Catalog excerpts

Tapco Europe Ltd Unit 32 Tokenspire Business Park Hull Road Woodmansey East Yorkshire HU17 0TB Tel: 01482 880478 Fax: 01482 880678 e-mail: international@tapcoint.com website: www.tapcoroofingproducts.com This Agrement Certificate Product Sheet(1) relates to TapcoSlate, a range of polypropylene compound-moulded roof tiles used to provide a weatherproof finish to pitched timber roofs with a rafter pitch of 14° and over, in accordance with BS 5534 : 2014. (1) Hereinafter referred to as 'Certificate'. CERTIFICATION INCLUDES: • factors relating to compliance with Building Regulations where applicable • factors relating to additional non-regulatory information where applicable • independently verified technical specification • assessment criteria and technical investigations • design considerations • installation guidance • regular surveillance of production • formal three-yearly review. KEY FACTORS ASSESSED Strength — the product has adequate strength to resist the loads associated with the installation of the roof (see section 6). Properties in relation to fire — the product can enable a roof to be unrestricted under the national Building Regulations (see section 7). Weathertightness — the product resists the passage of moisture into the roof (see section 8). Durability — under normal service conditions, the product will provide a durable covering with a service life in excess of 20 years (see section 10). The BBA is a UKAS accredited certification body - Number 113. The schedule of the current scope of accreditation for product certification is available in pdf format via the UKAS link on the BBA website at www.bbacerts.co.uk Readers are advised to check the validity and latest issue number of this Agrement Certificate by either referring to the BBA website or contacting the BBA direct. Any photographs are for illustrative purposes only, do not constitute advice and should not be relied upon. British Board of Agrement Bucknalls Lane tel: 01923 665300 Watford clientservices@bbacerts.co.uk
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In the opinion of the BBA, TapcoSlate, if installed, used and maintained in accordance with this Certificate, can satisfy or contribute to satisfying the relevant requirements of the following Building Regulations (the presence of a UK map indicates that the subject is related to the Building Regulations in the region or regions of the UK depicted): The Building Regulations 2010 (England and Wales) (as amended) Requirement: B3(2) Internal fire spread (structure) Requirement: B4(2) External fire spread Comment: A roof incorporating the product is unrestricted under these...
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Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016 Information in this Certificate may assist the client, designer (including Principal Designer) and contractor (including Principal Contractor) to address their obligations under these Regulations. See sections: 1 Description (1.1) and 14 Health and Safety of this Certificate. NHBC Standards 2018 In the opinion of the BBA, TapcoSlate, if installed, used and maintained in accordance with this Certificate, can satisfy or contribute to satisfying the relevant...
Open the catalog to page 3
2.2 As part of the assessment and ongoing surveillance of product quality, the BBA has: • • • • • • agreed with the manufacturer the quality control procedures and product testing to be undertaken assessed and agreed the quality control operated over batches of incoming materials monitored the production process and verified that it is in accordance with the documented process evaluated the process for management of nonconformities checked that equipment has been properly tested and calibrated undertaken to carry out the above measures on a regular basis through a surveillance process, to...
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6.2 The product has a mean bending moment of 96 Nm·m–1 width and a wet bending strength of 36 N·mm–2 (average of both directions). 6.3 The product has adequate resistance to the wind and snow loads likely to be encountered in service. In situations where high local loads may occur, the designer must seek the advice of the Certificate holder. Consideration must also be given to the guidance contained in BRE Digest 439. 7 Properties in relation to fire The product, when mechanically fixed to an oriented strand board deck and when installed on a batten and rafter system, achieve a BROOF(t4)...
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12.3 The roof space and batten space must be adequately ventilated in accordance with BS 5250 : 2011. 13 Cutting The product should be cut (for use at eaves and valleys) with a sharp knife. The use of a chalk line to determine a straight edge for cutting is recommended for use with valley and hip details. Nails can be driven through the slate without the need for pre-drilling or punching. 14 Health and safety Any roof clad in tiles must be treated as fragile, and the recommendations in section 9 should be followed. Precautions should be taken to prevent danger to the public from falling,...
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17.2 Tests were carried out on the product to determine the effects of: • • • • • • artificial weathering and colour stability prolonged water immersion and heating freeze/thaw cycling warm water immersion heat ageing at elevated temperatures heat/rain cycling. 18 Investigations 18.1 An assessment was made of existing data from independent laboratories relating to: • behaviour in relation to fire • driving rain performance at 14 roof pitch. 18.2 The manufacturing process was evaluated, including the methods adopted for quality control, and details were obtained of the quality and...
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Conditions of Certification 19 Conditions 19.1 This Certificate: • relates only to the product/system that is named and described on the front page • is issued only to the company, firm, organisation or person named on the front page – no other company, firm, organisation or person may hold claim that this Certificate has been issued to them • is valid only within the UK • has to be read, considered and used as a whole document – it may be misleading and will be incomplete to be selective • is copyright of the BBA • is subject to English Law. 19.2 Publications, documents, specifications,...
Open the catalog to page 8All Tapco Roofing Products catalogs and technical brochures
TapscoSlate Fixing Guide
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Dry verge fixing guide
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Tapcoroofing Brochure
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Self-Build Homes Fact Sheet
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Re-Roof Your Home Fact Sheet
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Outdoor Living Fact Sheet
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Modular Homes Fact Sheet
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Conservatory Roof Fact Sheet
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40-year Warranty
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ISO 9001 Certificate
2 Pages
Tapco Chemical Compatibility
1 Pages
Tapco Cowl Vent Fixing Guide
1 Pages
Tapco Abutment Ventilator
1 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages