Catalog excerpts
SOMFYSAS, capital 20.000.000 Euros, RCS Bonneville 303.970.230 SOMFY. COM031202 - 12/03 V1 - Photographs: Francis Amiand - BLM-Lucy in the sky - Gr驩goire Korganow/Mtis - Smaphore - Somfy size="-1">
Open the catalog to page 1Exclusive to Somfy, Radio Technology Somfy is the constructionindustry reference forprotected radio controls. Radio Technology Somfyٙ covers all applications, from streetgates to garage doors, rollershutters, awnings and indoorblinds. As the world leader, Somfy reliability and motorlife means thatpartners, installers and users benefitfrom a 5 yearwarranty. To meetthis commitment, Radio Technology Somfy performance and operational safety levels exceed mostcurrentstandards. This bookletdevoted to Radio Technology Somfyٙ reviews the methods Somfy uses to develop innovative, high value added...
Open the catalog to page 2Radio Technology Somfy > and electronic motors, the duo forthe future4Meeting real needs5 The key to success: radio control throughoutthe range > Acomplete range of motorisations6 Arange of control units8 Universal application10Easy installation11More than ever, a safe bet12 Topical questions > 14 Electronics know-howserving the market > Experience, standards and quality 16 Forecasting the unexpected18 Guaranteed performance levels20 Acorporate culture based on durable values > 22 Glossary > 23 1 size="-3">
Open the catalog to page 3The Concept25 range of compact, discrete and powerful motorsdrives all types of indoorscreens, folding and Venetian blinds. Electronics guarantee high precision adjustment, progressivelowering and raising speed and perfectorientation of Venetianblind slats. Two types of very discrete off-setRTS receivers existfor the simultaneous control of two to fourmotors. Radio Technology Somfy is nowfeatured on a complete range of motors and controls designed to automate every opening and closing system in homes. The coherence and extentof this solution covera very large numberof functions, can be...
Open the catalog to page 5The Inteo control and automation range is ideal forall types of indoorand outdoorawnings and all configurations of rollershutters.Radio Technology Somfy makes itpossible to locate the wall-mounted control points anywhere users wantand getall thebenefits of remote control. Telis 1 Telis 1 RTS PatioTelis 4 RTS PatioTelis Soliris PatioTelis Soliris Lighting Patio Telis 1 RTS SilkTelis 4 RTS SilkTelis Soliris Silk Telis 1 RTSTelis 4 RTSTelis Soliris Telis 4 Telis Soliris Lighting This universal solution is characterisedby soberlines and pure colours. > Forindividual remote control of ablind, a...
Open the catalog to page 6Involved in 10 European and international standardisationcommissions, Somfy also participates in the ETSI (European Telecommunications Institute Standards) technical committees onstandardisation and contributes, in this way, to CEPT-ECCproposals(Electronic Communications Committee of the PostOffice and Telecommunications European Conference). This Conference has notyetpublished its conclusions aboutthe compatibility of newsystems presenton 868 MHzband andinterferences with adjacentbands. These conclusions are essentialto complete the revision of EN standard 300-220, the publication of which...
Open the catalog to page 9Com p liance with p erformanceand safet y standard s y toolsa pp lied tothe desi g nv a li dat i o n tests Familiarit y with the gn p roduc t e nvir o nm e n t Qualit y controldurin g manufacture > Custo m e r care de p artmen t Organisation certified to ISO 9001 since 1995 Qualit Products using proven techniques to guarantee their use. Desi >
Open the catalog to page 10Somfy's thirty years of experience in motorisation have given us in-depth knowledge aboutthe stresses and strains applied to motors and automation systems. These are simulated in ourstate of the arttestlaboratory: 2,400 m > 2 floorspace;ՕIncluding a laboratory accredited by ULforAmerican standards;400 workstations for50 differentkinds of tests;Օ6,000 products undergo 2,000 tests every year; 70 members of staff, of which 25 are qualified engineers andtechnicians, workexclusively on Quality; The systematic and intensive use of functional analysis methods enables us to define and optimise...
Open the catalog to page 11In all, 50 qualification tests are needed to guarantee all the qualityconditions required before batch production begins. Formotors with RTS radio receivers, particularcare is taken withperformance stability in disturbed electromagnetic environments. In fact, the values Somfy adopts are systematically higherthan standards stipulate. Forexample, to guarantee the operation of appliances in thetoughestconditions, Somfy's experience with unstable electricalnetworks has made itpossible to define and adoptvalues very muchhigherthan those used in standards. Somfy also runs specific tests, using...
Open the catalog to page 12All SOMFY catalogs and technical brochures
Irismo Wirefree User Manual
116 Pages
15 Pages
DEXXO PRO 800 - 1000 RTS
13 Pages
2 Pages
GDK 700
68 Pages
Situo io II
2 Pages
4 Pages
Lighting Indoor RTS
28 Pages
20 Pages
Somfy Protect Camera + TaHoma
12 Pages
Smart Home Brochure
12 Pages
2 Pages
25 Pages
Altus 50 RTS
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
J4 1TN
2 Pages
J4 2TN
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
J4 io
2 Pages
LS 40
2 Pages
LT 28
2 Pages
LT 50
2 Pages
LV25 / LW25
2 Pages
Screen Job 40
2 Pages
Screen Up
2 Pages
Sonesse 30
2 Pages
Sonesse 40 RTS
2 Pages
Sonesse 40 RTS 447 MHz
2 Pages
Sonesse 50
2 Pages
Sunea Screen io
2 Pages
Motorized blinds by somfy
8 Pages
Dexxo Pro
8 Pages
Awnings That Think Brochure
2 Pages
Sunis Flyer
2 Pages
Sonesse Range Brochure
8 Pages
animeo IP Brochure
16 Pages
WireFree Range Brochure
7 Pages
2 Pages
TaHomA Brochure
28 Pages
28 Pages
8 Pages
93 Pages
WireFreeSolar Pack
2 Pages
Awnings That Think
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
8 Pages
Patios - The Somfy way
8 Pages
Motorised blinds by Somfy
6 Pages