Glass doors and systems


Catalog excerpts

Glass doors and systems - 1


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Glass doors and systems - 2

WELCOME TO A WORLD OF GLASS Top-level glass quality > 2 size="-1">

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Glass doors and systems - 3

4 - 7 Premium patterned and screen- 42-43 All-glass systems 50 Belts, applications & accessories 58 Canopies printed glass doors 44-45 Sliding door systems 51 Colours & handles 8 - 27 All-glass screen-printed doors MOTION 100, 200, 300 52-55 Overview of coatings > 28-35 All-glass patterned doors 46-47 Sliding door system 56 Glass types 59 120 years of quality 36-37 Studio doors MOTION 400 38-39 Laminated glass doors 48-49 Sliding door systems > 40-41 Translucent doors and glass curtain MOTION 500, 600 57 Special requests 59 Detailed information for the purchase of doors > 3 size="-1">

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Glass doors and systems - 4

Premium door with 2-colour screen-printing, illustration on left: translucent black 2 (main surface) and matt white combined with 20 mm concave V-groove pattern on clear glass. Illustration below: matt white (main surface) and translucent black 2, combined with 20 mm concave V-groove pattern on clear glass. Fittings: SK03 model 133, matt chrome-chrome/ matt chrome. 4 >

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Glass doors and systems - 5

Premium door with two-colour screen-printing in Premium door with single-colour matt white screen-printing combined with a 20-mm off-centre groove Premium door with single-colour screen-printing on clear glass in either translucent black 2 (illustr.) or > either translucent black 1 /translucent black 3 (illustr.) > or matt white /milk white, combined with a 10-mm pattern. Fittings: SK01 model 166, matt nickel chro - polished matt white (the motif in the second segment V-groove pattern. Fittings: SK01 model 153, matt me/stainless steel. from the top is similar to Pave, see detailed view)...

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Glass doors and systems - 6

Premium door with two-colour screen-printing and main surface in translucent black 3/matt white combined and polished with a 20-mm concave groove pattern. Fittings: SK01 model 134, matt nickel-chrome/stainless steel > Groove-pattern door with 20 mm concave matt Premium door with single-colour matt white screen- Premium door with two-colour matt white and groove pattern on clear glass (illustr.) or polished full- printing combined with a 20-mm concave groove translucent black 2 screen-printing, combined with surface white screen-printing. Fittings: SK01 model pattern. Fittings: SK01 model...

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Glass doors and systems - 7

Premium door with two-colour matt white and milk white screen-printing, combined with a groove pattern. Fittings: SK01 model 154, matt nickel- chrome/stainless steel. > Groove pattern door with 10-mm V-groove matt pattern on clear glass (illustr.) or polished full-surface matt white screen-printing. Fittings: SK01 model 134, matt nickel-chrome/stainless steel. 7 >

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Screen-printed door with two-colour matt white screen-printing and lines in either matt chrome or shade similar to stainless steel (illustr.). Fittings: SK03 modle 134, matt nickel-chrome/matt nickel . 8 >

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Screen-printed door with two-colour screen-prin - Screen-printed door with two-colour screen-prin - Screen-printed door with two-colour matt white and translucent black 2 screen-printing. ting in either matt white (illustr.) or milk white or ting in either matt white (illustr.) or translucent black Fittings: terracotta respectively. Fittings: SK01 model 153, 1 and with structure in milk white (illustr.) or matt SK03 model 133, matt chrome/matt chrome. matt nickel-chrome/stainless steel. white. Fittings: SK01 model 166, matt chrome/matt chrome. 9 >

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Screen-printed door with two-colour screen- printing in matt white and either matt chrome (illustr.) or shade similar to stainless steel. Fittings: SK01 model 153, matt nickel-chrome/stainless steel. > Screen-printed door with two-colour screen- Screen-printed door with two-colour screen-prin- printing in matt white and either matt chrome or ting in matt white and either matt chrome or shade shade similar to stainless steel (illustr.). Fittings: similar to stainless steel (illustr.). Fittings: SK01 SK01 model 158, matt nickel-stainless steel. model 134, matt nickel-chrome/stainless steel....

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Glass doors and systems - 11

Screen printed-door with single-colour screen- Screen-printed door with two-colour matt white printing in either matt white (illustr.) or translucent black 2. screen-printing and lines in either matt chrome or Fittings: SK01 model 153, matt nickel-chro - similar to stainless steel (illustr.). Fittings: SK03 me/stainless steel. model 153, matt nickel-chrome/stainless steel. 11 >

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Screen-printed door with two-colour screen- printing in milk white and matt chrome on clear glass. Fittings: SK01 model 133, matt chrome-chrome/matt chrome. 12 >

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Glass doors and systems - 13

Screen-printed door with single-colour screen- Screen-printed door with single-colour negative Screen-printed door with single-colour negative Screen-printed door with single-colour matt white printing on clear glass in matt chrome (illustr.) or Ford Blue. screen-printing in matt white. The lines of the rect - matt white screen-printing, lines in square are clear; screen-printing. Fittings: SK01 model 134, matt nik - Fittings: SK01 model 134, matt nickel-chrome/ angles are clear; the motif in the right-hand corners motif in square is similar to Pave. Fittings: SK03 kel-chrome/stainless...

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Glass doors and systems - 14

Screen-printed door with single-colour matt white screen-printing on clear glass. Fittings: SK01 model 153, matt nickel-chrome/stainless steel. > Screen-printed door with single-colour screen- Screen-printed door with single-colour matt white Screen-printed door with single-colour matt white printing, shade similar to stainless steel, on clear screen-printing. Fittings: SK01 model 158, matt screen-printing. Fittings: SK01 model 158, matt glass. Fittings: SK01 model 151, matt nickel-chrome/ nickel-stainless steel. nickel-stainless steel. stainless steel. 14 >

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Screen-printed doors with single-colour screen- printing, Large illustration is matt white. Smaller illustration is translucent green 2. Fittings: SK01 model 151, matt nickel/stainless steel. 15 >

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Glass doors and systems - 16

Screen-printed door with two-colour milk white screen-printing and lines in iron grey (RAL 7011) on clear glass. Fittings: SK02 model 154, matt nickel- chrome/stainless steel. > Screen-printed door with single-colour matt white negative screen-printing; clear squares. Fittings: SK01 model 134, matt nickel-chrome/stainless steel. 16 >

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