Catalog excerpts

Interior use only soap‐and‐wate er cleanup Easy s Produ uces stone‐like e finishes Highly y chemical resistant DUCT DESCRIPT TION PROD H&C® ® SHIELD‐CRETE® Water‐Base ed Epoxy Garag ge Floor Coating is a two par rt epoxy kit tha at is durable as s it is beautiful. ® SHIELD‐CRETE® is the simple way to give c concrete H&C® surfac ces a professio onal‐looking fin nish at a fractio on of the cost. With easy applicatio on, this durable coating resis sts chemical age caused by g gasoline, brake e fluid and stan nding water. dama FITS FEATURES & BENEF W Water‐Based Fo ormulation for r Easy Application and C Clean‐Up H Hard, Durable S Surface, Resist ts Wear and Pe eeling for Long L Lasting Beauty S Superior Adhes sion, Resists Ho ot Tire Pick‐Up p H High Gloss Epoxy with Showroom Quality A Appearance A Advanced Polymer Technolog gy OMMENDED US SES RECO In add dition to garag ge floors, H&C® ® SHIELD‐CRETE® Water‐ Based d Epoxy Garage e Floor Coating g can be used o on all interior concr rete flooring in ncluding basem ment floors, lau undry room floors s, storage areas, commercial floors and warehouse floors s. It can n also be applie ed to covered e exterior concre ete, such as patios and landings. ERAGE RATE COVE Single e kit: 200 to 250 square feet t – or a typical one‐car garage e – dep pending on the e porosity of the substrate. JOBSITE TEST SECTI ION Due t to the wide var riety of substra ates, preparation methods, and e environments, it is important t to test the pro oduct in an incon nspicuous spot for adhesion a and compatibil lity prior to full‐ scale application. TATIONS LIMIT Do no ot apply H&C® SHIELD‐CRETE E® to outdoor s surfaces expos sed to direct su unlight. UV exp posure may cause the color t to fade o over time. H&C Products Group e 101 W. Prospect Avenue Clevela and, Ohio 44115 H&C C® SHIEL LD‐CRETE E® WAT TER‐BASED EPOX XY G GARAGE E FLOOR COATIN NG ACE PREPARAT TION SURFA Bare C Concrete: Allow w newly poure ed concrete to cure at least 28 day ys before apply ying product. C Concrete surfa aces should be able to o absorb wate er. To test abso orption, spray v various sectio ons of the surfa ace to be staine ed with water. . If the water not absorb rap pidly, then acid d etch the surfa ace using does n H&C™ ™ CONCRETERE EADY™ Etching g Solution, follo owing label instru ctions. After p proper etching g, the surface should feel like rit sandpaper. If not, then et tch again. Mechanical 120‐gr abrasiion methods m may be necessa ary to achieve proper profile. . Do no ot apply SHIELD D‐CRETE® until all surfaces ar re porous. Allow all surfaces to o dry at least 24 4 hours before e applying E® Water‐Based Epoxy Garag ge Floor H&C® SHIELD‐CRETE ng. Prepared co oncrete must h have a pH of 6 to 10. Coatin Surfac ce must be clea an, dry, and fre ee of dirt greas se, oil and other contaminates. ng and Previou usly Painted Co oncrete: Apply ying SHIELD‐ Existin CRETE ® epoxy over t E these coatings actually cause es SHIELD‐ CRETE ® epoxy to pul E ll the other coa atings off the f floor, creating an uns sightly delamin nation. Scrape or sand off an ny surface debris s, such as putty y, paint* or oily y dirt, so that t the surface is smoot th and even. U Using a pressure washer or a hose with a high‐p pressure nozzle e, flush the ent tire area with w water to remov ve any loose di irt and debris f from the surface. Older, staine ed, or highly po olished concret te may need to o be sanded or r cleane ed with a wire brush prior to cleaning to pr romote adhes sion. Patch and d repair any existing cracks us sing H&C™ CONC CRETEREADY™ Quick Patch an nd Repair to fill low spots and d ease note that t patching compounds will spalle d concrete. Ple through clear c coatings. gener ally be visible t *WARN NING: Removal of old paint by sandi ing, scraping or other means may generat te dust or fumes t hat contain lead. T To avoid exposure e to lead dust, wear pr roper protective e equipment, such as a properly fitted respirator (NIOSH H approve ed) and follow pro oper containment and cleanup procedures. For more informa ation, call the Natiional Lead Informa ation Center at 1‐8 800‐424‐LEAD (in U.S.) or r contact your loca al health authority y. ously Coated S SHIELD‐CRETE®Epoxy Floors: Make sure the e Previo ® SHIELD D‐CRETE ep
Open the catalog to page 1
pole or orbital buffing equipment. Vacuum, sweep or tact mop off any sanding dust that is created, as this dust can prevent proper adhesion of the SHIELD‐CRETE® coating. Cleaning and Degreasing: Add the enclosed package of cleaner/degreaser to 2 gallons of water in a pail and mix until the powder is dissolved. Spread the solution over the area to be coated using a broom or mop and allow it to soak for 10 to 15 minutes to emulsify the oils and grease in the surface. Thoroughly scrub the entire surface with a stiff‐bristle broom ...
Open the catalog to page 2
MAINTENANCE SHIELD‐CRETE® Epoxy surfaces are easy to maintain through periodic mopping with a household detergent solution and rinsing with clear water. Harsh cleaners (especially those containing ammonia) should not be used. Do not use wax strippers as this may damage your floor. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Typical Physical Properties and Characteristics Property Test Method Value Dry Time (@ 77°F, 50% RH) Dry‐to‐touch Light traffic (foot) Heavy traffic Recoat Flash Point VOC Static Coefficient of Friction Perm Rating Sheen Solids by Volume ...
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PART B COLOR HARDENER (Pewter‐ 21.103200, Beige ‐21.103300, Firebrick Red‐ 21.103400, Ivory ‐21.103500, Night Sky‐ 21.103600) CAUTION! CONTAINS AMINE. Use only with adequate ventilation. To avoid overexposure, open windows and doors or use other means to ensure fresh air entry during application and drying. If you experience eye watering, headaches, or dizziness, increase fresh air, or wear respiratory protection (NIOSH approved) or leave the area. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wash hands after using. Keep container closed when ...
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