Catalog excerpts
TopAccess roof access hatch Integrated closure with extension ladder Unique insulation value of 0.21 W/m2K Robust construction *OXLQJ HGJH IRU WKH URRȴQJ PDWHULDO $ URRI DFFHVV KDWFK ZLWK H[WHQVLRQ ODGGHU RHUV D - Industrial buildings simple and safe solution for accessing your roof. - Distribution centres If you need to access the roof to perform inspections or - Apartment blocks repairs, you can hook a separate extension ladder on to the upstand of the roof access hatch. This solution is suitable for heights up to ten metres and can be - Unique insulation value of 0.21 W/m2K combined with every type of roof access hatch. - For all heights and sizes - Low purchasing costs Email: Website:
Open the catalog to page 1Specifications of roofaccess hatch Insulation value of roof access hatch Available clearances Required roof opening Material Insulation material with EN-ISO10077-2 Surface treatment Sound insulation Wind load Watertightness Snow load Impact load Stainless steel (AISI 304 or equivalent) Insulation material with an R-value of 7.22 m2 K/W Fitted with a glass fibre protective top layer Suitable for every type of roofing material 23 dB in accordance with EN-ISO 10140-1 2400 Pa in accordance with EN 12211 750 Pa in accordance with EN 12155 950 N/m2 in accordance with EN 1991-1-3 0.35 kNm in...
Open the catalog to page 2TopAccess roof access hatch with extension ladder Options SafeStepSystem 7KH ODGGHU LV ȴWWHG ZLWK KRRNV IRU FRQQHFWLQJ WR D ȴ[HG step, which can easily be attached to the upstand of the roof hatch. The anchoring points are already present and the anchoring materials are supplied together with your order. Security system The ladder can be secured against theft or removal while LQ XVH E\ PHDQV RI D ORFN LQFO NH\ ȴWWHG RQWR WKH ODGGHU Mounting system After use, the ladder can be hung against the wall using two wall brackets, with the option of securing the ladder in place with a chain and...
Open the catalog to page 3All Staka Bouwproducten B.V. catalogs and technical brochures
Fixed stair
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Fixed ladders - Caged ladder
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Extension ladder
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Retractable ladder 800 x 700
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Electrical operation
3 Pages
User manual
4 Pages
Roof access hatches
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24 Pages