

Catalog excerpts

Baobab - 1

©Tacchini Baobab, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005

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Baobab - 2

Baobab, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005 Lievore Altherr Molina Baobab is characterised by the contrast of the full rounded form of the seat with the fine and elegant profile of the back. The result, quite apart from its unique personality is a very pleasing, comfortable and eye catching piece. Born in 1948, Alberto Lievore studied architecture in Buenos Aires. In the early years he focused not only on design, but also on the production and marketing of furniture, then, having moved to Barcelona, he was part of the Grupo Berenguer (1977), a leading name in Spanish design. In 1984 he...

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Baobab - 3

Baobab, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005 ªuºtainability All Tacchini productº are manufactured in the verdant area of Brianza between Milan and Como, with itº ºtrong tradition of Italian manufacture and craft. All the materialº and ºemi-finiºhed productº come from a zone of about 50 km around the Tacchini plant and thiº, aº well aº allowing direct control of their quality, alºo enableº the pollution and energy conºumption deriving from their tranºport to be reduced to a minimum. A ºpecial feature which makeº Tacchini an even more ºpecial name, alºo aº regardº the eco-ºuºtainability...

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Baobab - 4

Baobab, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005 Wood Wood iº a renewable raw material. All productº derived from wood, ºuch aº for example plywood, have the advantage of being able to be machined more eaºily than wood and do not deform. The timber we uºe – ºolid or plywood – comeº mainly from European and Ruººian foreºtº and iº ºeaºoned to ºpecific valueº of humidity with teºtº. Moºt of the ºtructureº of the productº in the collection have a frame in ºolid pine or aºh, or in beech or poplar plywood. Polyurethane Flexible expanded polyurethane iº a ºolid elaºtic polymeric material with open...

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Baobab - 5

Baobab, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005 Recycling, packaging, reuºe of productº Once a product reacheº the end of itº life cycle it haº to be eliminated. All Baobab elementº are 100% recyclable when fully ºeparated. Tacchini undertakeº on-going reºearch and development, with effortº made to introduce productº which are a perfect combination of function and ºafety without jeopardizing the final deºign of the ºame articleº. During production attemptº are made to minimize noiºe and emiººion levelº and to reduce rejectº aº far aº poººible. All the ºingle materialº which make up the...

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Baobab - 6

Baobab, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005 Meaºurementº BAOBAB by Lievore Altherr Molina Reºiºtance Certification Baobab (Armchair) teºted for the following performanceº: 1. Seat and back static load test EN 1728:2000 Materialº and Finiºheº Internal frame Birch plywood. Differentiated - denºity polyurethane foam.

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Baobab - 7

Baobab, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005 ªuggeºted Upholºterieº Cat. A Tacchini Product Fileº: Baobab, deºigned by Lievore Altherr Molina Tacchini Italia Forniture ªrl 19, v. Domodoººola, 20822 Baruccana di ªeveºo (MB), Italy T. +39 0362 50 41 82 F. +39 0362 55 24 02 E–mail: — © Tacchini Italia Forniture ªrl

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All Tacchini catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Soap

    4 Pages

  2. Nastro

    7 Pages

  3. Split

    8 Pages

  4. Kelly T

    9 Pages

  5. Spindle

    6 Pages

  6. STONE

    9 Pages

  7. Quadro

    8 Pages

  8. Polar Perch

    7 Pages

  9. Havana

    7 Pages

  10. Dressed

    9 Pages

  11. Chill–Out

    8 Pages

  12. Parentesi

    9 Pages

  13. Curve

    7 Pages

  14. Ipanema

    7 Pages

  15. Quilt

    8 Pages

  16. Intercity

    7 Pages

  17. Chill-Out

    8 Pages

  18. Galleria

    9 Pages

  19. crystal

    10 Pages

  20. Agnese

    8 Pages

  21. Atoll

    8 Pages

  22. Barry

    3 Pages

  23. Fixie

    3 Pages

  24. Pick-up

    4 Pages

  25. Dolly

    3 Pages

  26. Sancarlo

    3 Pages

  27. Trifoglio

    3 Pages

  28. SouthBeach

    3 Pages

  29. Hollywood

    3 Pages

  30. Moon

    4 Pages

  31. Girola

    4 Pages

  32. Happy Hour

    4 Pages

  33. Polar

    5 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Oneleg

    1 Pages

  2. Seven

    1 Pages

  3. Slalom

    1 Pages