Cetol WV 885 BPD+
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Cetol WV 885 BPD+ - 1

5ikkEn5WOOD COATINGS Cetol WV 885 BPD+ Product description Waterborne impregnation (fluid timber protecting agent) for a protection against blue stain fungi and rot of none staically subjected wooden constructions without earth contact (windows, shutters, pergola, claddings etc.), exterior. - ready to use - deep penetration - good run-off properties - neutral odour Drying times Drying at 23 °C / 50 % R.H. Dust dry: after approx. 60 minutes Recoatable: after approx. 4 - 6 hours waterborne Cleaning of equipment Clean directly after use with water, if needed with washing up liquid or with ST 830. Storage A dipping tank containing material must be covered correctly and stirred or circulated regulary. The minimum storage stability of sealed containers is 2 years. Storage temperature: +5 - +30 °C. After ending of the storage time the product still can be usable, but some attributes may vary from new product. Therefore such over-stored product has to be applied with special attention. Opened cans must be sealed correctly! Store in a cool but frost-protected area. Disposal Only residue emptied cans can be disposed via recycling. Liquid wastes must be disposed of according to national regulations or according to EU-disposal key 03 02 02. Hazard identification In accordance with EC guide lines - Material safety data sheet, point 15. Warning The Impregnation serves as a protection of none statically subjected wooden constructions without earth contact, exterior, against blue stain and rot according to DIN 68800, part 3. Not for use with wood which has got direct contact with food or food preparation. Only for the use of qualified enterprises Dipping tanks or reservoirs: when using metal reservoirs, we recommend using None rusting steel i.e. V2A, the use of other materials can lead to corrosion. Biocide products must be handled carefully Before use, read the identification and product information. Even when working with low emission products one should take care of the customary protection measures. Not to be used near waterways. The fluid must not entre water. Wood preservatives contain biozid substances for the protection against pest control. They are only to be used according to instructions and in permitted working areas. Misuse can lead to a hazard to health. General instructionsThe wood moisture content for the application of Sikkens coating systems should be between 12 % and 15 %. According to the guidelines for window coating systems, published by the Federal German Committee for Paint and Material Value Protection (Instruction Leaflet No. 18), of VOB, Part C, DIN 18363, and the recommendations of the German Institute for Window Technology e.V. in Rosenheim, all wooden constructions in buildings must be coated on all sides with at least one primer and one intermediate coat (minimum dry film thickness 30 |jm) before they are incorporated in buildings. The choice and use of the coating system, especially the colour shade, should also be taken into account. Darker shades can increase the surface temperature (up to 80 C). For use in a technical industrial companies and exclusively released for Sikkens systems recomondations. VOC guideline Out of scope. Relevant information The the denibbing process may only be made after the following coating system. The here mentioned coating system is only an example, other systems are possible. Akzo Nobel Industrial Coatings Ltd Unit 4a, Mercer Way, Shadsworth Bus Pk Akzo Nobel Industrial Coatings Ltd Unit 4a, Mercer Way, Shadsworth Bus Pk Akzo Nobel Wood Coatings GmbH Dusseldorfer StraGe 96-100 UNITED KINGDOM Rep of IRELAND GERMANY Blackburn, Lancs, BB12QZ Blackburn, Lancs, BB12QZ D-40721 Hilden 1/2 generated: 20.06.2017 last change: 07.09.2016

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Cetol WV 885 BPD+ - 2

All external materials (i.e. fillers, tapes, sealing compounds, cleaners) must be checked for compatibility with the coating system before use. Please observe the relevant Technical Data Sheets or seek advice from the Sikkens sales representative or contact the technical centre. Foam formation during application can be reduced by using defoamer WV 890. For information concerning the dosage, please see the relevant Technical Data Sheet. Coating recommendation All waterborne and solventborne paint systems can be used on the well dried impregnation. If a separate rot impregnation system is not...

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