Catalog excerpts

Siemens Gamesa 5.X Reaching new heights
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Siemens Gamesa technology with benchmark performance and proven reliability SG 6.6-155 and SG 6.6-170: Siemens Gamesa next-generation solutions conceived to deliver an outstanding value proposition for our customers Imagine how the future becomes present to take wind energy to the next level At Siemens Gamesa, we strive to anticipate opportunities in an increasingly discerning market. Our wind technology expertise, backed by more than 40 years of experience and over 114 GW installed throughout the world, equips us with the right tools for imagining the future, making it present and taking...
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SG 6.6-155 and SG 6.6-170 turbines mean greater AEP per wind turbine and optimized CAPEX for the project. This is also due to their versatility, with a modular, flexible design for maximum ease of logistics, construction and O&M, as well as reducing the OPEX, which results in a lower Cost of Energy for projects. Benchmark in power output and rotor size Siemens Gamesa 5.X goes one step further to become the new generation platform that combines a flexible power rating from 5.6 MW to 6.6 MW with two of the largest rotor diameters in the market, 155 and 170 meters, resulting in maximum...
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Spain P. Tecnológico de Bizkaia, edif. 222 48170 Zamudio, Vizcaya Calle Ramírez de Arellano, 37 28043 Madrid Avda. Ciudad de la Innovación, 9-11 31621 Sarriguren, Navarra Australia Herring Road 160, Macquarie Park Sydney, NSW 2113 Finland Tarvonsalmenkatu 19 FI-02600 Espoo Italy Centro Direzionale Argonauta Via Ostiense 131/L, Corpo C1 9° piano, 00154 Roma Singapore Siemens Center 60 MacPherson Road Singapore 348615 885 Mountain Highway Melbourne, VIC 3153 France Immeuble le Colisée Bâtiment A – 2 ème étage 10 avenue de l’Arche 92419 Courbevoie South Africa Siemens Park Halfway House 300...
Open the catalog to page 4All SIEMENS GAMESA catalogs and technical brochures
SG 8.0-167 DD
2 Pages
SG 11.0-200 DD
3 Pages
SG 14-222 DD
3 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
SG 2.9-129
4 Pages
SG 5.0-132
4 Pages
SG 3.4-132
4 Pages
SG 2.6-114
4 Pages
SG 2.2-122
4 Pages
SG 2.1-114
4 Pages
4 Pages
16 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
D6 Platform
8 Pages
SICAM General
232 Pages
Bolted Steel Shell Toweer
2 Pages
High Wind Ride Through
2 Pages
2 Pages
Lightning Protection System
2 Pages
Turbine Load Control
2 Pages
16 Pages
8 Pages
10 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
8 Pages