Catalog excerpts
Aquatic center gets new membrane for greater enjoyment in ail seasons By modltying a Portomod tension structure wtth a new outermembrane and llner of Shelter-Rite'® fab* rte by Seaman Corporation, the Singleton Aquatic Centre now has superlor protection trom wintry weather, contrlbutlng to efforts to mahe the swlnv mlng faclllty surtable lorall seasons. The center, located in Singleton NSW, Australia, houses a heated 25-meter indoor pool toddler pool and assoclated facilltios. A 30-meter wall ma de of 10 roll-up modules can be easiry opened to invite the natural summer warmth. or closed to wlthstand wlntiy cold VESL Tension Span created an outer membrane of Seaman's Shelter-RIte fluoropolymer coated PVC/polyester fabrlc and an Inner llner of Shelter-RIte aciylte PVC/polyester fabrtc, effectively doubllng the Insulatlon factor There are also aesthetic and functlonal advantages. At nlgfit the dual membranes' translucency adds Impact to the structure, whlch actually glows attractlvely llke a lampshade. In the datflme. elther sunny or cloudy conditions create a soft, shadow-free Interlor lightlng that Is sufficlent to ellmlnate the need for arttflclal lighting» VESL sakl Seaman's lluoropolymer coated fabrlc also was Idal because of Its longterm self-cleanlng membrane surfaces. To further minimize maintenance and extend the life of the structure, ail extra steetwork was hot dip gatvanlzed and finished with quallty polyurethane. Client Singleton Aquatic Centre Outer membrane fabrtc; Sbetter^Wte* 8032 MW fluoropotymer coated pol>ester relnfoiced PVC ty Seaman Inner membrane fabrk;: Shelter-RIte acrytlc FVC/p<tfyester by Seaman Project Manager PPK Environmental atfon and InstaBatiort VESL Tension Span Designer: KM Lambert at VESL Tension Span Sh6)t«Mtt» i$ a i&gbttnxl tradamark al Soaman Cofpcradon 0 1998 Seaman Corporation gf SlwltcrlUtv 1000 Ventuie Blvd, Wooster, OH 4469 Phone 330*262-1111 Tol-free In USA 800-927*857 Fax 330-263-6950 wwwarchltcturalfabricscom
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