Status Cardio


Catalog excerpts

Status Cardio - 2

The ECO-POWR™ line of premium cardio equipment integrates innovative technology with thoughtfully designed products that harness and convert human energy into usable electricity. Recycle calories burned and provide users a greater meaning to breaking a sweat by giving back to the environment, one workout at a time. T U R N H U M A N E N E RGY I NTO E LEC T R I C IT Y 3   //  C O - P O W R ™ L I N E //  E

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Status Cardio - 3

The SENZA™ line features SportsArt’s top of the line cardio equipment, designed to house the premium SENZA™ technology and entertainment system. The intuitive console actively engages users by providing a streamlined approach to workouts while allowing them to consume entertainment, their way. Reduce your carbon footprint while increasing user engagement with SportsArt’s SENZA™ line; featuring integrated touchscreens and motors which consume 32% less energy. PROGRAMS // SENZA™ comes equipped with a full library of workout programs that contribute to your users fitness goals, enhance their...

Open the catalog to page 3
Status Cardio - 4

The ECO-NATURAL™ line boasts energy saving fitness equipment that offers individuals a sustainable and intuitive workout experience embodied within a sleek and modern design. Refuse to use energy and elevate your space with cordless* and versatile fitness equipment that can be easily arranged and maneuvered to fit any layout. *T656 requires power cord, see details on page 14 7   //  C O - N A T U R A L ™ L I N E //  E

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Status Cardio - 5

ECO-POWR AN INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY THAT HARNESSES UP TO 74% OF HUMAN ENERGY AND CONVERTS IT INTO UTILITY GRADE ELECTRICITY. Simply plug a single ECO-POWR™ product, or daisy-chain up to 6 units, into a standard outlet, workout and reduce your carbon footprint while lowering power consumption. HUMAN ENERGY GENERATOR MICRO INVERTER AC PLUG » Create a new metric to track » Lower facility energy consumption workouts based on watt production Attract and engage sustainably » Provide a sense of meaningfulness minded members to working out by giving back to the environment...

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Status Cardio - 6

VERDE NON-MOTORIZED TREADMILLS f/////////////////////////////////////f//////////////////f/////f///////////////////////f//////////////////////////f////////////f/f/////////////////////////////////////////////f//f//////f///f/////f///////f////////////////////////////f//////////////////////////////////f//////f/////f//////f/////f//////////////f//////////////////////f//////////////////////////////f/////////ft////////////////////////////////////////// VERDE NON-MOTORIZED TREADMILLS...

Open the catalog to page 6
Status Cardio - 7

MOTORIZED TRE ADMILLS S U S TA I N A B LY F O C US E D, M OTO R IZE D TR E A D M I LL S TH AT O F F E R R E M A R K A B LY N ATU R A L R U N N I N G S U R FAC E S A N D PR E M I U M F E AT U R E S TO E XC E E D U S E RS’ E X P EC TAT I O N S . R E D U C E D E N E RGY CO N S U M P TI O N The motorized treadmills utilize an ECO-DRIVE™ motor that uses 32% less energy than other traditional motors. T 6 5 6 - 1 9 S E N Z A™ T R E A D M I L L • 19 inch SENZA™ Touchscreen • 13 SENZA™ Journey workouts • ECO-DRIVE™ energy efficient motor • ECO-Glide™ Auto Lubrication System • 0.1–15.0 mph speed...

Open the catalog to page 7
Status Cardio - 8

VERSO CROSS TRAINERS T H E E LEG A N T LY D E S I G N E D 3 - I N -1 C ROS S T R A I N E RS T H AT O F F E R A C U S TO M IZ A B LE , A P P ROAC H A B LE A N D E N G AG I N G E X PE R I E N C E . V E RSO CO M B I N E S E LLI P T I C A L , S T E P P E R A N D C YC LE M OV E M E NTS I NTO O N E M AC H I N E W IT H I NT U IT I V E CO NT RO L S . 3 TR A I N I N G M O D E S Save space by offering the functionality of an elliptical, stepper and cycle in a single machine. O N -TH E - F LY M O D E C H A N G E Add variety to workouts by easily switching between training modes with the touch of a...

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Status Cardio - 9

ELLIPTICALS B I O M EC H A N I C A LLY F O C U S E D E LLI P TI C A L S E M B O DY S E A M LE S S C U S TO M IZ AT I O N W IT H A S U P R E M E LY N ATU R A L S TR I D E TO O F F E R U S E RS A LOW I M PAC T, H I G H LY- E F F I C I E N T A N D P E RS O N A LIZE D E X PE R I E N C E . LOW I M PAC T The MyFlex™ Plus cushioning system provides a comfortable workout platform that absorbs shock for a smooth low-impact workout. G876 ECO -POWR™ ELLIPTICAL • Generate up to 250 watt-hours • ECO-POWR™ integrated micro-inverter • Industry leading 17–29 inch electronically adjustable stride length •...

Open the catalog to page 9
Status Cardio - 10

U PR I G HT C YC LE S M OT I VAT E US E RS W ITH E A S I LY ACC E S S I B LE A N D A DJ U S TA B LE U P R I G H T C YC LE S T H AT F E AT U R E I N T U IT I V E CO NTRO L S A N D E A SY A DJ U S T M E NT P O I NTS F O R A CO M F O RTA B LE A N D E F F I C I E N T WO R KO U T. O P TI M A L P OS ITI O N I N G The multi-point seat adjustments provide unparalleled comfort by customizing to each user’s specific needs. SA F E T Y F I R S T D E S I G N Unique low profile shrouds allow easy and safe access and departure from workouts. G576U ECO -POWR™ U PR I G HT CYC LE • Generate up to 250...

Open the catalog to page 10
Status Cardio - 11

THOUGHTFULLY DESIGNED RECUMBENT CYCLES WITH PREMIUM EASE-OF-USE FEATURES CREATING AN ENGAGING WORKOUT GEARED TOWARDS INDIVIDUALS PURSUING AN ACTIVE LIFESTYLE. COMFORTDRI™ Vented and padded seat back allows airflow throughout the workout while its molded design provides ultimate support. STEP-THROUGH DESIGN A unique step-through design allows safe and easy access to and from the workout. G576R ECO-POWR™ RECUMBENT CYCLE • Generate up to 250 watt-hours • ECO-POWR™ integrated micro-inverter • 40 levels of resistance • Standard contact and wireless heart rate sensors • Step-through design •...

Open the catalog to page 11

All SportsArt Fitness catalogs and technical brochures

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  3. P721 MID ROW

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  4. DS972

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