Soltec Sunshading systems Product catalogue


Catalog excerpts

Soltec Sunshading systems Product catalogue - 1

More light, more life. Sun Shading Systems Balcony Systems Product catalogue

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SoLtec Sunbreakers SoLtec Sliding Panels 25 SoLtec ZIP Roller systems 45 Horizontal Sunbreakers Type E 7 Horizontal Sunbreakers Type Q 9 Vertical Sunbreakers Type E 11 Vertical Sunbreakers Type Q 13 Roof Sunbreakers Type E 15 Roof Sunbreakers Type E 17 Wood Sunbreakers Type XL 500 19 Fapade System F 80 20 Fapade System F 97 20 Fapade System F 135 21 Fapade System F 150 21 Slat types 22 Guide rail types 23 Sliding panels Type L 44 27 Sliding panels Type H 50 / slats 29 Sliding panels Type H 50 / sheets 31 SoLtec Folding Panels 33 Folding panels Type FP44 35 Folding panels Type FP50 37 SoLtec...

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SoLtec Blinds Blinds Type S80 59 Blinds Type Z90 63 Blinds Type LUX 67 Blinds Type Mirror 71 Case study Ilot Say 76 Balcony Type 1 86 Balcony Type 2 87 Balcony Type 3 88 Balcony Type 4 89 Balcony Type 5 90 Balcony Type 6 91 Balcony Type 7 92 Products overview 93 About us 94 Contact 96

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Product catalogue / Sunbreakers Sunbreakers are an attractive system for ensuring high indoor living comfort. Sunbreakers are ellipsoidal or rectangular aluminium profiles, fixed or adjustably mounted onto an aluminium or steel construction directly in front of building façade. Fixed-blade sunbreakers are commonly used as aesthetic solutions for entire building envelopes and also for parts of buildings where there are no glass surfaces. Sunbreakers ensure excellent protection from overheating and support energy efficiency while also regulating daylight in the interior. They protect from...

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Façade System F 80 F 97 F 135 F 150 Slat types Guide rail types Product catalogue / Sunbreakers Horizontal Sunbreakers Type E Type Q Vertical Sunbreakers Type E Type Q Roof Sunbreakers Type E Type E Wood Sunbreakers Type XL 500

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Horizontal Sunbreakers Type

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Horizontal Sunbreakers Type W REFLECTED LIGHT Section view Section view A-A Section view A-AA-A Scale: 1:10 Scale: 1:10 Scale: 1:10 Isometric view Front view Front view Scale: 1:10 Front view Front view Scale: 1:10 Scale: 1:10 Isometric view Scale: 1:10 Isometric view Isometric view Scale: 1:10 Scale: 1:10 DIRECT LIGHT Product catalogue / Sunbreakers Side view

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Horizontal Sunbreakers Type

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Horizontal Sunbreakers Type Section view Section view A-A Section view A-AA-A Scale: 1:10 Scale: 1:10 Scale: 1:10 REFLECTED LIGHT Isometric view Front view Front view Scale: 1:10 Front view Front view Scale: 1:10 Scale: 1:10 INDIRECT LIGHT Isometric view Scale: 1:10 Isometric view Isometric view Scale: 1:10 Scale: 1:10 DIRECT LIGHT Product catalogue / Sunbreakers Side view

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Vertical Sunbreakers Type

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Vertical Sunbreakers Type Side view Isometric view Front view Front view Scale: 1:10 Front view Front view Scale: 1:10 Scale: 1:10 Section Section view A-A view A-A Scale: 1:10 Scale: 1:10 Isometric view Isometric view Scale: 1:10 Scale: 1:10 REFLECTED LIGHT INDIRECT LIGHT Product catalogue / Sunbreakers Isometric view Scale: 1:10

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Vertical Sunbreakers Type

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Vertical Sunbreakers Type Q Vertical Sunbreakers Type Q Side view Front view

