Catalog excerpts
BEAUTY Napa Beauty Equipment
Open the catalog to page 1Taiwan Proud Chairs(TPC) Napa brand owns professional design team and strong Manufacturer. For the past twenty years, the company upholds to independent design and development which help us retain high sensitivity for the fashion trend in the hair care (salon) market. We have accumulated numerous professional technologies and design patents with awards in Taiwan Good Design Product, which lead to world recognition for our products. Napa’s hair salon equipments are marketed to the whole world, cooperating with a lot of world famous hairdressing brands for market development. Now, we invite...
Open the catalog to page 2NEW MOON Shampoo Chair新月沖水椅 新月 NEW MOON — 形如其名以新月造型為空間賦予一股清新的線條猶如搖椅般的童趣詮釋現代 人在繁忙的生活節奏中渴望得到片刻的心靈釋放新月沖水椅以微笑曲線徹底顛覆直線空間的迷思。 New Moon –Shaped by its name, NEW MOON given a refreshing line like the childhood fun of rocketing chair, interpreting the momentary spiritual release longed by modern people in the bustling lifestyle, NEW MOON thoroughly overthrows the myth of linear space with a smiling curve. 主體顏色有黑、灰、白三種色系可供選擇皮革顏色 可另指定但因皮革材質不同價位上會有差異
Open the catalog to page 4LEOPARD Shampoo Chair捷豹沖水椅 捷豹 LEOPARD—在簡捷流線的外型下即使 靜止不動也像動態奔馳的進行式洗練的 設計讓全身上下無一處多餘的線條酷炫的 外表下有著對功能與細節的堅持無論從任 何角度審視都已近乎一件藝術品。 The simple and stream-line appearance, LEOPARD denotes a dynamic galloping movement even when standing still. Its refined design removes excess lines from the body. Under the cool appearance is the insistence to function and details, which is nearly one art piece regardless of the review from any angle. 主體顏色有黑、灰、白三種色系可供選擇皮革顏色 可另指定但因皮革材質不同價位上會有差異
Open the catalog to page 5EURO STAR II Shampoo Chair歐洲之星沖水椅 歐洲之星二代 Euro Star II —享受最頂級奢華之旅。現代極簡主義的造型設計 一體成形的強化玻璃纖維主體傳達出強烈的個人風格主張45°傾仰設計、 厚實加大坐墊享受洗髮兼按摩的雙重享受。 Euro Star II is one journey to the top luxury. The modern and minimalist style of design and the one-piece glass fiber body incorporated conveys a strong personal style. The 45°-tilt design and increased cushion thickness to have dual enjoyment of hair wash and massage. 主體顏色有黑、灰、白三種色系可供選擇皮革顏色 可另指定但因皮革材質不同價位上會有差異
Open the catalog to page 6FIRST CLASS Shampoo Chair頭等艙沖水椅 在頭等艙 First Class 系列中我們可以看到許多流動的線條就像是平靜的 水面激起的水花彷彿帶您進行一趟頂級的舒適之旅。擁有 3 種基礎色系、 讓您與座椅顏色作自由組合搭配。 In the First Class series, we can see many flow lines like the droplets stirred up from the tranquil water, taking you to a top journey of comfort. The product offers 3 base colors to let you match freely with the seat colors. 主體顏色有黑、灰、白三種色系可供選擇皮革顏色 可另指定但因皮革材質不同價位上會有差異
Open the catalog to page 7Shampoo Chair禪風沖水椅 〝禪〞 梵文—散亂的心神凝聚一處大自然純 真、至善、完美的境界禪風沖水椅將極簡造 型風格融入環境中是現代工藝與科技的典範設 計讓洗髮成為一種舒適愉快的體驗。 “Zen” in Sanskrit means to unite the scattered mind into one place of the pure, virtuous and perfect realm of the Nature. The Zen-style shampoo chair integrates the minimalist style into the environment, a paragon design of both modern craft and technology, turning hair washing into one comfortable and pleasant experience. 主體顏色有黑、灰、白三種色系可供選擇皮革顏色 可另指定但因皮革材質不同價位上會有差異
Open the catalog to page 8tyling & SPA chair 美髮椅養護椅
Open the catalog to page 9VINTAGE Styling Chair仿古椅 以現代手法重新詮釋復古元素以厚實的皮革搭配手工車線縫製重現懷舊、經典的 時代氛圍 在皮革顏色挑選上 您可選擇單一顏色椅座 亦可選擇搭配白色滾邊處理。 Using modern approach to re-interpret the retro elements and incorporating thick leather with hand-stitches for sewing to reproduce the nostalgic and classical atmosphere of times. You can choose single-color leather or with white piping. CONTEMPORARY Styling Chair當代椅 曾經 , 過往的事物是如此的浪漫傳奇 , 令人深深著迷。 我們在復古造型的基礎上 , 融入 現代的設計手法 , 源自人們對往日情景的懷想與時尚流行的酷愛 , 於是我們讓新舊時光 , 重新在空間裡展開優雅的對談。 The past affairs were once romantic, legendary and profoundly fascinating. On the basis of retro style, we integrate...
