Catalog excerpts

smartflower POP-e Harvest the sun – fill up with electricity T HE UNIQUE A L L-IN-ONE S OL A R SYS T E M W I T H IN T EGR AT E D CH A RGING S TAT ION Clean solar power for your own use or to feed into the grid Charging station in attractive design A clear commitment to sustainability and e-mobility SIMPLY SET UP, CONNECT AND PRODUCE CLEAN ELECTRICIT Y em syst th a r Sola ed wi in on omb ng stati c gi c char r electri fo les ehic v
Open the catalog to page 1
The world's first all-in-one solar system combined with a charging station for electric vehicles S HO W W H AT YO U S TA ND F OR . A ND S W I T C H T O E-MOBIL I T Y. To generate clean solar power and promote emission-free mobility at the same time – that is the idea behind smartflower POP-e. It combines the unique all-in-one solar system with a high-performance charging station for electric vehicles. With its 18 m² fan of solar modules smartflower POP-e generates an average of approx. 4,000 kWh/a* of power – up to 40% more than a roof-mounted system of a comparable size. The electricity is...
Open the catalog to page 2All Smartflower catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
smartflower POP+
2 Pages
smartflower POP
24 Pages