Catalog excerpts

Curtain Wall Insulation + Exceptional performance in Perimeter Fire Containment Systems + Provides life saving fire protection in rated assemblies + Fire resistant to temperatures above 2,000°F (1,093°C) + Conserves energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions + High recycled content + Mold resistant + Controls noise and sound + Natural dark color provides shadowing in glass spandrels LEED v2009 Green Building Credits ® Energy & Atmosphere Materials Indoor & Resources Environmental Quality Thermafiber insulation provides the critical components of the perimeter fire containment system in the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago. Firespan is designed for use with Thermafiber’s patented, labor saving, Impasse® Curtain Wall Insulation System.
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Thermafiber ® FireSpan® 90 & FireSpan® 40 Insulations Description: Product Options: THERMAFIBER® FireSpan® products are designed to provide life saving fire protection in curtain wall and perimeter fire containment systems. These products are noncombustible, moisture-resistant, noncorrosive, nondeteriorating, mildewproof and vermin-proof. Its natural dark color provides shadowing in glass spandrels. FireSpan® 40 & 90 provide thermal insulation, fire protection, acoustical and vapor control in many different fire containment assemblies of 1, 2, and 3-hr ratings. • FireSpan® 40, 2” or greater...
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Filler / Reinforcement Fiber
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Industrial Bulk Wool
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Metal Mesh Blankets
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High-Temperature Board
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Semi-Refractory Felt
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Thermafiber® Industrial Felt
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2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
6 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
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Thermafiber InsolutionsE
4 Pages
Thermafiber InsolutionsE
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Thermafi ber® VersaBoard™
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Thermafiber® TopStop®
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Thermafi ber® SoundZero®
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Thermafi ber® Safi ng™
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Thermafi ber® SAFB™
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Thermafi ber® Impasse® Hangers
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FireSpan 90 & FireSpan 40
2 Pages