo Amour. Dorka". Aromv". Sawi Monti", OtU SrrLpn^jnn;. die B'Quf mlichl-ci: ume^i SoeiiejglwJfmcpfjtle*" Jul rii.itjir. hygiemwh und em'ach IU retmgen Uber dem Ofen positionlert. ertaubt lie, kosiliche GeKMe lu...
Open the catalog to page 8Tempered glass Hygienic food warming plate Non-iomc silicone feel Food warming area COPERCHIO SCALDA VIVANDE ITA Optional, ta prat ica cupola suldavrvande tocrntallo.remov'b'leelavdble In lavastoviflte. Rlscalda pu vrlocemmte i iuc spuntini. aumcnta la luperfoa per il rlscaloamento dellr tut pletanr* • serve in lavola le (ue soecialrta. con I elegante design del vassoio. CfcSDonlblle per I modetk Mon Amour. Setiecento. Dorica*. Aromy* eSant Moril**. DEU Optional, die praktische spelseaufwarmende Kuppet aus Krlstal) 1st abnehmbar und geschirrspulfest. Warm!delne lausen sctinell aul - (rfiOM...
Open the catalog to page 9ITA II color* gripo antiacne e Le finrture curate permettono Hi ntegrarc Easy in 1 ■- i ■■1 ambient* verarbeiteten RebefflKhen (wp Men Ca*y problemloi in )ede f r*G in anthracite (fry colour and lu meticulous foiiift with bo»- (cliet detail* make it (he perfect unit tor JOY room. II* Grtw a M touleur grtt anthracite el a tn finKtoni toigneev TCajy peut etre integrc daw nlmporte Quel milieu. ISP El color grit antraclta y lot etmerado* acabadot con etpedaiei meeanUac ■ en bajo relieve permften Integra/ Eaiy en
Open the catalog to page 10Uscltt luml disponibill: posterior* - laterals sinistra (optional) flue outlet options: rear - Cast Iron burner Usrita luml lateralc sinistra salvaspazlo (optional) left s<de space-saving flue outlet (optional) Schtrmo comandi programmable. Prof ramming control panel. wiih remote control • External primary air Input (optional) Input cstcrno dcll'arla primaria; Einlritt der prima re Luft worn auSer; External primary air input. Entree d'alr prlmalre exteme; Entrada externa de aire prlmario; • Installailone salva spailo (optional) Curva 90* per scarlco fuml laterale sinistra; Space-saving...
Open the catalog to page 11All THERMOROSSI catalogs and technical brochures
4 Pages
90 Pages
60 Pages
59 Pages
74 Pages
68 Pages
76 Pages
104 Pages
Pellet catalog
47 Pages
Sun catalog
19 Pages
Wood catalog
92 Pages
Archived catalogs
60 Pages
Pellet technologies
92 Pages
19 Pages
37 Pages
43 Pages
Ecotherm Pellet Stoves
40 Pages
Wood stoves
32 Pages