Catalog excerpts

PROFESSIONAL Central vacuum unit: Sries TECNO Block Mini -TECNO Block Maxi LineaTECNO Block Mini without self-cleaning Linea TECNO Block Mini with seif-cieaning r0~ Up to 600 m2-1 Operator IP20 Classe I INSTALLATION AREA The TECNO Block Mini central vacuum unit is used for residential homes and for the small business sector. It is specifically indicated for ail the System cases with extended piping that havethefollowing characteristics: - area to be cleaned between 350 and 600 m2 - vacuum network built with 50 mm and 63 mm diameter pipes and inlet connecter to the central unit. - 220/240 Vac single phase power. - air discharge to the outside. - suitable for Systems being used by a single operator. PARTICULAR CHARACTERISTICS OFTHE PRODUCT - the central vacuum unit performs like a professional apparatus while still being compact in size. - the dust bag holds up to 45 litres. - it is an industrial, top performance motor with a light alloy, blower with side channels, and is maintenance free. - performance is managed using the electronic System on the central unit, capable of handling and controlling the vacuum power, according to actual needs. - it is fitted with a self-cleaning System (only on the 3115.2MB model) for the controlled activation of the filter cartridge maintenance. - the motor has a start up System for the r魩duction of peak absorption. - the energy consumption is very low, whatever the working condition with regards to performance. RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION The central units are fitted with a connection for the air vent piping which is essential for sending the micro dust that the filter cartridͭge cannot contain, outside. They should be installe! in service rooms such as garages, cel-lars etc.. and protected from extrme weather conditions and excessive temp骩rature changes. You should choose areas at some distance from heat sources, such as heaters or central heating. (IP 20 insulation level). At the planning stage, it is advisable to identify the best location for the central unit with respect to the system, leaving a reasonable amount of space for installation, use, maintenance and a correct re-circulation of air around the central unit. In the event of a system on several floors, it should be installe! on the bottom floor. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS Central vacuum unit with mtal support base that highlights its sturdiness. Dust container fitted with wheels and handles to make emptying easier.The option of Connecting to the piping both from the right and left. It is extremely quiet while running. The micro line switch allows for maintenance op驩rations. At start up, it has a rduction in absorption peak. www.sistemair.it rif. 01-2008 ENG
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Central vacuum unit: SriesTECNO Block Mini -TECNO Block Maxi PROFESSIONAL central vacuum Systems CENTRAL UNIT SELECTION TABLE The central units can be used by a single operator on a maximum surface area of 600 m2 TheTecno Block Mini central units can be selected with or without a programmable self-cleaning System for the filter. MODEL ARTICLE Maximum Central unit with Motor power Power supply Maximum air Filtering Dust container numberof self-cleaning (kW) (Volt ac ) flow(m3/h) surfaces (cm2) capacity (litres) operators 1 NO 1,5 I 220/240 200/270 17800 45 Block Mini ! YES 1,5 I 220/240 I...
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PROFESSIONAL Central vacuum unit: Sries TECNO Block Mini -TECNO Block Maxi SUMMARYTABLE OF AVAILABLE SPEEDS AND KINDS OF SELECTION MODEL ARTICLE Speed can be set manually Speed can be modulated electronically Speed converter Electronic card for speed modulation fTECNO I Block Mini 3115.2 MB Lgende | Numberofspeedsthatcanbeset (e.g. : = 2 speeds can be set) V =YES - =N0 Performance graph Art.: 3115.1 MB - 3115.2MB Vacuum mbar Speedl Speed 2 1 mVh 0 100 200 300 400 500 Airflow www.sistemair.it rif. 01-2008 ENG
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Open the catalog to page 4
PROFESSIONAL Central vacuum unit: Sries TECNO Block Mini -TECNO Block Maxi FITTING THE CENTRAL UNIT No particular attachment is needed although, you should ascertain that the selected installation area has the minimum requirements for a correct and safe positioning without incongruits that would make the central unit instable: - a solid resting surface - a perfectly flat surface - a surface unaffected by vibrations. CONNECTION TOTHE PIPING NETWORK The inlets for the connection to the piping network and air vent piping to the outside can be positioned either on the left or right of the...
Open the catalog to page 5
Central vacuum unit: SriesTECNO Block Mini -TECNO Block Maxi PROFESSIONAL central vacuum Systems SPARE PARTS TABLE ACCESSORIES TABLE TECNO Block Mini TECNO Block Mini ART. MODEL 3115.1MB ART. 3115.2MB MODEL 3115.1MB 3115.2MB ARTICLE | 4200.0 _ 4200.2 4200.3 _l_ Anthracite coloured remote wall panel Quantity = 1 pice Aluminium coloured remote table panel Quantity=1 pi騨ce Anthracite oloured remote table panel Quantity =1 pice Filtercartridge Quantity = 1 pice Bags Quantity = 20 pi訨ces /a>. 063mm air vent silencer O'^^s. Quantity = 1 pice s- Compressorfor self-cleaning Quantity = 1 pice Remote...
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PROFESSIONAL Central vacuum unit: Sries TECNO Block Mini - TECNO Block Maxi Linea TECNO Block Maxi withoutseif-cieaning Linea TECNO Block Maxi with self-cleaning Up to 1200 m2 - 3 Operators INSTALLATION AREA The Maxi Block central vacuum units in theTecno Block range are available in diffrent versions, for use in residential homes and small businesses. It is spe-cifically indicated for ail the System cases with extended piping that have the following characteristics: - area to be cleaned between 500 and 1200 m2 - piping network made with a pipe of between 50 and 63 mm in diameter and 63 mm...
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Central vacuum unit: Sries TECNO Block Mini -TECNO Block Maxi PROFESSIONAL central vacuum Systems SUMMARYTABLE OF AVAILABLE SPEEDS AND KINDS OF SELECTION MODEL ARTICEL Speed can be set manually Speed can be modulated electronically Speed converter Electronic card for speed modulation 320 320 320 V V V V V V T T TECNO Block Maxi Description | =Numberof speeds thatcan beset (e.g. | = 2 speeds can be set) V = Available . = Unavailable (1 ) = Can only be used with Systems using rsistive divider cards art. 3301.4 FITTING THE CENTRAL UNIT No particular attachment is needed although you should...
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Catalogue 2013
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Sistem Air Final User Depliant
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