Catalog excerpts

Sherwin Williams. 107.05PRAll Surface Enamel Interior/Exterior Latex Primer A41W01210 color: Coverage: Strength Sher-Color characteristics All Surface Enamel Primer is designed for use on interior and exterior, Iron & Steel, Aluminum, Galvanizing. This high quality primer provides corrosion resistant, flash rust resistance and is fast drying. Interior & Exterior for use on these surfaces: • Aluminum • Iron • Galvanized • Steel White 350 - 400 sq ft/gal @ 4.0 mils wet; 1.5 mils dry Drying Time, @ 77°F, 50% RH: temperature and humidity dependent Touch: 1 hour Flash Point: N/A Finish: Flat specifications Aluminum 1 cts. All Surface Enamel Latex Primer 2 cts. All Surface Latex Enamel Galvanized Steel 1 cts. All Surface Enamel Latex Primer 2 cts. All Surface Latex Enamel iron 1 ct. All Surface Enamel Latex Primer 2 cts. All Surface Latex Enamel Steel 1 ct. All Surface Enamel Latex Primer 2 cts. All Surface Latex Enamel Other acceptable topcoats include architectural water based acrylic coatings surface preparation WARNING! Removal of old paint by sanding, scraping or other means may generate dust or fumes that contain lead. Exposure to lead dust or fumes may cause brain damage or other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women. Controlling exposure to lead or other hazardous substances requires the use of proper protective equipment, such as a properly fitted respirator (NIOSH approved) and proper containment and cleanup. For more information, call the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (in US) or contact your local health authority. Remove all surface contamination by washing with an appropriate cleaner, rinse thoroughly and allow to dry. Existing peeled or checked paint should be scraped and sanded to a sound surface. Glossy surfaces should be sanded dull. Stains from water, smoke, ink, pencil, grease, etc. should be sealed with an appropriate primer/sealer. Recognize that any surface preparation short of total removal of the old coating may compromise the service length of the system. A41W01210 VOC (less exempt solvents): <50 g/L; .42 lb/gal As per 40 CFR 59.406 and SOR/2009-264, s.12 Volume Solids: Weight Solids: Weight per Gallon:
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Sherwin Williams. 107.05PRAll Surface Enamel Interior/Exterior Latex Primer A41W01210 surface preparation Aluminum & Galvanizing Wash to remove any oil, grease, or other surface contamination using a water based cleaner-degreaser. Remove all corrosion with sandpaper, wire brush or other abrading method. Prime the area the same day as cleaned. Self priming. Iron, Steel Rust and mill scale must be removed using sandpaper, wire brush or other abrading method. Bare steel must be primed the same day as cleaned. Previously Painted Surfaces If in sound condition, clean the surface of all foreign...
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