Catalog excerpts

BS 476: Part 3: 2004 External Fire Exposure Roof Test Test Sponsor: Tapco Europe Limited
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Warringtonfire Test Report No 158117 BS 476: Part 3: 2004 External Fire Exposure Roof Test Sponsored By Tapco Europe Limited Unit 32, Tokenspire Business Park, Hull Road Woodmansey East Yorkshire HU17 OTB
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Test Details Purpose of test To determine the performance of specimens of a roof construction when they are subjected to the conditions of the test specified in BS 476: Part 3: 2004, "British Standard Specification for Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures - External Fire Exposure Roof Tests". The test was performed in accordance with the test procedures specified in BS 476: Part 3: 2004 and this report should be read in conjunction with that British Standard. The tests are designed to enable measurement of: a) capacity of a representative section of a roof to resist penetration...
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Description of Test Specimens The description of the specimens given below has been prepared from information provided by the sponsor of the test. All values quoted are nominal, unless tolerances are given. Note 1 : The sponsor of the test has confirmed that no flame retardant additives were utilised in the production of the product / component. Note 2 : The sponsor was unable to provide this information.
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Test Results Results of test The test results relate only to the behaviour of the test specimens of the construction under the particular conditions of test, they are not intended to be the sole criterion for assessing the potential fire hazard of the construction in use. The test results relate only to the specimens of the roof construction which were tested. Small differences in the composition or thickness of the construction may significantly affect the results of the test and may therefore invalidate the test results. Care should be taken to ensure that any construction which is...
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Responsible Officer A Myler* Approved I Moore * Laboratory Supervisor Head of Department P E Lythgoe * * For and on behalf of warringtonfire. Report Issued: 13th October 2006 This version of the report has been produced from a .pdf format electronic file that has been provided by Warringtonfire to the sponsor of the report and must only be reproduced in full. Extracts or abridgements of reports must not be published without permission of Warringtonfire. The original signed paper version of this report, which includes signatures in blue ink, is the sole authentic version. Only original paper...
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Other observations: In the case of each specimen, ignition occurred upon application of the pilot flame during the sixth minute of the test. In the case of each specimen, flaming remained upon removal of the pilot flame at six minutes and continued to the end of the test duration. In the case of each specimen fire penetration did not occur.
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Classification Of Specimens The following is reproduced from Clause 4 of BS 476: Part 3: 2004. Roof systems shall be designated by the letters EXT.F or EXT.S to indicate whether the test results apply to a flat (horizontal) or an inclined roof system, respectively Roof systems subject to conditions of external fire shall be classified according to both the time of penetration and the distance of spread of flame along their external surface. Each category designation shall consist of two letters, e.g. AA, AC, BB, these being determined as specified in 4.22 and 4.23 4.2.2 Fire penetration...
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Oodycote ^ global safety TESTING Bodycote warringtonfire Testing • Holmesfield Road • Warrington • Cheshire • WA1 2DS • United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1925 655 116 • Fax: +44 (0) 1925 655 419 • Email: Info@warringtonfire.net • Website: www.warringtonfire.net
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