Open the catalog to page 10GOTHIC Styling Chair歌德椅 重現文藝復興時期的藝術風格經歷浪漫主義與 1980 年代新的歌德運動開始上演歌德精神逐漸在藝 術與時尚界展現其影響力歌德椅如同將舊時代的精神喚醒 , 從線條、顏色到形狀上重新發掘屬於那個 時代的精彩片段。 The artistic style of Renaissance is reproduced while the Romanticism and the New Goethe Movement start to play, whereas the Goethe spiritual gradually exhibits influence in the art and fashion field. The Goethe chair awakens the spirit of the old time while rediscovering the splendid segments attributing to that time from lines, colors to shapes. ENGLAND Styling Chair英格蘭 重回夢幻時代。經典的畫面是永不退流行的元素裝點在椅背上的扣具裝飾是椅面亮眼之筆 像重回古老英倫年代的電影場景正敘述一個深沈且雋永的故事。 Returning to the dreamlike...
Open the catalog to page 11BUTTON Styling Chair單釦椅 一直到現在人們一直透過現代的表現手法表達對古典的懷念和景仰就像單釦椅試著以最少的元素和 最簡單的線條來揉和傳統與現代氣息。舒適的高密度泡綿和強化鋼板底座則讓作品超越以往更形完美。 People still use modern approach to express their nostalgia and worship for classics even today. It is similar to blend traditional and modern atmospheres for the button chair with the minimum elements and simplest lines. The work has surpassed the past and leads into perfection with the comfortable and high-density form and the reinforced steel-plate base. CUBE Styling Chair立方椅 簡單的兩片式立方體設計。很多人初見外觀都感受其簡捷且透著白色特有的寧靜感慢慢的都被作 品所吸引。因為不張揚反而給人一種寧靜、開闊的通透感。 Most people perceive the simple...
Open the catalog to page 12S STYLE Styling Chair曲線椅 世界上再沒有比人體更美的線條了。過目難忘的輪廓線條、搭配不同的椅身色彩隨即幻 化出截然不種的萬種風情、眩目與奢華的經典之作曲線椅的出現就為了吸引你的目光。 There are no lines more aesthetic than human body. The memorable contour lines incorporated with different chair colors to immediately transform into completely different expression; it is a classic piece of overwhelm and luxury while the emergence of S style chair aims to draw your attention. WINGS Styling Chair雙翼椅 簡單就是力量。簡約時尚的設計呼應空間與人的相對關係為了聚焦在單純的乘坐樂趣所以我 們以模仿雙翼包覆身體的概念讓身體回復到最單純的感動。 Simplicity is power. The design of simple fashion corresponds with the relative relation between space and...
Open the catalog to page 13SWAN Styling Chair天鵝椅 EASTER EGG Styling Chair彩蛋椅 猶如展翅的天鵝掠過平靜的湖面純淨且優雅有時候造型只要一點抽象的概念就能讓空間變得 神彩奕奕。天鵝椅—背、座、扶手一體成型實現了設計師對原創造型的完美堅持。 The swan chair is similar to swans flying over the tranquil lake with purity and elegance. Sometimes the design only needs some abstract concept to embellish the space with vigor. The one-piece shape of back, seat and handle has implemented the perfect insistence of designers to original design. 丹麥設計大師—雅各布森 (Arne Jacobsen) 為皇家歌本哈根飯店所設計的蛋椅如今已成為丹麥家具設 計的代名詞。彩蛋椅重新以蛋為發想以全曲線壓克力本體內襯手工繃皮椅墊重新詮釋大師精神 並感受北歐家具的美好時光。 The Egg chair which Danish Design Master, Arne Jacobson,...
Open the catalog to page 14SMALL BRILLIANT Styling Chair小佳座 JAPANESE STYLE Styling Chair日本定製椅 長久以來日式風格一直自成一格它代表著優雅、細緻、簡約而又帶著些許禪意精選兩款日式風美髮椅兼具沙發 的舒適與油壓椅的方便值得您細細品味。 For long, Japanese style has always been exceptional that represents grace, sophistication, simplicity, and some Zen spirit. The two Japanese styling chair offer the comfort of sofa and the convenience of hydraulic chair that merit your savor.
Open the catalog to page 15All Taiwan Proud Chairs catalogs and technical brochures
ARRK Styling Chair
6 Pages
17 Pages