Catalog excerpts
Content by Applica on Structural Strengthening Epoxy Resin Grouts EGM-60 EGM-100 EGM-100S ElasticConcrete ElasticEpoxyGrout Visilewaterfastpluggingepoxygrout Structural Strengthening Cement-based precision grouts PremixedNonShrinkcementGrout AnchoringGrout CementitiousGroutforoshorewindpower UHPC Cablegrout CGM-320Abearinggroutingmaterial
Open the catalog to page 2QUALITY MAKES TRUST TRUST MAKES BRAND China-JapaneseTechnologyExchangecertificate Constructionadhesivecommercemembercerticate ConstructionGrouting&SeepageControlAssociationmembercerticate Top500ChineseBuildingMaterialCompanies TopTenInuentialBrands-Sino-sina New,distinctive,specializedandsophisticatedenterprise
Open the catalog to page 3Premixed Non Shrink cement Grout DISCRIPTION Non-Shrink grouting material is blended through a special procedure by specially selected cementitious material, carefully selected fine aggregate and admixture. It owns the characteristics of high flow, nonshrinkage, early strength and high strength. Functionally they are divided into two categories include four products: High strength, Extra early strength. PRODUCT HIGHLIGHT 1. Evaporated enlargement system compensates for shrinkage and settlement within the plastic stat. 2. No bronze iron content to cause staining. 3. Pre-packed material...
Open the catalog to page 4*represents the value of slump expansion degree. CGM high-strength non-shrinkage grouting products with corresponding characteristics can be selected according to engineering needs. The compressive strength of Antifreeze type is tested at -10°C. The anti-corrosion type is suitable for the equipment foundation of coastal ports, salt fields, and areas with severe salt erosion, and the secondary grouting of steel structure column foot foundation. Unit dosage: about 2200kg-2400kg/m³. 1.CBGM cement grouting material used for winter construction should meet the requirements of Table 1 and Table 2...
Open the catalog to page 5Anchoring Grout APPLICATION 1. Take out the old road studs, clean up the dust and debris in the holes of the road studs and moisten the holes. 2. Use a squeegee (round head) to hold the bottom of the anchoring frame, and place the anchoring frame The product is an inorganic mixed material, which has the characteristics of fast hardening, high strength, micro expansion, cold operation construction and no pollution to the environment. Eliminates the need to boil and heat the sulphur anchoring spikes to avoid the possibility of cracks in the concrete sleepers and bridge sleepers due to local...
Open the catalog to page 6Cementitious Grout for offshore TECHNICAL DATA wind power Used for grouting of ducts in offshore wind power stations DISCRIPTION CBGM high-strength non shrinkage grouting material for wind power is mainly used for ultra-high strength cement-based grouting of onshore wind turbine. It is a non shrinkage cement-based grouting. After mixing with water, it produces uniform, flowable and pumpable grouting material with high early strength and final strength. The product has high fatigue resistance. The best cementitious material accumulation model and the grouting material produced under the...
Open the catalog to page 7Ultra-high performance CONSTRUCTION PROCESS concrete-UHPC 8. The concrete surface contacted by cement-based grouting materials shall be fully roughened. Before a special engineering cement-based grout with ultra-high grouting, the equipment base plate and concrete foundation surface in contact with grouting materials shall strength, toughness and high durability be cleaned without loose gravel, laitance, floating ash, oil stain, wax, etc. The foundation concrete surface shall be fully wetted 24 hours before grouting, and the ponding shall be removed 1 hour before grouting. 9. During...
Open the catalog to page 8WEGM-60 Waterborne Epoxy Resin Grouting 1.UHPC's high-strength performance can reduce the size of structural parts and obtain more usable space. UHPC can be used to build bridges with longer spans and larger headroom; it can reduce the crosssectional dimensions of the bottom-layer columns in high-rise buildings and obtain more usable area. 2.UHPC's high tensile strength and corrosion resistance ability can be used to make oil and gas pipelines, which can replace the high-cost large-diameter thick-walled steel pipes, therefore, significantly improves pipeline durability is significantly...
Open the catalog to page 9EGM-100 Epoxy resin grout TECHNICAL DATA High-strength, high-adhesion epoxy resin grouting material with good fluidity DISCRIPTION EGM-100 epoxy resin grout includes three components, i.e. A (resin), B (hardener) and C (filler). The product uses high-quality resin and refined filler, with 100% solid content. It does not contain volatile substances and other harmful solvents to the human body, etc. It can be used after the three components contained in each group of epoxy resin grout are completely mixed at room temperature without additional ingredients. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY PRODUCT...
Open the catalog to page 10TECHNICAL DATA CONSTRUCTION PROCESS ■ Mixing: 1) Use a portable mixer (200-250rpm) to fully mix A (resin) and B (hardener) for about 3 minutes;2) Add C (fller) into the low-speed and high-power mixer (15-20rpm) to mix it with the mixture of A and B. Stir fully until theaggregate joint is infiltrated, and it will take about 5-10 minutes.3) n order to ensure the fuidity of the mixture when the temperature is low, the amount of C (fller) can be appropriatelireduced (max1/2 material can be reduced). ■ Grouting: 1) The grouting should be grouted from one side to the other; it can be squeezed but...
Open the catalog to page 11EGM-100S Underwater Epoxy Resin Grouting TECHNICAL DATA Parameters of underwater epoxy grouting material Special for Fiberglass Sleeve DISCRIPTION Underwater fiberglass sleeve is mainly used to repair and strengthen the structural foundation, wharf pile foundation and pier column (including concrete pile, steel column and wood pile) with various diseases such as corrosion, scouring, concrete falling off and reinforcement leakage, as well as the pre protection of new Apply sealant > lnstall the fiberglass sleeve > lnstall fastening strap > Install stainless steel nails installation of bottom...
Open the catalog to page 12All Sino-sina building materials co. catalogs and technical brochures
bearing grouting material
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Cable grout
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Elastic Epoxy Grout
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Elastic concrete
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Anchoring Grout
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Cementitious grout admixture
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fiber mesh-SINA-SINO-CFM/I
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Carbon Fiber Adhesive-JGN802
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28 Pages