Catalog excerpts

e mor f e ecom dent o B n depe er grid in w e po ever th than re befo smartflower POP+ The unique all-in-one solar system with power storage P O W ER F ROM T HE S UN DAY A ND NIGH T T H A NKS T O IN T EGR AT E D S T OR A GE S OL U T ION Clean solar power even after the sun goes down Sophisticated technology and intelligent design; weatherproof, high-yielding and long-lasting On-grid and off-grid, in two storage sizes Back-up system for power cuts SIMPLY SET UP, CONNECT AND PRODUCE CLEAN ELECTRICIT Y
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Enjoy the energy of the sun. Around the clock, almost independently of the grid GE NE R AT E P O W E R , S T OR E P O W E R : L I V E A S YO U P L E A S E . Clean solar power, whenever you need it – until now it has just been a pipe dream. Now you are closer than ever to realising that dream, because smartflower POP+ can not only turn the sun's energy into electricity very efficiently; it can store it in sufficient quantities too. Completely integrated in an innovative all-in-one solar system that works on a plug-and-play principle like any normal household appliance. Either as an on-grid...
Open the catalog to page 2All Smartflower catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
smartflower POP-e
2 Pages
smartflower POP
24 Pages