Teraplast f3 colour clear pastel tbasket


Catalog excerpts

Teraplast f3 colour clear pastel tbasket - 1

linea COLOUR linea CLEAR linea PASTEL

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Teraplast f3 colour clear pastel tbasket - 2

linea COLOUR linea CLEAR linea PASTEL Progetto grafico ed impaginazione: Verde Pistacchio - info@verdepistacchio.net Foto: Photopiù - Via Rivarotta, 165 - 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) - www.photopiu.it Dati, foto e caratteristiche non sono impegnativi; Teraplast si riserva di apportare le modifiche che riterrà opportune per migliorare i suoi prodotti. Tutte le parti di questo catalogo - foto comprese - sono di proprietà di Teraplast. La riproduzione, anche parziale, è vietata in ogni forma e con ogni mezzo. Data, photos, and characteristics are not binding; Teraplast reserves the right to...

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Teraplast f3 colour clear pastel tbasket - 3

9 Superficie lucida Glossy surface Surface brillante Glanzende Oberflache I vasi con la superficie lucida sono allegri e colorati. Si adattano facilmente al contesto creando un ambiente fresco e vivace. Pots with glossy surface are jolly and bright. They be easily fit to the context, making the background fresh and vivid. Les vases avec la surface brillante sont gais et colores. Ils s'adaptent au contexte aisement en creant un milieu frais et vif. PflanzgefaBe mit glanzender Oberflache sind heiter und farbig. Sie richten sich nach dem Kontext und machen die Atmosphare frisch und lebhaft. •...

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linea COLOUR Trio Santiago Plato Quadro Trio Madeira

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cedro/cedar cedre/zeder Trio Santiago codice senza colore c code without colour Trio Trio Madeira c codice senza colore Cm code without colour Cm

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peonia/peony pivoine/pfingstrose Sunrise 006 nero/black noir/schwarz codice senza colore ~ code without colour

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pivoine/pfingstrose lilyum/lilyum codice senza colore c code without colour

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discreto ed elegante, Plato Quadro si abbina a qualsiasi tipo di vaso, anche in terracotta discreet and elegant, Plato Quadro combines with different types of pots, also with the ones made of terracotta discret et elegant, Plato Quadro se combine avec differents types de pots, aussi celles en terrecuite diskret und stilvoll, Plato Quadro passt zu verschiedenen Topfarten, auch aus Terrakotta. trasparente/transparent transparent/transparent ideale anche come svuota tasche o porta oggetti da scrivania Also ideal as empties pockets or holding objects by desk Aussi ideal comme conteneur ou...

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codice senza colore code without colour dimensioni dimensions Confezione minima Minimum package pezzi pallet pcs pallet

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peonia/peony pivoine/pfingstrose lilyum/lilyum lilyum/lilyum turchese/turquoise turquoise/turkis bruno/brown brun/braun nero/black noir/schwarz Santiago codice senza colore c code without colour

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diffusione dell'acqua per osmosi water diffusion through osmosis's effect diffusion de l'eau par osmose Wasserdiffusion durch Osmose riserva d'acqua water reserve reserve d'eau Wasser-Reservoir Evita I'annidamento di zanzare e altri insetti It stops mosquitoes and other insects from laying eggs Evite la nidation des moustiques et autres insectes Das Einnisten von Mucken und anderen Insekten wird verhindert foro di drenaggio per l'acqua in eccesso drainage bore for water's excess trou de drainage pour l'eau en exces Entwasserungsloch Superficie lucida Glossy surface Surface...

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bianco/white blanc/weiB cedre/zeder sauge/salbei noir/schwarz codice senza colore code without colour dimensioni dimensions litri liters Confezione minima Minimum package 18 43x15x40h 18 50x16x41h 12 41x21x50h pezzi pallet pcs pallet

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Porto Plato PORTO 14 + PLATO 12 PORTO 16 + PLATO 14 PORTO 20 + PLATO 16 PORTO 25 + PLATO' 20 PORTO 30 + PLATO' 24 PORTO 35 + PLATO' 28 PORTO 40 + PLATO' 32 Porto ha il supporto per orchidea nelle misure 14 e 16 on the measures 14 and 16 Porto is featured with orchids’s brackets dans les mesures 14 et 16 Porto a un support pour les orchidees Unterstutzung fur Orchideen in den GroBen 14 - 16 vom Topf “Porto”

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bruno/brown brun/braun rosso/red rouge/rot nero/black noir/schwarz Algarve codice senza colore Qm code without colour

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ideale per fiori recisi ideal for cut flowers ideal pour les fleurs coupees ideal fur Schnittblumen Kit Algarve Water Reserve Algarve codice senza colore cm code without colour Cm ideale come porta vaso ideal as cachepot ideal comme pot de fleurs ideal als Ubertopf self watering con riserva d’acqua with water reserve system avec reserve d’eau mit Wasser-Reservoir Linea Flortec codice senza colore code without colour

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?s> Madeiraluxy trasparente/transparent transparent/transparent codice senza colore c code without colour

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rouge/rot cedre/zeder brun/braun noir/schwarz Madeira codice senza colore Cm code without colour

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COIMBRA cm 25 Contiene 2 vasi cm 12 Suitable to contain 2 pots cm 12 Contient 2 pots de 12 cm Platz fur zwei Vasen 12 cm cedre/zeder brun/braun Coimbra codice senza colore Qm code without colour

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Plato Quadro Pagina 14

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disponibile nelle misure 14 e 16 on the measures 14 and 16 dans les mesures 14 et 16 in den Grohen 14 - 16

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412 410acquamarina/aquamarine ghiaccio/iceaigue-marine/aquamarin glace/eis 409 411 malva/mauve mauve/mauve porcellana/porcelain porcelaine/porzellan codice senza colore c code without colour

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mauve/mauve porcelaine/porzellan Estoril water reserve pastel codice senza colore c code without colour

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Superficie lucida Glossy surface Surface brillante Glanzende Oberfache Santiagopastel 412 410 acquamarina/aquamarine aigue-marine/aquamarin ghiaccio/ice glace/eis codice senza colore c code without colour

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Superficie opaca Matt finished Surface opaque Matt-Oberflache Linea Flortec 022 bianco/white blanc/weih codice senza colore Qm code without colour

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bianco/white blanc/weih 415 terra di Siena/terra di siena terra di siena/terra di siena T-Basketbig codice senza colore Qm code without colour

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trasparente / transparent transparent / transparent bianco / white blanc / weiB argento / silver argente / silbrig sabbia / sand colour sable / sand giallo / yellow jaune / gelb giallo / yellow jaune / gelb oro / gold dore / gold arancio / orange orange / orange rosso / red rouge / rot rosso intenso / intense red rouge intense / starkes rot marsala / marsala marsala / marsala bronzo / bronze bronze / bronze ciclamino / cyclamen cyclamen / zyklamfarbe peonia / peony pivoine/ pfingstrose lilla / lilac lilas / lila lilyum / lilyum lilyum / lilyum viola / violet violet / veilchenblau bambu /...

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All TeraPlast catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Linea CITY

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  2. Linea display

    11 Pages

  3. Linea basic

    27 Pages

  4. Catalogue 2018

    141 Pages