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Domestic - 1

DOMESTIC Central vacuum cleaners Sries Tecno Activa/Tecno Evolution Srie TECNO Evolution G驩nration Srie TECNO Activa G驩nration Up to 450m2-1 Operator "^fr □ Classe » TECNO Activa with built in computer 3 yearWARRANTY INSTALLATION AREA The central units in the TECNO Evolution'Gn驩ration and TECNO Activa'Gene-ration sries are used for domest< installations and res*dential Systems with the folowing charactenstics: - area to be deaned between 30 and 450 mJ - plping network with 50 mm diameter pipe - 220/240 V ac single phase power - discharge of fritered air outside * suitable for one user at a time, PARTICULAR CHARACTERI5TIC5 OF THE PRODUCT - Thanks to the IP44 electric insulation level the central units can be installed in areas subject to damp, on bakonies or even in ainng cupboards. -The central units can be connected to the piping network with dust entrance from either the nght or left -Theyare fitted with safetyheatsensorstoprotectthe motorandwthautoma-tic shut down or restart. in the event of overheating -They comply with the h*gh electric and mechamcal safety standards imposed by the IMQ body and have received the approved label. * The polyester fitter cartridge is certified MA - U5G and can be washed with water. ■ The product stands out for its Level 2 insulation category (it does not require tobeearthedX - Using the template provxled (art. 4300.0) when setting up the system, wil ensure that the unit is correctly instaled without problems, enors or tme wa- stingr TECNO Activa G鮩nration also has a built in computer to control and manage the maintenance cycles, il offers the possibilty of Connecting to an auxiliary modem as a maintenance warning, as wel as the possibility of a connection to the remote control panel in order to view the maintenance cydes. TECNO Activa (TA) cornes with a 3 year warranty. Tecno Evolution without built in computer 1 yearWARRANTY RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION The central unit* are fitted with a connection lor an air vent. This is essential for sending the mtcroscopK dust partides that the filter cartrtdge cannot contain, outside. Thse central units can be fitted m plant rooms, under the stairs* cupboards, etc... The IP44insulation level alow for installation in the open air such as on balcon ies or in particularly damp environments, At the planning stage, it is advisable to kientiry thebest location for Lhe central unit with respect to the system, leaving a reasonable amount of space for installation, use and maintenance. Speedy and accu rate positioning of the central unit wrth respect to the ptping network can be donc using the positioning template provided Intheevent of a System on several floors. it should be Install騩e! on the bottom floor MAIN CHARACTERISTICS The construction is emrely made vibration proof, sound proof plastic and with rust proof screws and bolts It offers maximum quietness when rgnning, thanks to the endosure of themotor in a vibration proof hood It is flned wth douMe protection elearonic power and control board with fuse Mock switches both on the main and secondary circuit The power of the motor shoukJ be selected accordlng to the end usert requirements* The dust cdlecior is fitted with comfortable handles and can be used without a dust bag. The TECNO' range has 14 central vacuum unit modeb so tha the product can pcrfcctly satisfy the diffrent size requirements and surface areas to be cleaned WWW v^rmjtr it nf01-2COԊNG

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Domestic - 2

Central vacuum Sries Tecno Activa/Tecno Evolution DOMESTIC central vxuum Systems CENTRAL UNIT SELECTION TABLE The central units can be used by a sangle opecator The central vacuum units shouM be selected according to the surface area to be cleaned, in order to ensure long Irfe and best performance over lime. Once the Stfe of the surface area has been established. one can start applying certain slection crrtena, such as the computer maintenance waming cycle, the capacity of the dust hoJders, the hltering surface and the uze of the central unit MODEL ARTICLE Hamlrtrt htti (VWtaO m »...

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Domestic - 4

Central vacuum Sries Tecno Activa/Tecno Evolution DOMESTIC central vacuum swtcmv TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The central units ol the TECNO Gn驩ration sries are rnade (rom plastic, poly propyiene and ABS, and are rsistant to atmospheric polutants, They have been designed and bu* in comptante with The strictest criteria imposed by current l驩gislation and EU directives, without, however, neglecting the fondamental l驭ments $uch as operatjonal ability, power and capabiky o* use. The main technical characteristks can be listed as follows: » selMupporringcylndrKalpolypfopyienebody, ■ protection and...

Open the catalog to page 4
Domestic - 6

Central vacuum Sries Tecno Activa/Tecno Evolution DOMESTIC central v«cuum syjtcmv SPARE PARTSTABLE TECNO Evolution Gn驩ration TECNO Activa Gnration art. MM1I mm nutn iA 100 te 驏11S1T! sa*o0 te ta mui - i- ta ■MMil»* sa 50 ta iiiun sa ico ta mira yao: ta 1111111 SA4CC ta wopel if TE sa 50 te Fiker cartridge Quanttty - 1 pice ARTKIF 0 50 mnv2' air vent i4encer Ou-anlrty ■ 1 pice Motor body :j11.1■ i ' ' ■ v = 1 pl 1623.9 1*23.10 1623.11 Motor brushe* Qu訠ntily - l pice Efectncbcwr for mot or Quantily = 1 p质ece Electric board for computer Qujntly ■ 1 pice ACCESSORIES TABLE TECNO Evolution...

Open the catalog to page 6
Domestic - 7

DOMESTIC Central vacuum Sries TECNO Star

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Domestic - 9

DOMESTIC Central vacuum Srie TECNO Star Upto450m2-2 0perators ^JJ* Classe I INSTALLATION AREA The TECNO Star central vacuum unit is recommendedfor residential and hasthe following characteristics: - recommended surface area to be cleaned between 300 and 450 m2 - vacuum network built with 50 mm diameter pipe and 0 63 mm inlet connecter to the central unit. - 220/240 Vac single phase power - air vent. - use of the System with up to 2 operators simultaneously (once as the piping network has been properly install魩e!). PARTICULAR CHARACTERISTICS OFTHE PRODUCT -TheTECNO Star range offers the...

Open the catalog to page 9
Domestic - 10

Central vacuum Sries TECNO Star DOMESTIC central vacuum Systems CENTRAL UNIT SELECTION TABLE The TECNO Star central units are ftted with two motors, whose intervention method d鯩pends on how the central unit is used, and by the number of micro lines that have been connected up and are in opration. It is in fact, possible to connect 2 micro lines to the central unit that cover two diffrent areas of the vacuum system (for example, two areas of the same System, two levels or, two separate apartments). In fact, it is possible to choose whether to vacuum one single area covered by one micro line...

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All Tecnoplus catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Catalogue 2013

    68 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Installation

    16 Pages

  2. Industrial

    26 Pages

  3. Professional

    14 Pages