Catalog excerpts
TopAccess roof access hatch Integrated closure with retractable ladder Unique insulation value of 0.21 W/m2K Robust construction *OXLQJ HGJH IRU WKH URRȴQJ PDWHULDO $ URRI DFFHVV KDWFK ZLWK UHWUDFWDEOH ODGGHU RHUV DbVDIH and practical solution for accessing your roof. The roof access hatch with retractable ladder acts as an access SRLQW WR D ȵDW URRI IRU LQVSHFWLRQ DQG PDLQWHQDQFH Benets 7KH UHWUDFWDEOH ODGGHUV DUH VXLWDEOH IRU D PD[LPXP - Ladder is neatly stored away - &HLOLQJ UHWDLQV VPRRWK DSSHDUDQFH Email: Website:
Open the catalog to page 1Specifications of roofaccess hatch Insulation value of roof access hatch Available clearances Required roof opening Material Insulation material Air permeability with EN-ISO10077-2 Surfacetreatment Sound insulation Wind load Watertightness Snow load Impact load Stainless steel (AISI 304 or equivalent) Insulation material with an R-value of 7.22 m2 K/W Fitted with a glass fibre protective top layer Suitable for every type of roofing material 23 dB in accordance with EN-ISO 10140-1 2400 Pa in accordance with EN 12211 750 Pa in accordance with EN 12155 950 N/m2 in accordance with EN 1991-1-3...
Open the catalog to page 2EN Space for retractable ladder Roof Hatch
Open the catalog to page 3All Staka Bouwproducten B.V. catalogs and technical brochures
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