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Roof Sunbreakers Type

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Roof Sunbreakers Type Front view Scale: 1:20 Front view Scale: 1:20 Front view Scale: 1:20 Isometric view Front view Top view Scale: 1:20 Product catalogue / Sunbreakers

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Roof Sunbreakers Type

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Left view Front view (/) Z I— C/) >-to o z Q < X to z 3 to

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Wood Sunbreakers Type

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Wood Sunbreakers Type W Left view Scale: 1:20 Left view Left view Scale: 1:20 Front view Isometric view Isometric view Scale: 1:20 Left view Scale: 1:20 Front view Scale: 1:20 Isometric view Scale: 1:20 REFLECTED LIGHT Isometric view Scale: 1:20 INDIRECT LIGHT DIRECT LIGHT Product catalogue / Sunbreakers Front view Scale: 1:20

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Front view Scale: 1:4 Section view A-A Scale: 1:4 Section view Isometric view Front view Isometric view Scale: 1:4 Façade system F 97 Section Section view A-A view A-A L Scale: 1:4 Scale: 1:4 Front view view Front Scale: 1:4 W 1:4 Scale: Isometric view view Isometric Scale: 1:4 Scale: 1:4 Section view A-A Scale: 1:4 Product catalogue / Sunbreakers Section view Section view A-A Section view A-A Scale: 1:4 Scale: 1:4 Front view Scale: 1:4 Front view Isometric view Isometric view Scale: 1:4

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Front view Scale: 1:5 Section view A-A Scale: 1:5 Section view Section viewview A-A Section A-A Scale: 1:5 1:5 Scale: Isometric view Isometric view Front view Front viewview Front Scale: 1:5 1:5 Scale: Façade system F 150 Product catalogue / Sunbreakers Section view A-A Scale: 1:5 Isometric viewview Isometric Scale: 1:5 1:5 Scale: Front view Scale: 1:5 Section view Front view Isometric view Isometric view Scale: 1:5

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Manual or motor drive In the case of motor drive, an additional component is a toothed belt motor drive. Components Sliding panels’ components also include roller wheels, top and bottom aluminium guides and an opening lever. Invisible part of the façade Guides can be mounted on consoles and fully integrated into the façade Colours Aluminium panels can be powder coated in all RAL chart colours. You can choose between matte, glossy or structural finish.. Product catalogue / Sliding panels Dimensions The maximum dimensions for sliding panels are 1200 x 3000 mm, and 600 x 3000 mm for folding...

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Product catalogue / Sliding panels Sliding panels Type L 44 Sliding panels Type H 50 / slats Sliding panels Type H 50 / sheets Sliding panels

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Sliding panels Type

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Front view Scale: 1:10 Sliding panels Type Guide systems Front view Section view Section view A-A Scale: 1:10 Front view Wood Front view Scale: 1:10 Section view A-A Scale: 1:10 Expanded sheet Product catalogue / Sliding panels Isometric view Scale: 1:10

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Sliding panels Type

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Sliding panels Type Front view Scale: 1:10 Guide systems Front view Left view Scale: 1:10 Front view Scale: 1:10 Isometric view Scale: 1:10 Wood Left view Scale: 1:10 Small wood Isometric view Scale: 1:10 Product catalogue / Sliding panels Front view Left view

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Sliding panels Type

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Front view Scale: 1:10 Guide systems 2P 2G Front view Scale: 1:10 Left view Left view Scale: 1:10 Front view Front view Scale: 1:10 Metal Isometric view Scale: 1:10 Left view Scale: 1:10 2P 2G Product catalogue / Sliding panels Sliding panels Type Fabric Isometric view Scale: 1:10

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All Soltec catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Shutters

    96 Pages

  2. Multiport

    36 Pages

  3. Carport

    48 Pages

  4. Blinds Z90

    8 Pages

  5. Lux

    8 Pages

  6. v

    16 Pages

  7. Shutter M

    4 Pages

  8. Garden

    4 Pages

  9. Vario

    4 Pages

  10. Shutters V

    16 Pages

Archived catalogs