Natural Material Panel
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Catalog excerpts

Natural Material Panel - 2

RW-18009 Reclaimed elm wood » effect paint (345mn x 430im x 10mm) Material: Various reclaimed wood Finish: Lacquered RW-1708 Ancient ship wood + effect paint (300™ x 30Onn x 15™) s \ RW-18008 Reclaimed elm wood (345mn x 430mm x lOmri) PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS: Moisture resistant, water resistant, machinabiIity. paintabiIity.indoor, outdoor, wet area RECLAIMED WOOD are reclaimed natural material, variations in color, texture and grain may occur due to the nature of the material. Holes, uneven surfaces, peeled surfaces, rough surfaces and color differences are characteristics and shall not be...

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Natural Material Panel - 3

WEATHERED BARNWOOD™ moisture resistant er water resistant Ef flame retardant CD machinability 0 paintability 0 usage suitability RU-21 (W110mm x 15mm thick) RU-22 (W110mm x 15mm thick) RU-23 (WSOmm x 15mm thick) ’Barrevood are reclaimed n«wai material, venations »n color, texture and grain may occur duo to the nature of the material Hdes. ixmen solaces, peeled surfaces and rough surfaces er>a color difference are ctractenstics of bamwood 8rd shai not be treated as manufacturing ctefectv

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Natural Material Panel - 4

RECLAIMED WOOD™ moisture resistant £Zf water resistant O flame retardant O machinabitity er pamtabihty usage suitability W "□ □“ Bamboo and many forms of wood are natural material found in most tropical countries and commonly used as raw material to produce handicrafts and souvenirs However, at Senes Supplies we think differently, we had made full use of all the natural materials and their aesthetic properties to create our very own range of Handmade Panel and successfully bringing nature indoors These innovative and natural wall panels are made from solid forest thinning and then fixed to...

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Natural Material Panel - 5

RECLAIMED WOOD™ moisture resistant 0 water resistant D flame retardant D machinability 2f pamtability as usage suitability •Reclamed woo ere m ale from venous natiral materia' variations :n cclor. teotire and yen may ocow <»je lo tt» nature ot tne mSena Holes uneven surfaces, oee»ed surfaces and rougti surfaces color Offerer*© are cwactensBos of reclamed wood ana snai not be rested as manufacturing defects

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Natural Material Panel - 6

FINGERWOOD PANEL™ water resistant flame retardant A finger joint, also known as a comb or box joint, is a woodworking joint made by cutting a set of complementary rectangular cuts in two pieces of wood, which are then glued To visualize a finger joint simply interlock the fingers of your hands at a ninety-degree angle, hence the name '“finger joint.*' It is stronger than a butt joint or lap joint, and often contributes to the aesthetics appearance of the piece The appearance of the Fingerjoint Panel makes it a classic for any kitchen Whether the kitchen is modem or traditional, the...

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Natural Material Panel - 7

moisture resistant water resistant TREE BRANCH PANEL □ flame retardant CD machinabitity as payability usage suitability m □ □ Our Tree Branch Panels brings life and nature to modem interior design and architecture with the desire to actively seek creative applications of reclaimed natural matenals. The natural matenals are used to produce our eco-fnendly products and make a vanety of applications possible for any commercial or residential project as feature wall, feature ceiling , wall cladding , furniture , fixtures , door panels

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Natural Material Panel - 8

ANCIENT SHIPWOOD™ moislure resistant Bf water resistant iZf fame retardant D machmabihty 0 payability Ef usage suitability 0 0 0 Ancient Shipwood is unrivaled in its beauty and uniqueness A product of nature, every piece is recycled from the wood of ships that has been around for years The durability of such reclaimed old growth timber is difficult to match, and the one-of-a-king character is unparalleled. We are giving old wood new life, helping to preserve forest by bypassing virgin woods for perfectly usable antique wood.

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Natural Material Panel - 9

COCOHUSK PANEL™ Mtito exWrax mi im moisture resistant 0 wafer resistant D flame retardant D machinability 0 paintability □ usage suitability 0 □ □ •cocorul husks are neural material. variations in color, texture and gran may occur due to the nature of the ran material art shall net be treated as manufactunng defects ertor difference may also occur m afferent batch of production

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Natural Material Panel - 10

CAPIZ & RIVERSHELL PANEL™ moisture resistant tzr water resistant D (lame retardant CD machinability £Zf payability CD usage suitability Capiz shells are one of the most popular sea shell component and specimen and natural material that is used in home wall decor and interior wall covering design of your home, building or offices Being beautiful and elegant, interior designers choose Capiz for wall covenngs and surfacing. Capiz shells are carefully processed to make beautiful Capiz tiles and wall panels, natural wall covering, natural wall surfacing, interior wall covering ideas, shell wall...

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All SERIES SUPPLIES catalogs and technical brochures


    37 Pages

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  3. Grille Panel

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  4. Wave Panel

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  5. Hang Grille

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  6. Soft-Stone

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  7. DP-429

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  8. DP-426

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  9. DP-421

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  10. DP-331

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  11. EW-682

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  12. EW-681S

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  13. EW-563

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  14. EW-562S

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  15. EW-561

    1 Pages

  16. EW-560S

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  17. EW-559

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  18. EW-558

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  19. EW-557

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  20. EW-336

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  21. EW-335

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  22. GMS-44

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  23. GMS-55

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  24. GM-22

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  25. GM-16

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  26. GM-15

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  27. GM-14

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  28. GM-13

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  29. ASW-55Q

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  30. ASW-54L

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  31. ASW-51A

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  32. ASW-21T

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  33. ALP-903

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  34. ALC-921

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  43. V47-001

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  44. scg-822

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  46. EL-2006

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Archived catalogs

  1. ALC-922

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  2. EL - 422

    1 Pages

  3. EL- 2006

    1 Pages

  4. ys-018

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  5. el-406-414

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  6. z-0009

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  7. z-0049

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  8. y-023

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  9. k-0003

    1 Pages

  10. cp-341

    1 Pages

  11. cp-331

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