Catalog excerpts
TopAccess roof access hatches Roof access of the highest level
Open the catalog to page 1“Save energy with a TopAccess roof access hatch
Open the catalog to page 2Sustainable roof access Roof access of the highest level The new roof access hatches from Staka do credit to their name TopAccess, providing roof access of the highest level. TopAccess roof access hatches are the best solution for construction work where energy conservation has the highest priority. Heat loss through roof openings is reduced to a minimum, thanks to the use of extremely high quality materials with an exceptional insulation value of U = 0.21 W/m2K. Quality Staka roof access hatches and roof access equipment come with a ten year guarantee as standard. To guarantee the quality...
Open the catalog to page 3“A roof access hatch from Staka is the best guarantee for safe roof access“ Ted Ham, commercial director at ZND Nedico
Open the catalog to page 4Safe access to your roof 6RSKLVWLFDWHG VROXWLRQV IRU DQ\ ȵDW URRI 6WDND KHOSV \RX WR DFFHVV \RXU URRI VDIHO\ ΖQ RɝFH EXLOGLQJV DQG industrial units you will need a roof access hatch for practicality; from roof inspections to using roof top equipment. For jobs like these, you need quick and safe access that works for you. Stairs and ladders to the roof If you also need stairs or a ladder to access the roof, Staka supplies both, fully tailored to our roof access hatches. A retractable ladder can be neatly stowed away in the housing of WKH URRI DFFHVV KDWFK DQG DQ H[WHQVLRQ ODGGHU RHUV D...
Open the catalog to page 5“The roof access hatch is a high quality product that is just so easy to install“ Mr Hüwel, engineer at Goldbeck We
Open the catalog to page 6Convenient installation Save time with a Staka roof access hatch Staka roof access hatches are delivered to your construction site completely assembled with installation slots for installation on the roof. The roof access hatch and steps or ladder are fully tailored to each other. Installation is quick and painless. All Staka roof access hatches are delivered with a complete installation manual, so you always have the installation instructions to hand. Time savings Whether you are a planning engineer, cost estimator, work foreman, project leader or D SXUFKDVHU ZRUNLQJ ZLWK 6WDND ZLOO KHOS...
Open the catalog to page 7Staka’s roots go back to 1958. We have Retractable ladder: Fitted with a telescopic railing, manufactured aluminium and stainless compliant with EN 14975 and suitable for ceiling steel products for industry and the construction sector since 1982. In ZH ODXQFKHG RXU ȴUVW OLQH RI URRI Fixed ladders/caged ladders: Supplied with wall DFFHVV KDWFKHV VSHFLȴFDOO\ IRU RɝFHV brackets for wall mounting, compliant with warehouses and factories. Quickly EN 14122-4 standard and also available with cage establishing ourselves on the market safety feature. with high quality products and an exceptional...
Open the catalog to page 8All Staka Bouwproducten B.V. catalogs and technical brochures
Fixed stair
1 Pages
Fixed ladders - Caged ladder
3 Pages
Extension ladder
4 Pages
Retractable ladder 800 x 700
3 Pages
Electrical operation
3 Pages
User manual
4 Pages
Roof access hatches
31 Pages
24 Pages