Catalog excerpts

smartflower POP – the world’s first all-in-one solar system SIMPLY SE T-UP, CONNEC T A ND PRODUCE CL E A N EL EC T RICI T Y
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“Even though I like size, sometimes something small is very effective. And when it comes to photovoltaic solar there is nothing better than, for instance, the smartflower. I mean what a brilliant idea, you put this in front of the house, you plug it in – no installation, nothing – just plug & play.” A R NOL D S C H WA R Z E NE G GE R C H A IR M A N R 2 0, F OR ME R G O V E R NOR OF C A L IF OR NI A , A C T OR
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Remarkable, powerful and efficient. Up to 40% more output, thanks to the innovative smart features M A DE FOR T HE F U T URE
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Astronomically controlled and movable across two axes: the circular solar modular fan constantly tracks the sun and always sets itself at an exact 90-degree angle to it, even when the sun is hidden behind clouds. The astounding result: up to 40 % more output as compared to a conventional rooftop system, which receives optimum sunlight only for a few hours during the year.
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Simply smart. Simply efficient. For twice the degree of self-utilisation PHOTOVOLTA IC T ECHNOL OGY, A S I T SHOUL D BE Power generation of smartflower POP Ø household energy requirement Wouldn’t it be wonderful if each of us could produce all clean energy we need right in our backyards? And wouldn’t it be a cherry on the top if the same photovoltaic system could simply be plug-&-play like any other normal home appliance? At smartflower, we have stopped asking such questions. Instead, we have answered them – with smartflower POP, the world’s first all-in-one solar system. Thanks to its...
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At 6:00 am, smartflower POP starts automatically and cleans itself Awake when you are. Energy from the first to the last rays of the sun A SYST EM T H AT F I T S YOUR NEEDS As the sun rises in the morning, smartflower POP unfolds itself completely automatically. It directs its solar modular fan (with a surface area of 18 m 2) towards the sun and begins producing electricity for you – for your hot shower, your fresh coffee, the breakfast radio. Thanks to dual-axle sun tracking, the fan moves reliably along with the sun throughout the day. The result: in comparison with the static rooftop...
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At 12:00 noon, smartflower POP follows the sun At 8:00 pm, smartflower POP ends the operation and cleans itself SM A RT FOL L OW S T HE SUN: SM A RT F L OW ER P OP COMPA RED W I T H A STAT IC ROOF TOP SYST EM* W 3500 Power generation by rooftop system FACING SOUTH, 30° INCL INE, 4K WP Power generation of smartflower POP Ø household energy requirement The image clearly demonstrates how smartflower POP functions more efficiently than conventional systems. It has a considerably longer peak phase and produces energy even in the fringe hours of the day, which a rooftop system cannot achieve...
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SM R T EHT URES HIEA RS TF E ATBL IND T E X T F Ü R DE N INH A LT S T I T E L Plug & Play – and that is a promise! smartflower POP functions autonomously and automatically SM A RT F E AT URES FOR MORE EF F ICIENCY A ND A C A RE-F REE USE SMART TR ACKING SMART USE smartflower POP is delivered as an all-in-one complete system and is operational within an hour. No complex assembly is required: the system is firmly bolted to the ground (or concrete foundation) at the location of your choice. It is designed for maximum performance (see also smart tracking, smart cleaning and smart cooling), and...
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SMART CL E ANING smartflower POP easily rids itself of dust deposits or snow by folding and unfolding itself. Thus, common losses in energy production (up to 5 %) are minimized. SMART COOL ING Hot modules deliver less electricity than cool modules. 10°C more means 5 % less output. The modules of smartflower POP are always rear-ventilated – hot air cannot accumulate due to their construction. This means they are 10–20°C cooler and deliver 5–10 % more output as compared to rooftop systems. SMART MOBIL IT Y A significant advantage over fixed rooftop systems: smartflower POP is mobile! When you...
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At a glance. The essential details about smartflower POP DIME N S ION S smartflower POP 2.31 kWp POWER OUTPUT AS PER PVGIS 1 , LOCATION ROME smart tracking LOWER YIELDS Deviation from facing south and roof slope (possible up to 12 %) Higher module temperature, low dissipation of heat, heat build-up Contamination (e.g. by sand, salt, dust, snow) RE VISED OUTPUT DEGREE OF SELF-UTILISATION 2 Energy consumed by owner Efficiency gain by personal consumption smart cooling smart cleaning Explanation: For rooftop systems, static alignment to the sun, heat build-up and decontamination lead to a...
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Ground bolts Concrete foundation T EC HNIC A L D ATA POWER OUTPUT Nominal output Power output through bi-axial sun tracking INSTALL ATION 2.31 kWp 3,400 – 6,200 kWh/a depending on the region Assembly on earth studs or concrete foundation ARE A OF APPLICATION Temperature range SYSTEM Module type Module product warranty Module power output warranty Cell type Inverter module Inverter module guarantee System warranty the local standards must be followed 1-phase, integrated 5 years 24 months
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Independence today and for the future. And it pays off! W I T H SM A RT F L OW ER P OP, YOU WON ’ T WORRY A BOU T INCRE A SING ENERGY COST S
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Clean energy for your everyday life 1 HOUR of smartflower POP = 1x make the tastiest lasagne in the world = 15 hours of your favourite movies, TV series or news = 101 complete smartphone charges = 182 hours of relaxing and reading in LED lighting 1 DAY of smartflower POP = 3 air conditioning units – for 1 sunny day and pleasant temperatures in the entire house = 6 x drying laundry – if the clothes line is already completely full = 6 x bake the crispiest bread = 7 x hot showers – with continuous flow water heater = 17 wash loads of laundry = 50 cups of tea – for waking up or relaxing = 100...
Open the catalog to page 16All Smartflower catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
smartflower POP-e
2 Pages
smartflower POP+
2 Pages